Musings from the divine to invoke your feminine power, summon your divine feminine energy, and reveal the many faces of the Goddess within you.

The art of receptivity.
Abby McHale Abby McHale

The art of receptivity.

Receptivity is what keeps us nourished, our vitality up, our roots grounded, and our sight, actions, emotions, intuition, and thoughts stable and clear. Receptivity is also the driving force of what we give. Our resources are finite and unless we make peace with this, we will live constantly struggling in exhaustion, and angst in an attempt to survive on output not realizing we have nothing fueling us.

If our cup is empty we have nothing to give, and how we fill it is not necessarily based on self-care — it’s based on presence. This is the art of receptivity.

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Slowing down is more productive than you may think.
Abby McHale Abby McHale

Slowing down is more productive than you may think.

One of the biggest entities that pulls us away from our feminine power is busyness and overwhelm. Even though it may feel counterintuitive, slowing down is one of the most productive things we can often do in this demanding world. Slowing down in itself is empowering. It’s illuminating — especially in the moments when we feel the most pressure not to. The rapid pace that society tries to sweep us up in, is one of the most detrimental forces to our power. Slowing down is an act of resistance.

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9 signs that you’re embodying your feminine power.
Abby McHale Abby McHale

9 signs that you’re embodying your feminine power.

Embodying our feminine power means many things — but it ultimately means tapping into our many facets, energies, and the vastness of our magnificence and setting ourselves free.

Feminine power is everything. It’s beautiful and messy, dark and light, made of birth and death and the Goddess teaches us how to alchemize and work with all of it. Our life’s work is breathing in deeply to where we contract, what’s keeping us small, and the stories that no longer serve us and shining brightly in our exhale with all that we have.

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Freedom comes from wholeness.
Abby McHale Abby McHale

Freedom comes from wholeness.

Each part of our vast essence, and the many embodiments that ebb and flow to the forefront, carry pieces that we cannot fully thrive without. Each part is a necessary ingredient creating the perfect storm of perfection. This shapeshifting nature is the key to unleashing everything. We are the Goddess in her every shape and form, and our freedom comes from setting her free.

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Feminism is Sovereignty for all.
Abby McHale Abby McHale

Feminism is Sovereignty for all.

Feminism is understanding women’s issues are not the same for all women, and that feminism is not just about women. It’s not about the equality of men and women either, because all men and all women are not treated as equals. Most importantly, feminism is about empowering everyone so that no one is trapped by chains of dependence and power. Feminism is about sovereignty for all, because “nobody’s free until everybody’s free” (Fannie Lou Hamer, 1971)…

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The Golden-Headed Goddess.
Abby McHale Abby McHale

The Golden-Headed Goddess.

The Marigold Women are the golden-headed Goddess, simmering in our bones and simmering, spiraling in the bones of the earth. They are summoning us. They are summoning the divine - all around us and deep within us.

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Women's top 5 fears that are keeping them small.
Spiritual Shadow Work Abby McHale Spiritual Shadow Work Abby McHale

Women's top 5 fears that are keeping them small.

Women often compartmentalize different parts of themselves to be revealed in different parts of their lives, but they rarely show all their colors everywhere. They downplay their worth with timidness or overly project it somewhat aggressively both because of insecurities they don’t know how to genuinely overcome. Women fear claiming the beauty that is them. But why? 

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The women are rising.
Divine Feminine Energy Abby McHale Divine Feminine Energy Abby McHale

The women are rising.

The women are rising. I can feel it. The grandmothers are humming in my bones. The women are rising from the slumber of their wild selves who have been subdued into passive compliance for far too long. 

The physical shackles of oppression may have been loosened over time, but they have been replaced with holographic chains of shame and lies keeping us small. Lies that have made us believe our true nature is unnatural, tainted, and unworthy.

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How your passion for life is dependent upon your feminine fire.
Divine Feminine Energy Abby McHale Divine Feminine Energy Abby McHale

How your passion for life is dependent upon your feminine fire.

We live in a world that has taught us that it is greedy and selfish to have a strong drive to pursue lavish desires. We've been taught that a passion for life is a luxury. We've been taught that it's shameful to acknowledge or embrace our radiance. We’ve been taught that sacrifice and struggle are required to receive and that it is the struggle that grants us worth and permission.

Women have been taught to think being the martyr is honorable. But what if we’ve all been tricked into giving ourselves away because our empowerment is feared?

Once we realize the power of our light, we can’t be controlled because we wouldn’t dare dim it.

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Feminine energy is twofold: How to become whole.
Divine Feminine Energy Abby McHale Divine Feminine Energy Abby McHale

Feminine energy is twofold: How to become whole.

The beauty and magic of feminine energy is a constant dance of transmutation between dark and light that leads to transcendence over and over again.

It is a lifelong dance of embracing this twofold nature. Each aspect is multifaceted and vast. It is a polarity of external embrace drinking in the pleasure and beauty of the tangible world and then shifting deep within to the canyons of our psyche and the wisdom that is bone-deep beyond our own.

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