The Golden-Headed Goddess.

The Marigold Women are simmering in our bones and simmering, spiraling in the bones of the earth. They are summoning us. They are summoning the Goddess - all around us and deep within us.

The Marigold Women are the golden-headed Goddesses. They are the ones who mine the light and rest deeply in the dark. They are the women devoted to mending the severing of self, lifting the veils of illusion, and healing through our connection to the earth, spirit, the Goddess, and the divine feminine. They are summoning us to inhale into every ounce of our being.



The Marigold women are all the faces of the Goddess. They are every Goddess, every woman, every womb back to the beginning of time. They are every archetype and every facet of divine feminine energy.



They are the primordial mother, the divine mother, the warrioress, and the huntress. They are the sovereign woman and the lover. They are the medicine woman, the wise woman, the midwife, and the doula of death. They are Inanna, Venus, and Isis. They are Hathor and Bast. They are Brigit, Isis, and Lemanja. They are Aphrodite and Kali Ma. 



They are our mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers. They are our sisters, and daughters, and our daughters' daughters. They are every woman throughout space and time. Their roots run deep through all the lineages who have walked before, and their spirits reach beyond the cosmos.



They are every woman who is living, who has passed, and they are the unborn. They are every woman who is ready to courageously do the self-work our souls, ancestral lines and the collective is calling for. They are on a pilgrimage of freeing our feminine souls to drink up this one precious life in all of its glory. 



They are every woman on a journey of healing their wombs, their yonis, their pussies, their sexuality, and awakening their kundalini energy. They are every woman reweaving their hearts and wombs. They are every woman learning to wield magic, foster sisterhood, and hold space for vulnerability and the deep soul healing work. 



The Marigold Women are every woman forging the path to claim ALL of themselves. 


They are every facet of our feminine psyche. Every facet of holy rage, wild grief, and unabashed love. They are every inhibition of that wild woman in our loins. They are the kundalini energy and pussy fire of the wild woman who resides in all of us. 



They are the story of every womb, every cycle of new life, and shedding death. They are every particle of creative potential in every ovary and ovum. They are every seed of creation. They are our intuition, every download, and upload of divine wisdom. They are Woman in every shape and form. They are the divine feminine in every embodiment. 



They are every sacred site, every ceremony, every ritual in honor of woman, the Goddess, and the divine feminine. They are the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. They are every initiation as women cross one threshold after another. 



They are the housewife, the businesswoman, the mystic, and the nun. They are the single mother, the virgin, the whore, and the prostitute. They are the wife, the seductress, the temptress, and the seduced. They are the powerful who have embraced every ounce of their wild and feminine nature, they are midwifing the lost to light, and they are the ones in the dark, who are damp and cold relentlessly seeking freedom. 



They are the voice of every woman, the will of every woman, the creative life force, the roots, and the wisdom of every woman. They are the heart of every woman who is madly in love, every heart who longs for love, who is restrained and bursting at the seams for more, and every heart who has been abandoned, betrayed, and broken.



They know every fragment of self-doubt, self-hatred, mistrust, and fear that women walk with. They know every fragment of misogyny, hysteria, and gaslighting. They also know every fragment of the worshipped and cherished woman. They know every fragment of the revered, and honored woman. They know how to lift the veils of illusion that keep us stagnant and small.



They are the fiery rage of healing for all - all who have been raped, abused, hushed, shamed, ridiculed, beheaded, and pinned beneath systemic oppression, and the ways in which we've been taught to oppress ourselves. They are every witch who has burned at the stake. 



They are the sensuous, juicy, luscious, uninhibited pleasure-seeking, orgasmic creators channeling pure bliss. They are every pulse of pleasure every woman has ever felt. They are the roar of collective laughter, the innocence of our first breath, and the love of every mother. They hold all the wisdom of a woman's body and spirit that has been summoned throughout time. They carry all the tantric, priestess, and medicine teachings deep within. 


They are the trackers of feminine power and feminine freedom. They are trackers of the sweet fragrance of all of life.



The Marigold Women are the golden-headed goddesses of dawn. They know how to mine the gold of the darkness. Of their shadows, stories, ancestry, and anything and everything that life brings. They are the light at the end of the tunnel, hungry to make us realize there is always light.



The Marigold Women are every ounce of Woman. The good, the bad, and the ugly. The rich and the poor. The powerful and the disempowered. They are divinity, and they are mortal.



The Marigold Women are the entirety of womankind that lives in the wombs, in the DNA, in the residue of all of us. We carry a speck of every story of every woman in our bones. This is our guiding light. Our healing is every woman’s healing. Our power is every woman’s power. And the Marigold Women are every face of the Goddess that are divine entities outside of us, but also within us. Every face of the Goddess is alive within us. Every embodiment can be summoned and is aching for us to do so.



We, women, are anything but static. We are shapeshifting, multifaceted creatures, of uncontainable magic, uncontainable emotions, power, healing, and wisdom. The Marigold Women are all of it. We are all of it. Each one of us carries all of it. 



This is Woman - the precious, tender, and fierce being that is contradictory in nature, but whole, holy, and magic all at the same time.



We are the sun and the stars, and the moon and the cosmos. We are the oceans, rivers, and lakes. We are the wild wind and gentle breeze. We are the icy cold, and the smoldering heat. We are the jungles and the old-growth forests. We are the mushrooms, the flowers, and the mountains. We are death, and we are life. We are divinity on earth and have come from an otherworldly world, residing in a body temple that won't last forever.



 It is up to us to awaken, to heal, and to rise. It is up to us to cherish ourselves, fall madly in love with ourselves, and to hold space for ALL of ourselves. It is up to us to follow the tendrils of our heartstrings, the rhythm of our innate beat, and to not deny our passion, and desire. It is up to us to embody every ounce, every face, and every part of ourselves. 


It is up to us to awaken to the Goddess that we are, and it is up to us to roam where the Marigold Women roam, wild and full-heartedly free.


With marigold love,


Invoke the Goddess.
A sacred journey of invocation through your feminine soul.

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    In reverence of a Holy Pause.


    An Infinite Well of Abundance