Pussy Fire Flower Essence Set


Please note, this set was made in unionship with a 28-day course to go even deeper though the essences can absolutely be taken on their own and be just as transformative. Learn more here…

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Please note, this set was made in unionship with a 28-day course to go even deeper though the essences can absolutely be taken on their own and be just as transformative. Learn more here…

Please note, this set was made in unionship with a 28-day course to go even deeper though the essences can absolutely be taken on their own and be just as transformative. Learn more here…

The Blends

Pussy Fire

An activation of our kundalini, shakti energy that is our feminine fire, feminine power, passion, and creative lifeforce.

Red Snapdragon and Red Cactus Dahlia.

Awakening Woman Flower Essence

Awakening to where we have been oppressed and wounded as women, and awakening to where we are oppressing and wounding ourselves as women.

Sweet Pea, Rosa Campion, and Iris.

Inner Union Flower Essence

Healing the wounds between the masculine and feminine, the matriarch and patriarch, and men and women - within and around us.

Skunk Cabbage, Trillium, and Magnolia.

Shameless Flower Essence

Light the Pussy Fire Flame of the Goddess.

Release all shame, guilt, fear, and timidness around claiming our power and going after all that we want and desire with the integrity of the divine feminine in its purity.

Juicy Pink European Lupin, Tigerlily, Marigold, Gladiolus, and Geranium.

This set was made in unionship with a 28-day course to unravel this medicine even deeper. Please note these essences can absolutely be taken on their own and be just as transformative. It’s simply up to you.


Pussy fire is a vast, and multifaceted fire that runs hot and deep and lives at the core of our feminine essence.

It is the part of us that is thirsty for pleasure, bows down to our desires, and alchemizes great magic in the unbridling of this vivacious energy.

It’s our desire to live wildly and fully, it is the wild, erotic, sexual, primal woman that lives somewhere in each of us. It is the fire, that sets us free. Sets us free of playing small and ignoring the voice within that's scary to listen to sometimes. 


It's the fire that opens the flood gates to joy. It's the truth that slaps us in the face when we are self-sabotaging ourselves, stubbornly stuck in the victim, or in smallness. It's what nourishes our courage to leap again, and again, and again. It's our courage to get bigger, to shine brighter, and to take up more space. It's our courage to be selfish and claim what we want. It's our courage to love fiercely, to trust, and to open.


It's also the fire that drives us to fight for what we believe in, protect and advocate for those we love and what we care about. It's what drives us to pursue our dharma, purpose, and to follow our soul strings on our path. 


It’s the fire, that drives us to make something of great service out of our wounds. It’s our protection. It's a fire-breathing dragon when needed. It's what holds our boundaries, it's what watches our back, and it's what unleashes the holy rage that is rightfully rageful, and can make way for the grief and healing of our wounds. It is what transmutes the victimized into the self-empowered Goddess.


Pussy fire is the fire of a woman who embraces every ounce of herself, every emotion, every truth, every wisdom and knowing that lives in her bones, and she shamelessly and fiercely chooses herself. She is humble, has self-reverence, does not fear her power because she does not abuse it, but she uses it - wisely with integrity and force.


Our sexual energy is the bridge between heaven and earth.

Our sexuality is where spirit and body collide and awaken the fire of our feminine energy, and our life force. It is where our spirit embodies this physical, earthly world. Our consciousness awakens through this connection. Through pleasure, beauty, emotions, and our bodies.


Our sexual energy is the energy of unionship between body and spirit. There is a dance of us honoring the stories of our bodies, hearts, and lives, and dropping deep into our soul where great spirit resides and our stories become insignificant, letting these two polarities commune.


This kundalini life force is dependent on us facing the truths in our hearts and honoring them. It’s dependent on knowing the truth of our boundaries and honoring them, respecting our yes’s and no’s, healing our trauma, facing our fears, and releasing the tendrils of the past that are inhibiting us. 

This set of essences was woven for just this.

May we light the flame of our pussy’s that is our Goddess-given right.