Freedom comes from wholeness.

Freedom comes from wholeness.

Freedom is claiming every part of ourselves. Freedom is awakening to our innate state beneath all we’ve been taught, and claiming our purity beneath the prescribed layers that have severed us from the innocence of our essence. Freedom comes from our ability to open up and allow ourselves to be. Freedom comes from breathing through fear and stepping forward or letting go with courage.

Freedom is not being blind to the world we live in, and it's not hedonism without morality. Freedom does not deny the reality of oppression and violence all around us. It dismantles the disempowering behaviors and beliefs we unknowingly partake in. It purifies the fires of our desires so we are not acting on unprocessed fears and wounds, or tainted longings that won't truly satiate us. Freedom is facing the dark and light, subconscious and conscious, seen and unseen fields, discerning what we do and don’t have power over, and taking action where we do.

Deconstructing the stories, complexities, wounds, and trauma that are playing out in our lives, and choosing to relentlessly stoke the fires of joy, play, and love, not only frees us from internal suffering, it grants us the most leverage and power to outsmart, and outplay the literal barriers and injustices all around us.

Once you see you cannot unsee. The veils will begin to lift, and the illusions will begin to disintegrate as we see the world around us, mirroring the world within us. The fog will settle, and the rays of luminosity will rise as we begin to acknowledge, and accept the deepest truths of our feelings, desires, beliefs, and wisdom.

As women, we are undefinable and uncontainable shapeshifting beings. We are hungry, full of passion, and unstoppable life when left to our own devices. The polarities within us can be confusing to embrace in their dichotomies, but we must realize we are not whole without the many faces of the Goddess. The wisdom within us cannot show us the way, and keep our fires burning bright if we don't allow all of ourselves to be.

Each part of our vast essence, and the many embodiments that ebb and flow to the forefront, carry pieces that we cannot fully thrive without. Each part is a necessary ingredient creating the perfect storm of perfection. This shapeshifting nature is the key to unleashing everything. We are the Goddess in her every shape and form, and our freedom comes from setting her free.

We do not free the Goddess by shapeshifting to hide or conform. We free the Goddess by surrendering to the wild river of her shapeshifting nature because there is so much of us begging to be.

Freedom is radical self-acceptance. Freedom is freeing ourselves from preconceived ideas of what we think we are supposed to be or feel. Freedom is allowing ourselves to simply be. It’s allowing the wild river of energy, and spirit to flow through us uninhibitedly, clearing, blessing, and awakening. It’s allowing this energy to move us, and fuel the purity of our intuition to guide us.

Freedom is wringing out the programming that is subduing us to play small and to live in shame.

Freedom is taking our power back -- not from anybody else, but from the illusions that have held it elusively captive. Our power is the ownership of self. Our power is the ownership of our whole selves -- our souls, humanness, mess, and beauty. We can disassociate, we can become severed from a psychic perspective, and we can be oppressed in the material world, but nobody can take our divinity.

Freedom is realizing we are the only ones severing ourselves from wholeness. We all keep parts away in hiding, letting them reveal themselves in certain conditions, or circumstances if at all. Freedom, is step by step, moment by moment, surrendering to our Goddess-given, kundalini, pussy fire, lifeforce to take the lead of this one precious life revealing all our glory.

Freedom is not hiding our hearts out of fear. Freedom is having the courage to speak our truth, our needs, our opinions, and our desires over the fear of being abandoned, rejected, or shamed. Freedom is being dedicated to our sovereignty, and not closing one’s self off to love. Freedom is having the courage to love. Freedom is having the courage to be left for our truth.

Freedom is not being ashamed of our sexuality, who we love, or what we desire. Freedom is knowing our body, what we find pleasurable, and satisfying ourselves sensually. Freedom is knowing what brings us joy, feeds our passion, and it’s being devoted to pursuing it. Freedom is having and honoring our boundaries unapologetically but not cruelly.

Freedom is reclaiming the word pussy, yoni, and cunt. Freedom is honoring the divine mother not just the Almighty ‘God’. Freedom is honoring the wife, the prostitute, and the nun. Freedom is honoring the celibate and whore. Freedom is honoring these complexities of energies that are alive within all of us whether we deny them or not.

Freedom is honoring our hormonal cyclical nature and the ebb and flow of energy that comes with that. Freedom is honoring one’s emotionality. Freedom is honoring one’s tenderness. Freedom is honoring one’s tears. Freedom is unwavering and humble confidence. Freedom is loving ourselves. Freedom is slowing down. Freedom is self-care. Freedom is vulnerability and acceptance of everything we feel inside.

Freedom is sharing our experiences so we can all realize we are not alone. Freedom is being honest so we can all realize we are not that different.

Freedom is accepting one’s hedonistic desires. Freedom is accepting one’s longings for fairytale love. Freedom is following our truth. Freedom is choosing courage over fear. Freedom is allowing the infinite prism of our light to shine.

Freedom is awakening to our patterns of saying yes when we mean no, and no when we mean yes. Freedom is awakening to our patterns of doubt, fear, contraction, and depression. Freedom is educating ourselves and experiencing something firsthand to decide for ourselves. Freedom is knowing we can change our minds, grow, let go, and begin anew over and over again.

Freedom is shaking free from our self-doubt, and nerves to simply be. Freedom is having the courage to choose the vulnerability of exposing ourselves, over the fear of being seen. Freedom is choosing life and not wasting another breath afraid, another breath in contraction, or another breath denying our magic, beauty, and divinity.

Freedom is awakening to what is beneath our held breath smothering the radiance of our entirety and breathing it free.

Freedom comes from setting ourselves free.

With love,


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