Feminine power and thinking small. Women’s 3 worst enemies.

Perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and thinking small are three of women’s worst enemies. It is the complexity of these three illusions that blind us from our feminine power. It’s the complexity of the illusions that keep us from creating the life of our dreams into form.

You are a woman with a great capacity to thrive and accomplish. Where are you holding yourself back? Where do you go in circles, instead of spirals expanding exponentially? Where do you not think you are good enough, smart enough, qualified enough, or prepared enough? Where are you dreaming in relativity to what you think is possible, opposed to what you long to believe possible?

Trial and error equal growth. Perfectionism keeps us from trying which keeps us from making the errors that grant us the illumination and clarity needed to grow. Somebody will always know better than us and we will always know better than somebody else regarding whatever subject. 

No matter how unrealistic the dreams we dream may seem it doesn't matter. Anything is possible. And if it's never achieved - dreaming BIG is food for the soul. It's playful and inspiring, feeding the excitement and passion needed to strive for more. This is medicine for our divine feminine energy and feminine power.

A powerful woman has the ability to weave the seeds of dreams in the soil she has to work with to make magic. There is a difference between diligence and perfectionism. There is a difference between being humble with deep self-reverence, and ignorantly thinking one is invincible against all odds, or that one can manifest great abundance without actionable pursuit. 

There is a difference between dreaming big with the mindset that I will be happy when x, y, and z happens, opposed to dreaming big while rooted in immense gratitude for all that already is. The discernment between these polarities are lifelong lessons, and the sooner we tune into them the more our awareness can support us.

As women, we have been blinded by the illusion of perfection, and we have been taught to play small. We've been taught to be giving, needless, accommodating, and apologetic in nature. We’ve been taught that it's illegitimate to live a life following our intuition, and therefore not taught how to balance it with grounded action. It is time to stop thinking small and take up bold space.  

The only way to light the fire you need to make change is to honestly look at how playing small and timid, being apologetic and doubtful, and thinking you are not good enough or never thinking you are “ready”, has robbed you of creating the life of your dreams. 

It’s awakening to the reality that you aren’t truly pursuing your soul strings, and that you haven’t grasped the ability to cultivate your dream into a reality because you don’t believe in it - or maybe you just don’t believe in yourself. Until you accept the grief and the holy rage of this truth you will never light the fire needed to make a difference.

It’s not until we really realize the power of our divine feminine energy in its most authentic, uninhibited form that we can grieve what’s been lost or find this holy rage that is needed to retrieve the lost parts of our feminine soul. 

It is not until we realize just how powerful our minds and our beliefs about ourselves are and how these illusions have stolen our potential to live ecstatically, passionately and free, that will burn them to dust.

It’s not until we realize our feminine power has been hidden from us, that our fire will be lit to reclaim it.

Perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and thinking small not only inhibit us from achieving our goals and dreams, but they also begin to blur our truth. They being to blur what it is we truly long for. What we are truly passionate about. What we actually want becomes blurry, because somewhere we’ve been taught what we want is too much, too dreamy, can’t be accomplished, is selfish, childish, grandiose, or illegitimate. 

Until we stop denying our true desire, our desires can feed us with the inspiration to claim them. Our desires can’t reach us until we surrender to the truth inside of us. Until we know what we are longing for, we can’t see the ways in which we are holding ourselves back, shooting in the wrong direction, or how we are supporting or not supporting the pursuit.

Asking why we long for what we do, gets us to the roots of the truth. Often we subconsciously long for A because we think it will get us B, instead of recognizing B as the true longing. Or maybe we are shooting for A because we don’t think B is possible and A seems like the realistic choice. The Why can recalibrate our direction. The why can illuminate where we are thinking small, where there is fear, and where there is resistance from trusting the call of our heart and intuition.

Once we know what we desire we have to accept that getting there requires more than faith. Knowing your heartstrings and failing to grasp them and manifest them may be more painful than trying to find them. 

Many of us don’t have the boldness it takes. We don’t have the discipline, the willpower, or the so-called intelligence. We may be passionately fighting for our dreams but stuck in a whirlpool unable to find solid ground. This truth is hard to swallow and it’s also a rite of passage into our feminine power.

We all have access to boldness, discipline, willpower, and our form of powerful intelligence but most of us don’t believe that we do.  Our mind is so powerful. Even if we believe in our dreams and are pursuing them with all our might, the limitations of our mind and thinking small will stop us from making them a reality.

A woman unable to take the effective pursuit of the divine guidance moving through her is almost always due to the wounds of her mind. It’s almost always due to the wounded beliefs of her feminine power, her ability, truth, and worth. 

