9 signs that you’re embodying your feminine power.

Embodying our feminine power means many things — but it ultimately means viscerally claiming the many facets, energies, and vastness of our magnificence and setting ourselves free from the inside out.

Embodying our feminine power means unleashing the current of life within us to flood through us uninhibited, wild, and pure. It means making love with our authenticity and falling madly in love with all of it. It means unlocking our creativity, joy, holy rage, and essence in its entirety. It means getting to know the heart of our truth underneath it all and letting that live.

Embodying our feminine power means many things — but here are 9 signs that it’s happening.

1. Embodying our feminine power means opening our throats and surrendering.

Our voice is a significant aspect of our feminine power. We are our own advocates, and when our voice is meek, our power becomes meek, and our entirety becomes compromised.

We have all experienced that screaming voice inside that we can’t get through our lips. We have all said things we wished we wouldn’t have. We have all used our voices in longing to be understood, instead of knowing we were valid without the need for anyone else’s approval.

Embodying our feminine power means being able to move through that lump in your throat, and the nerves in your belly when you are afraid to speak. It means having the strength to name the things you know you need to name but are afraid to say. It means allowing silence instead of grasping for validation or attacking out of fear.

Embodying the power of our voice means trusting the consequences of speaking, or not, and knowing the sacredness of our truth.

Embodying the power of our voice means being impeccable with our words, and having our words align with how we actually feel, and what we actually think. Our voice in its power doesn’t mean that we have to say everything, but it means that our silence is rooted in wise discernment, not insecurity, compliance, or meekness.

Embodying our feminine power means opening our throats and allowing our truth to flood freely. Outloud, or in spirit. Our voice is a channel for courage, it's a channel for our most authentic expression, and it's a channel for divine wisdom and connection. Open your throat and surrender to the wise woman within.

2. Embodying your feminine power means filling your cup with gold.

It is our job to nurture a life that feeds us.

Embodying our feminine power means harnessing our ability to improvise beyond our external limitations and getting what we need to thrive. It means we tap into the sources that feed us, that we satiate ourselves richly, and that we are taken care of luxuriously.

Embodying our feminine power means that our cup is full of gold, and continually overflowing. It means that we have the reserves to do the work we desire in the world and we have the reserves to show up for relationships in the way that we want to. We get to be the mother, partner, sister, daughter, friend, or lover that we long to be because our stamina and our hearts are fed, and our needs are met.

Embodying our feminine power means that we have the reserves for creativity, passion, play, and our sexuality. That we have spaciousness, that our boundaries are clear and respected by ourselves and others, and that our relationships serve us and we are available to serve them. Activating our feminine powers means that we are not stretched thin, burnt out, exhausted, or depleted.

Embodying our feminine power means our energy is rich and abundant, and our minds are positive, and optimistic, tracking, and manifesting magic. It means that our bodies are healthy, vital, and vibrant, that we are strong and resilient, and that we are rested, and our minds and intuition are sharp. It means that we are radiant, and glowing from the inside out.

Embodying our feminine power means that we have activated our healed state and that we are shamelessly shining bright. It means that we are living the highest version of ourselves, and have tapped our potential in the present while knowing that it’s limitless and continue to shine more brightly.

Embodying our feminine power means that we are nourished and satiated with life beyond what we could have imagined — and this is all largely due to our boundaries.

Embodying our feminine power means that a fierce container for our shapeshifting nature, and our needs has been set and that we have awakened to our ability to feed ourselves in every which way keeping our cups overflowingly full.

3. Embodying our feminine power means allowing the honey-like nectar of pleasure to be our drive.

When we embody this honey-like nectar, we become uninhibited in our sensual, juicy nature as women. Our desire becomes uninhibited — and we follow it. We follow pleasure. We are unafraid of our sexuality and sexual energy. We bask in love for our bodies — our hips, and breasts, wrinkles, and cellulite, and we see the beauty in all our so-called imperfections we've been taught.

Embodying our feminine power is an awakening of our five senses, and being turned on by our life experiences. It means that we relish in beauty and have adoration for the beauty all around us. It means that we have a heightened sense of smell, sound, color, touch, and taste and a heightened awareness feeling the way these things affect our energy and body, using them to activate our kundalini energy. It means we treat our senses, bodies, and spirits as royalty, and feed them only the highest quality of life.

The ecstasy of our human experience is what our feminine energy is made of. Our sensuality and juiciness are the fuel. We’ve all gotten lost in our heads, lost our footing out of presence, or been too focused on what’s outside of us, as opposed to our state of being within. We have all experienced being burnt out, and we’ve all found ourselves left completely on empty at one time or another. Activating our feminine power brings us home to this body and this soul that we reside in.

