The women are rising.

The women are rising. I can feel it. The grandmothers are humming in my bones. The women are rising from the slumber of their wild selves who have been subdued into passive compliance for far too long. 

The physical shackles of oppression may have been loosened over time, but they have been replaced with holographic chains of shame and lies keeping us small. Lies that have made us believe our true nature is unnatural, tainted, and unworthy. Lies that have made us think we must live in the state of the warrior at all times to hold power. Lies that have made us think we must embody the "proper woman" of composed perfection to seductively wield our way without anyone noticing that we are conducting at all.

The women are rising, and they are waking to the validity of their own essence.

The women are rising into power. Into their power - which is not of force, but a force in itself.

The women are rising and their freedom is contagious. The women are rising and illuminating, summoning, and churning the pain points we have all felt from suffocating ourselves. As we breathe the crisp air of freedom we’ve longed for, we will breathe deeper, and get bigger, realizing there is no turning back once we rise.

The women are rising. They’re rising above their longing for permission to be. We are all longing to live in a world that does not ask us to harden, constrict, and sacrifice our spirit for survival, and it’s the burning desire for freedom that feeds our fire to rise.

The women are rising, through loyalty to their spirit. They have vowed to follow the tendrils of their hearts, their souls, and the vitality pulsing through their veins, for they know this is the only way to truly rise.

The women are rising, and they now know their power is not outside of them. 

The women are rising, and they are realizing their power has been here all along, patiently waiting for them to close their eyes and open to it within. They’re realizing the world has been waiting for them to claim it, and to emanate the medicine and magic that they are to the rest of the world.

The women are rising. Their power comes from self-embrace. It comes from falling madly in love with the beauty of one’s self. It comes from cherishing our being inside and out. It comes from nurturing our sense of self, filling the space that is us, and finding confidence that has been hidden beneath implanted insecurities that have told us we aren’t enough - that we are not beautiful enough, productive enough, perfected enough, composed enough, or small enough. 

The women are rising, claiming the beauty of their so-called imperfections. They are claiming the beauty of aging, the beauty of every shape, size, and color the female form comes in. They are claiming the beauty of birthing children, the beauty of their bodies as a conduit for life. They are claiming the beauty of their raw, messy, emotional, primal selves. 

The women are rising, and realizing their sexuality is dependent on falling in love with themselves, not on another's desire for them. They are remembering their wombs as holy, their pussy’s as divine, and their sacral center as the cosmic cauldron of creation.

The women are rising. They are claiming the beauty of failure that is the only path to success. They are claiming the beauty of the shadows that leads them to light. They are claiming the holy pause of stillness that feeds their life force. They are claiming the vulnerability that grants them courage. 

They are claiming the pain that leads them to love. They are claiming the wounds that lead them to their sacred purpose. They are claiming the grandness of their wild hearts that shows them love, and they are claiming the magnitude of the amount of love they have to give.

The women are rising and realizing their power depends on shedding every ounce of shame, the martyr, and the victim. The women are rising and realizing if they don’t have fierce boundaries to honor their truth, they will be feasted upon.

The women are rising, as they realize they’ve been living a life of holding their breath severed from their true self. 

The women are rising and they are realizing that their power is dependent on the embrace of the shapeshifting, multifaceted, complex, ocean of energy that they are. They are realizing that the claiming of their essence, and the holding of their strength to not crumble in the face of another's judgments, insecurities, hate, violence, and projections is not only the reclamation of their power, it’s the spark that feeds the reclamation of everyone’s power. 

The women are rising, and it's time to stand in our truth.

The women are rising, and they are claiming their ability to alchemize magic. The women are rising and remembering the medicine woman, and priestess within. They’re realizing the shameless embrace of self has a contagious magnitude of healing that can ripple out exponentially without a word. It’s through embodiment - not by force, not by words, and not through condescending righteousness, but by example.

The women are rising and gaining respect by respecting themselves. The women are rising and invoking unconditional love by unconditionally loving themselves. The women are rising and honoring their bodies as the sacred temples that they are, awakening the rest of us to do the same. The women are rising through their communion with great spirit, awakening the rest of us to listen.

The women are rising with their hearts and wombs bound, and open.

The women are rising in the realization that they are the divine mother, the mystic, and the sacred prostitute. That they are the warrior goddess, the sovereign woman, and the cauldron of creation. They are realizing they are the vessel between heaven and earth. The women are rising, and it’s this remembrance that is setting them free. It’s this remembrance that will set us all free.

Feminine power is bound to the heart and this is what keeps it pure. This is what keeps it divine. The women are rising in the name of all. The women are rising in the name of the earth, the birds, and the bees. They are rising in the name of the waterways, the soil, the forest, and the air we depend on. The women are rising in the name of life that lives in both the seen and unseen realms.

The women are rising, and they’re lifting the veils from us all as they elevate. Exposing the shadows, the truths, and the pains we have resisted facing, and have instead let fester into madness.

The women are rising not to hold power over anyone else. They are rising for themselves, and they're rising for all.

The women are rising, knowing the pain of living in a world that denies the heart and spirit. The women are rising knowing the challenges of navigating this convoluted beautiful world, and the freedom that comes from facing it head-on.

The women are rising and churning the souls of those around them to do the same. The women are rising in unconditional compassion, with a fierce heart and loyalty to truth. The women are rising in love. The women are rising through the divine. The women are rising through the earth mother, the primordial mother, and all the ancestral lines of the Goddess. The women are rising in their magic, in their power, and as the free spirit that we all are.

The women are rising.

With love,



7 days of written content & journal prompts to unravel the story of your sexuality, illuminate the roots to healing & ignite awakening .


The practice of soul retrieval to mend the fragmentation of self.


Walking with the Marigold Women.