Maybe we’ve learned these limitations from experiences, from witnessing, from the media, or cultural messaging. Maybe we’ve learned this from our mothers, our fathers, our peers, and elders. 

Our feminine power in its true form is not reinforced prevalently.

It’s systemically oppressed and we have to claim this for ourselves. We need courage and self-trust. We need to honor our inner knowing, our inner wise one, and reclaim it for all of us.

Feminine power is a force and the demon of thinking small is actively feeding it, starving us, and the rest of the world from its grace. We are taught that our feminine power is weak, we deny it, and therefore lose access to it. The most painful part of this and the best part of this is that we’ve had it all along, it’s up to us to claim it. We have access to it. It is accessible. It’s the wounds we must heal that have separated us from realizing it.

We have learned from our experiences what’s possible but we’ll never grow beyond those preconceptions if we can’t let go and find some faith that there is more.  We can’t beat the odds if we don’t believe we can or that we’re worthy of beating the odds. We’ll never beat that odds if we can find the courage to receive beyond what we believe is possible. If we can’t release our attachment to being small because we fear being big, we’ll never break the cycle.

Perfectionism is fear. Thinking small is fear. Imposter syndrome is fear. Why are you afraid? Who taught you to be afraid? What taught you to be afraid? 

Where did you learn to believe divine feminine energy in it’s power is something that you can’t trust?

Imagine a woman with an open heart innocently and passionately in pursuit of its lustful desires of love and big dreams. She is unbelievably in love with her body, with not an ounce or curve of her she didn’t adore. She moves her body, shows her body, and expresses her body emanating this self-love, pursuing all the pleasures of this beautiful earthly world shamelessly. Her sexual energy is uninhibited, vulnerable, emotional, primal, and big. Her creative energy is uncontainable in all forms of expression radiating confidence in her embrace of it all. She lives her life led by her intuition that tells her to go against all odds and she never blinks an eye against it.

What have we been taught about this kind of woman? On some level, even if we know better, we have been taught that kind of heart is naive. We’ve been taught that type of self-love is vein and that pleasure-seeking is selfish. We’ve been taught that kind of sexual energy is shameful to express so uninhibitedly, that men will claim us as a sexual object and not care of our hearts, or that other woman will despise us for it. We’ve been taught creative expression is embarrassing and that following our intuition is invalid, childish, and irresponsible.

Perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and thinking small are all forms of fearing this energy.

We have been taught that this type of divine feminine energy is unacceptable, unloveable, and illegitimate.

Each of the energies in their purity built upon one another is food for our feminine souls. This divine feminine energy uninhibited is what feeds our power, it feeds our confidence and faith to pursue our dreams and express ourselves fully. It feeds joy. This energy unleashed is ecstasy, it’s what it means to be alive. And once you taste you can’t go back and your power is set free. Once you taste it, you don’t give a fuck about what anybody else thinks and you follow the call, you follow your soul, and you're free.

When we hold back this energy we are starving ourselves. We get depressed and anxious. We get sad. We have no fire to follow our passion and we live in a whirlpool of self-doubt, perfectionism, and thinking small. We feel small, we can’t get our footing. And we get stuck right in the muck of everything we don’t want to be.

How do we break the spell that has held our feminine power hostage?

We have to actively feed ourselves with this type of divine feminine energy until the current is big enough it takes it to a point of no return. 

We have to honor our hearts, love our bodies, and have the courage to explore the true nature of sexuality. We have to have the courage to reveal our magic, our gifts, our essence to the world, and we have to have faith in the wisdom in our bones. We have to actively be courageous in claiming our true essence.

We have to constantly reinforce our feminine power to ourselves. We have to constantly reinforce our worth, our talents, our gifts, and how far we have come. We have to constantly reinforce self-compassion and self-love. We have to constantly remind ourselves of our beauty, our kindness, and our strength. 

If we do not feed ourselves with the truth of these confirmations constantly our fire dims, and dims and we lose our power to pursue our dreams. The world loses our dreams. Our dreams are a thread of the collective dream, what’s lost in you is lost in all of us.  

When we feed our confidence we can keep going. When we believe in ourselves we can keep going. When we reassure ourselves we can keep going.  We need other women to do this with us. We need to teach one another, witness and receive from one another and show one another.

I write this today as an inspiration to BE BIGGER. To dream BIGGER, to open your eyes to the WHY of your longings,  to the why of your fears, and to inspire you to truly go after them. And I write this today as the courage to love yourself for all those parts you're afraid of. 

I write this today in hopes to awaken you to your beauty, your potential, and your feminine power.

We get one shot to go all in.

Until next time, lots of love,


Invoke the Goddess.
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    Reclaiming your personal boundaries, is reclaiming your feminine power: Tuning into time.


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