Pussy Fire Prayer.

The feminine is sensual and erotic in nature.

It’s vulnerable, tender, and fierce all in one.

It shapeshifts, dances, and changes with the colors of the wind.

The seasons.

The cycles.

The moons.

This sensuality requires a fire to be set free.

Like a sequoia spreading its seeds.

This sensuality requires a fierceness that creates the safety to let go.

It requires a container it can trust.

The wildfire of our kundalini energy is what sets this sensual nature free.

Pussy fire. Feminine fire. Shakti fire.

The serpent uncoiling from our roots.

This fire is what makes us feel safe.
In our truth.

In our boundaries.

In our radiance.

This fire is what allows us to soften.

To let go.

To trust.

And to surrender.

This fire is what ignites our passion.

This fire is what feeds the wild woman within.

It's this fire that will not settle for you playing small.

It’s this fire that will show you your worth.

It's this fire that illuminates your radiance.

And burns your inhibitions to dust.

It is this fire that shakes out the density of fear.

It’s this fire that unlocks the chains of guilt, of shoulds, and coulds.

The heaviness of depression.

The weight of grief.

The flatness of a passionless spirit.

Pussy fire is the fire of the Divine Feminine.

Pussy fire is the fire of the Goddess.

It’s the fire of the Goddess who is here for






It’s the fire of the Goddess who is here for





It's the fire of the Goddess who will awaken your libido.

Awaken your womb.

Awaken your rage.

Awaken your warrior and your inner child.

It's the fire of the Goddess that will awaken you to pleasure.

To glory and beauty.

To joy.

To the roar of laughter and light-heartedness.

To innocence, passion, and shamelessness.

It is this fire that awakens the many faces of the Goddess.

The many archetypes.

The many facets and tributaries of our feminine psyche.

Our power and our compassion.

It is time to awaken to every part of ourselves.

Every crevasse. Every cell.

It is time to open our eyes to the pulse of life all around us.

It is time to open our eyes to the pulse of life deep within us.

It is time to own our ability to claim it all.

It is time to own our choice to claim it all.

To see it all.

To dance with it all.

And to be

It all.

It's time to reclaim this fire.

In its purity.

It's time to tend the wounds that burn too hot.

And it's time to tend the wounds that smother the flames.

With love,


Invoke the Goddess.
A sacred journey of invocation through your feminine soul.

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    The humble heart of radical acceptance.


    The Sovereign Woman, The Virgin, and The Mother.