Embodying our feminine power means waking up and choosing the juicy, sensual, potential right in front of us, and right within us. It means trusting that if we choose that first — our fire will be fed and it will drive us right where we need to go.

Embodying our feminine power means telling the stories of being desirable to others to fuck off, and instead to be desirable to ourselves.

Beautiful woman, open to the juiciness of your body, your spirit, and this world.

4. Embodying your feminine power means harnessing your fire.

Having a healthy relationship with anger is part of our feminine power which means using our anger's fire as fuel. The fire of our anger is the fuel to forge the path we desire.

When we tap into this we let go of our filters that have been constructed out of fear and we let the truth speak. It means that we allow ourselves to lose control and be led by the uninhibited woman within.

It means that we find the courage to speak up when we are not being treated how we deserve, when we’re unhappy, when our boundaries are being crossed, or when someone has wronged us. It means that we find the courage to name our needs and desires when they are being suppressed instead of swallowing what we long for.

Embodying our feminine power means that we do not blame or spew our dissatisfaction upon others but are able to speak our dissatisfaction in the name of taking charge and doing something about it.

Embodying our feminine power means that we honor the truth about how we feel instead of hushing ourselves because of logic.

Harnessing this fire means naming the elephant in the room instead of festering in bitterness. It means mustering the maturity to handle situations proactively instead of giving all our energy to stewing on it silently, or in conversations with the wrong people. And lastly, it means being humble enough to drop our defensiveness and be receptive to our own ignorance.

Embodying our feminine power means we are not here to keep others comfortable, and that we can no longer be complacent and agreeable for the sake of our comfort.

When we embody our feminine power it means that we tap into a well of ferocity that can move the rage and bitterness within us so that we can grieve what’s beneath it and transmute it into mulch, for our passion, drive, and creativity. It means that we release the victim within us, and let go of the chip on our shoulder. Anger when impure projects all our issues outside of ourselves, releasing our accountability where it is due, while true feminine power knows the reigns are within and it knows where we are responsible for ourselves.

5. Embodying your feminine power means awakening the creative life force of the Goddess.

The Goddess’s fires are feverish — in both heart and womb. Her fires dance with her wild waters like the sun dances with the moon. The Creatrix is weaving life from the inside out, channeling the divine, and making magic on earth — and her body temple is the vessel of ecstasy as it floods through her.

When we awaken the Goddess we surrender to our curiosity and let it drive us. We are overcome with passion — passion to live, passion to love, and passion to experience everything. We are overcome with a desire to express, create, and absorb the life flooding through us. When we awaken the Goddess, we cannot contain the energy that is flooding within, we are carried by it, and we become the fertile soil that breeds life's longing to live through us. How this energy moves through us does not matter — it's about the sensation of passion and curiosity that overtakes us more than the form it's bound to.

Passion and curiosity are our vitality, they are our life force energy, and when their fires are pure — this is our lust for life.

When our feminine power is embodied our desires are not tainted with ulterior motives. When our feminine power is embodied our desires become such a strong force we are carried by their will to live, by their will to become, and their will to be — and we express, experience, and create. Without this sultry nature of the Goddess activated, our libido for life rests flatly in the murky waters of hope, slightly in grief that our most authentic joy may never be.

Embodying our feminine power means awakening the sultry, dripping nectar of the Goddess that drives our will to truly live and experience life.

6. Embodying our feminine power is claiming our pure, sweet innocence.

As sultry, seductive, and firey as the Goddess can be, awakening her also means bringing our inner child to the forefront trusting her wisdom, claiming her sweetness, and claiming the sweetness of life.

Embodying our feminine power also means having the ability to allow ourselves to be soft, trusting, and passive — with ourselves and everybody else. It means being able to surrender our guard and choosing to open our entirety regardless of what's pained us in the past.

Embodying our feminine power means opening ourselves to everything that lies before us, not in naivety but in conscious innocence.

Awakening the Goddess means being rooted in this as much as it means anything else. It means not taking everything so seriously — our dreams, mission, medicine, purpose, accomplishments, career, or love life. It means surrendering to the imperfections of ourselves, our loved ones, and life, and surrendering to what isn’t, what hasn’t become, and what may never be. It means vowing to live with our heart splayed wide open in blind faith of where it wants to take us, and in what becomes.

