Musings from the divine to invoke your feminine power, summon your divine feminine energy, and reveal the many faces of the Goddess within you.

What if…
What if the beat of my heart, was enough. What if the air dancing in and out of my body, was enough. What if my chest and belly, rising and falling, were enough. What if the current of blood riding through my veins, was enough. What if gravity swaddling me close to the earth, was enough. What if the sun rising and falling, the moon waxing and waning, the ocean undulating, the stars glistening, the flowers blooming and dying, were all enough…

Pussy Fire Prayer.
The feminine is sensual and erotic in nature. It’s vulnerable, tender, and fierce all in one. It shapeshifts, dances, and changes with the colors of the wind. The seasons. The cycles. The moons.
This sensuality requires a fire to be set free. Like a sequoia spreading its seeds. This sensuality requires a fierceness that creates the safety to let go. It requires a container it can trust…

Power, authority, and becoming our own teacher.
As much as we long to be empowered women, we often don’t realize our power is at our fingertips and we are the ones who are not claiming it.
How much power do you give away by a longing to be understood? By longing to be liked? How much power do you give away through not holding your boundaries? To your lack of time management and by doing too much? How much power do you give away through empathy, guilt, and feelings of obligation?
Where have you given your sovereignty away for a false sense of security?

The women are rising.
The women are rising. I can feel it. The grandmothers are humming in my bones. The women are rising from the slumber of their wild selves who have been subdued into passive compliance for far too long.
The physical shackles of oppression may have been loosened over time, but they have been replaced with holographic chains of shame and lies keeping us small. Lies that have made us believe our true nature is unnatural, tainted, and unworthy.

How your passion for life is dependent upon your feminine fire.
We live in a world that has taught us that it is greedy and selfish to have a strong drive to pursue lavish desires. We've been taught that a passion for life is a luxury. We've been taught that it's shameful to acknowledge or embrace our radiance. We’ve been taught that sacrifice and struggle are required to receive and that it is the struggle that grants us worth and permission.
Women have been taught to think being the martyr is honorable. But what if we’ve all been tricked into giving ourselves away because our empowerment is feared?
Once we realize the power of our light, we can’t be controlled because we wouldn’t dare dim it.

Feminine energy is twofold: How to become whole.
The beauty and magic of feminine energy is a constant dance of transmutation between dark and light that leads to transcendence over and over again.
It is a lifelong dance of embracing this twofold nature. Each aspect is multifaceted and vast. It is a polarity of external embrace drinking in the pleasure and beauty of the tangible world and then shifting deep within to the canyons of our psyche and the wisdom that is bone-deep beyond our own.

Restoring your divine feminine energy.
Our divine feminine energy is of receptivity and stillness. Our divine feminine energy is of non-doing. Our divine feminine energy needs a container to rest and simply be - otherwise our feminine power is lost.

Reclaiming your personal boundaries, is reclaiming your feminine power: Tuning into time.
Feminine power requires our wise woman to tune in. Until we see with clear, honest eyes how we are really running our lives, how we are really spending our energy, our time, and our energetic resources can we know how to reclaim our personal boundaries let alone the life we long to lead.

Feminine power and thinking small. Women’s 3 worst enemies.
As women, we have been blinded by the illusion of perfection, and we have been taught to think small.
We've been taught to be giving, needless, accommodating, and apologetic in nature. We’ve been taught that it's illegitimate to live a life following our wise-woman intuition and to play big.
It is time to take up some bold space ladies.

The process of grieving and the wild river of the heart.
Grief beckons us to surrender when all we can do is resist…
There is a time when blind faith is ignorant, and there is a time when it’s all we have. Learning to trust the unknown comes from making it through the unforeseeable. Moving big grief is a process of initiation as we face the darkest hour - surrendering to the flames, burning to dust, and rising like the Phoenix from the ashes.

The shameless woman.
The shameless woman has shed all bindings with guilt. She has shed all of the floundering residue of self doubt. Her breath expands within her, feeding a confidence and worth to take up space. She has loyalty to her radiance and will not dim her light to keep others comfortable.

Healing the divine masculine and sacred feminine: Inner union, inner marriage.
Healing the feminine, requires us to heal the wounds between the feminine and masculine inside of ourselves. This is inner union. This is inner marriage.
The masculine needs to be trusted in it’s assertion, and disciplined action - not feared that it’s abusive, or doing harm. The feminine’s felt sense, heart centered wisdom must be trusted, cherished, and honored - not feared that it’s invaluable or weak…

The story of an awakening woman.
The awakening woman is coming home to herself. The fire of her womb is beginning to crackle. Her passion and wild primal nature are beginning to pulse, and ignite, as it begins to burn away her apologetic nature.
She is reclaiming the truth of her boundaries, awakening to the depths at which she has been violating herself. She is shedding her willingness to set her needs aside, as the people-pleasing, likable, accommodating woman.

Feminine power and our magic as women.
This is when our power is unleashed. Nothing has power over us when our inner eyes, and inner ears are cracked open. We see through everything. Even our own shadows. Our own psyches can’t play us. The projections from others won’t kick us down. We can’t be tricked by the world around us that is encouraging us to play small, or to fit into a tiny little box. For we are awakened women. Once you see, you cannot unsee, and you are set free.

The Creatrix.
Our sexuality is an energetic awakening of the life force within us, and the Creatrix is when that energy has expanded so much that it's overflowing out and beyond. Pulsing between you and the universe.
You’re creativity is channeling the energy from the divine, and birthing it into expression. It's a life force moving through you as the conduit….

Unleashing our life force energy is awakening our kundalini energy.
Unleashing our life force energy is awakening our kundalini energy. It’s awakening every energy center within our beings, clearing, tending, and feeding our chi. It’s our vitality, our libido for life, and the awakening is opening from our roots to our crown. It’s awakening all of the life within us to move unrestrained.

Feminine Embodiment. LOVE your body.
Our bodies are movers of energy. They are conduits of the energy within, and around. They crave to be cherished, loved, and cared for as the sacred containers of our spirits that they are. They give us deep access to our heart, to our emotions, and to our spirit.
Our bodies are a source of awakening. Everything is energy. It needs to stay fresh, and it needs to move. Sometimes it will be still and calm, and sometimes it will move like wild water. But if it stagnates for too long dis-ease happens. When our hearts freeze, our bodies freeze. They depend on one another.

Open your heart beautiful woman, this is your feminine power.
Women have a huge a capacity to love, and we validly long and strive, to receive it equally as large. Do not hold it back. You are not needy or clingy. This is your divine design. It takes courage to honor these big hearts of ours because some will not be ready to meet us. And that’s okay.

Sexual energy is our feminine essence
The roots of sexuality go much deeper than acts of sex and orgasms. Reclaiming our sexuality as sexual energy — a sacred energy moving through us at all times as opposed to an act is an awakening in itself.

The myths of how to be feminine, and a woman’s longing to be desired.
“Women have come to a place where they desire being desired, more than they desire pleasure itself.” ~ Naomi Wolf
This is a powerful statement to take in, and brings us to the question of what it means to be desirable as a woman? How does this make women restrain themselves? And how does this ignite shame that makes women hide their true experiences from one another?