The shameless woman.

The story of a shameless woman.

A woman’s feminine fire cannot survive beneath the weight of shame and guilt, it cannot survive beneath the heaviness they sow upon her soul, and this is the medicine of the Shameless Woman.

The shameless woman has shed all of the floundering residues of self-doubt.

Her breath expands within her, feeding her confidence and worth to take up space. She has loyalty to her radiance and will not dim her light to keep others comfortable. Her heart is open and compassionate, and her purity is a strong (sometimes triggering) inspiring mirror to those on that path of embracing their worth, for she is shameless in hers.

She has spread her wings so wide, tasting the delight of her feminine freedom where shame and guilt cannot thrive. From here there is no turning back to playing small. She has shed all the shakiness of fearing her voice, her truth, and exposing her true nature.  She has found her home in her own skin and will never leave it behind again. 

She does not worry about being misunderstood, she does not fear speaking hard truths, and she does not fear the opinions of others. She does not abuse her power, so there is nothing to feel guilty or shameful about.

She has awakened to all the illusions that shame and guilt have instilled in women.

She has awakened to the ways shame and guilt have stopped her from claiming her own power.  She’s awakened to the ways in which they invoke us to imprison our own feminine spirits. Our hearts, our bodies, our sexual energy, our creative expression, and our intuition.

Shame and guilt make us believe we are not worthy in our natural state.

They make us believe our voices are not meant to be spoken. Shame and guilt make us believe our bodies are not meant to be loved, that they are not beautiful, and that pleasure is not meant to be experienced. Shame and guilt make us believe that we should not show our true colors and that our inner wisdom can’t be trusted.

The shameless woman knows better than this. Our feminine fire burns shame and guilt to the ground.

The shameless woman enjoys the pleasure of her female form.

She enjoys the pleasure of moving her hips, of feeling the earth beneath her bare feet, the wild waters on her skin, and the breeze against her cheeks. She embraces pleasure.  She drinks up pleasure. She unabashedly expresses her heart, body, sexuality, creative expression, and her innate womanly wisdom with full force. 

Her wisdom sees through the disempowerment of perfectionism. It sees through the disempowerment of taking on the weight of shame and guilt the world attempts to place upon us. She sees right through it. She knows the messiness of human evolution and human nature and does not feel shameful about her journey of trial and error, for this is how we all grow.

The shameless woman knows that moving through the fear that shame and guilt invoke, is our access to freedom. She knows that freedom lies on the other side of seeing through their attempt to keep us small, restrained, composed, and “lady-like”.

The shameless woman fed and driven by her feminine fire, embodies the force of her primal nature reclaiming the wild woman within. There is no room for shame or guilt in this embodiment and neither shame nor guilt can survive once they are seen for the tricksters that they are.

The shameless woman owns her mistakes, is humble in her shortcomings, is committed to growth, and does not compare herself to others because it is not relative to her truth, or her journey. She has grace with what does not come. She does not fear failure but embraces its teachings to make her better, to make her stronger, and to deepen her understanding. She is a woman of perseverance.

The shameless woman is assertive in going after what she wants, and in going after what she desires. Guilt and shame do not restrain her or her dreams. 

She is in right-relationship with her power and abundance and walks with awareness and gratitude. She does not worry she longs for too much, and she does not doubt her worth to receive.  She does not guilt about having more than others, because there will always be someone she has more than and less than. She knows the more full her cup is, the more she overflows, spilling out her soul medicine to the world around her - and this is her duty.  

The shameless woman does not allow others to feed on her light, and tell her to tone hers down.

She is not arrogant, she is a humble woman with deep self-respect, knowing that she is a sacred being who knows her worth, and has the right to chose her own boundaries. She is neither the enabler, the perpetrator, or the victim. And she will not be tricked by any of those roles. She does not give herself away to relationships that do not have reciprocity. 

She does not make any decisions influenced by shame or guilt — regarding her boundaries, her yes’s and no’s the people she spends time with, and the people she doesn’t. She has no shame or guilt in the opportunities she accepts or turns her back on.

She has awakened to all the ways in which she has oppressed herself in the past, in relationships, environments, and situations that were keeping her small. She has embraced the sacred matrimony of the sacred feminine and divine masculine within her, and she is empowered in her feminine nature. 

She is strong, grounded, and clear. Her energy is big, and she gracefully respects what falls away in her life, as she outgrows what once worked, what once resonated, and what once was.

This will happen. Our feminine fire is a force and it will not be received with ease by all. This is where our strength comes in as empowered women. This is where guilt and shame will bite the hardest. When our true colors, true opinions, big love, and big expression are rejected or triggers something in another - our love for ourselves must overpower the shame or guilt that rejection invokes. 

The shameless woman knows if she can’t be herself, and if she can’t honor her truth nothing else matters.

The shameless woman looks at the guilt and shame that has followed her throughout her life with the eyes of the divine mother, with the eyes of compassion, and understanding as she releases them and chooses to believe in and love herself full-heartedly. 

Her life’s work is to embrace this one precious life of hers and to be shamelessly committed to embodying it for all that it is worth.

With love,


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