Embodying our feminine power means prioritizing relationality, curiosity, and adventure. It means being fed by the unknown, our imagination, and our fantasies. It means choosing optimism and believing in magic, our potential, and possibility. It means living with the light as our focal point — gratitude, abundance, faith, joy, and trust. It means trusting that we know how to surrender when the waves of darkness and shadow work come and it means focusing on living in our radiance and the radiance this world has to offer right now.

Everything becomes heavy without the innocence of love and playfulness. The Goddess asks us to trust in the medicine of laughter and to seek it. She beckons us to trust in the medicine of our curiosity, adventure, and play, and to seek it. She beckons us to embrace simplicity, and to surrender to what we have, and to who we are, and to this moment, and she beckons us to trust that everything we need is within us.

7. Embodying your feminine power means that you know you get to be everything.

In our feminine power, we cannot be confined.

Every facet of our psyche and energy is free to be. Every frequency alive within us can show itself. We get to be everything.

We get to be sweet and soft, spicy and full of fire. We get to be fierce and innocent. We get to be sovereign, sexual, and sensual empowered beings, and we get to be in love, in need, and taken care of. We get to be passive, and assertive. We get to take up space. Our energy gets to be big. We get to be too much for some people and some places. We get to be passionate, and creative, and we get to rest in holy stillness doing nothing except simply being.

We get to be fertile and breed new life, and we get to be the dark mother of death. We get to be rageful and forgiving. We get to grieve and be full of life. We get to be holy and have regrets. We get to succeed and fail. We get to be a hot mess and radiate serenity. We get to be unsure and confident, royal and simple. We get to make mistakes, be humbled, and keep learning.

We get to be satiated, grateful, and ravenous wanting more. We get to be pleasure-filled and hungry. We get to desire, dream grandly, and surrender. We get to be unsatisfied. We get to ask for more. We get to nurture, be divinely compassionate, and we get to make people uncomfortable.

We get to be virtuous and tantalizing, uptight, and wild. We get to be a whore, a mother, and a priestess, made of magic, led by our intuition. And we get to be intelligent, clever, and savvy. We get to have money and integrity. We get to pamper ourselves, enjoy luxury, embrace our privileges wisely, and do good work in the world. We get to be our medicine and share it through and through. We get to shine brightly and love ourselves madly.

Embodying our feminine power means allowing ourselves to embody all of it.

8. Embodying your feminine power is the realization that none of us are enlightened.

There is no point of completion any of us will ever reach, and none of us get to be in the expansive nature of this power all of the time. It’s not in our human nature. It’s a continual, limitless process of expansion and contraction growing brighter each step of the way.

What’s important is that we support and nurture this process — in the name of ease, inner freedom, and radiance. What's important is that we support our process as a spiritual being in a physical body in the name of love and joy.

Embodying our feminine power is embodying the vastness of our lived experience. And it’s accepting the vastness of this. It’s accepting that it’s beautiful and messy, dark and light, made of birth and death. It’s knowing that we are constantly learning how to work with all of it, not thinking that we are faulty for stumbling along our way. Our life’s work is breathing in deeply to where we contract, and into what’s keeping us small, and the stories that no longer serve us and it’s shining brightly in our exhale embracing all that we are.

Embodying our power is not something that we just turn on like a light switch, it’s a continual ebb and flow expanding more, and more, and more with each step forward and each step back.

9. Embodying your feminine power is ultimately lifting the veils, and coming home to your raw self while realizing that being right here, right now — is your power.

When we awaken the Goddess, we lift the veils of our own sight and awaken to our sweet and utter magnificence. We awaken to the sweet and utter magnificence of our bodies, this life, the present — and all that comes with that.

When we embody our feminine power our curiosity is vibrant, our hearts are overcome with innocence, and our love is immense. We realize the mess is just as beautiful as everything else and we let our anger, grief, mistakes, and confusion be as loved as the joy, successes, and ecstasy. When we embody our feminine power, our adventurous nature is unstoppable while we don’t fret about our lack of immunity to the unknown. Our thirst becomes unquenchable while our gratitude becomes satiated. Our dreams overtake us, and the present has our adoration. We see beauty we couldn't see before, and magic we were once unaware of. We tap into an abundant nature that is infinite, and our faith in goodness and beauty becomes unshakable.

When we embody our feminine power we trust in everything, even amidst struggle or chaos, and we finally realize the magnificence of our worth. We finally realize the magnificence of our worth — and it does not exclude a thing.

With love sweet darling,

Abby and the Marigolds

5 Days Awakening
your Feminine Energy

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    Shame to self-love.


    The truth about feminine power.