Pussy Fire
Awaken your lust for Life.
Let the dark feminine rise.
A ritualistic journey purifying and activating the fire of your divine feminine energy.
Pussy fire is your aliveness. It’s the vitality of your passion to experience and soak up life. It’s the Creatrix within you. It’s your holy rage and ability to transmute, transform, and heal. It’s your lust to live and it’s the ferocity of your feminine fire. It’s a kundalini awakening, and Shakti rising. It’s the wild woman, the shameless woman, the uninhibited woman who dares not to restrain her heart or truth. It’s our feminine power. It’s freeing our voice, our intuition to guide us, and it’s our courage to follow it. It’s falling in love with ourselves, our bodies, and our lives. It’s falling in love with our essence and true nature. It’s choosing ourselves and following the path of our spirit with great devotion over anything else. Pussy fire is our dark feminine fire that enables us to claim this one precious life for all that it’s worth.
There is a weaving of our sexuality, sensuality, love for our bodies, libido, and passion, and our lust for Life, joy, happiness, and vitality. All these aspects weave together, mirror one another, feed one another, and depend on one another.
This offering is an emotional, energetic, and somatic journey, unraveling your feminine psyche and awakening your kundalini energy. It’s a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and devotion to one’s self and one’s life. It’s a journey centered on invoking sacred space from the inside out to light the flames of the wild woman Goddess within.
This journey is a map of awakening and a map of luminosity.
We begin by unraveling the stories of our sexuality and joy, and then lift the veils of everything that is holding us back, revealing the power at our fingertips to make the changes we are longing to shift out of, and into. Externally and internally. We begin by meeting the essence of Pussy Fire, and then embody the power of the Awakening Woman. The Awakening Woman awakens us to all the ways we have been oppressed and shut down, and she awakens us to all the ways we have unknowingly been oppressing ourselves.
We then find sacred union between our solar and lunar energy. We face the needed healing in our relationship with the masculine and feminine, the matriarch and patriarch, and with men and women. We dance between action and stillness, doing and receiving, and our root chakra's need for physical security, in relationship with our crown chakra that illuminates our infinite, untouchable divinity. We journey between finding a balance between being a spiritual being in a physical body dancing between worlds living on this earth.
Lastly, we step into the pussy fire flames of the shameless woman that transmutes everything that has been holding us back into uninhibited freedom.
This offering (and page) is going through a deep rebirth. Join the waitlist to be the first in the know as everything lands into place.

Pussy fire is a vast, and multifaceted fire that runs hot and deep and lives at the core, and in the shadows of our feminine essence. It is the part of us that is thirsty for pleasure, bows down to our desires, and alchemizes great magic in the unbridling of this vivacious energy.
It’s our desire to live wildly and fully, it is the wild, erotic, sexual, primal woman that lives somewhere in each of us. It is the fire, that sets us free. — sets us free from playing small and ignoring the voice within that's scary to listen to sometimes.
It's the fire that opens the floodgates to joy. It's the truth that slaps us in the face when we are self-sabotaging ourselves, stubbornly stuck in the victim, or in smallness. It's what nourishes our courage to leap again, and again, and again. It's our courage to get bigger, to shine brighter, and to take up more space. It's our courage to be selfish and claim what we want. It's our courage to love fiercely, to trust, and to open.
It's also the fire that drives us to fight for what we believe in and protect and advocate for those we love and what we care about. It's what drives us to pursue our hearts calling and to follow our soul strings on our path.
It’s the fire, that drives us to make something of great service out of our wounds. It’s our protection. It's a fire-breathing dragon when needed. It's what holds our boundaries, it's what watches our back, and it's what unleashes the holy rage that is rightfully rageful, and can make way for the grief and healing of our wounds. It is what transmutes the victimized into the self-empowered Goddess.
Pussy fire is the fire of a woman who embraces every ounce of herself, her body, every emotion, every truth, every wisdom and knowing that lives in her being, and she shamelessly and fiercely chooses herself. She is humble, has self-reverence, and does not fear her power because she does not abuse it, but uses it — wisely with integrity and force.
This kundalini life force is dependent on us facing the truths in our hearts and honoring them. It’s dependent on knowing the truth of our boundaries and honoring them, respecting our yes’s and no’s, titrating our trauma, facing our fears, and releasing the tendrils of the past that are inhibiting us.
This fire is tended for all the wounds of the feminine, and all the wounds of woman to be transmuted into magic.
It’s for all the threads of pain and darkness, and it’s for all the threads of light and power. We are each a unique piece of the story that completes the tapestry this fire embodies.

There is a vagina-brain connection that physiologically deeply affects our mental health.
There is an aspect of awakening our pussy that awakens our life force and our spirit. Sexual energy is spiritual energy. And there is a lot of conditioning, and a lot of life experience that has tainted, shamed, wounded, repressed, numbed, and cut this energy off that needs to move. There is also a lot of conditioning that has created illusions that are not in our best interest, regarding what it means and looks like to embrace this energy.
We’ve been subliminally taught to objectify our own bodies and sexuality and to be ashamed of them at the same time. We’ve been taught too long to be desired more than we desire pleasure itself. We’ve been taught to dim our light, hush our voices, and dismiss our boundaries. We’ve been conditioned to burn ourselves out, and the world in its entirety has been conditioned to see the feminine power of the heart and womb as weak or irrelevant so we don’t realize to claim the force that is at our fingertips and the embers that are crackling between our legs.
When it comes to our sexuality, every woman in varying degrees carries shame regarding both ends of the spectrum — the wild, primal, erotic nature of deep desire, and the shutdown, wounded side where there may be no sense of safety, libido, or ability to let go or tap into this energy at all.
What we don’t realize is that our sexuality is kundalini life-force energy. It’s our chi, our vitality, and our passion to LIVE. This journey is not about sex itself, it's about unleashing our uninhibited wild feminine energy in all of life, and a sexual awakening is a byproduct in its own way, unique to each of us.
This container is not held to merely invoke our erotic wild essence or to release the weight of the darkness and our past. This container has been tended to find a sacred union between the two.
Women’s mental health, emotional health, physical health, spiritual, energetic, and soul health are dependent on awakening this fire of the divine feminine in its purest form and opening to its activation.
Whether your wounds are rooted in sexual abuse, abandonment, dysfunctional relationships, or losing connection with yourself in the overwhelm of life, or always putting others first, this space is for you.
Whether you have struggled with sexual identity, addiction, eating disorders, depression and anxiety, childhood trauma, or feel completely alone in your experience in the world, this space is tended for you.
Maybe you don’t know what your wounds and stories are, but your heart and spirit are heavy, longing for more life. This space is for you.
This container has been tended to activate more joy, vibrancy, happiness, vulnerability, creativity, pleasure, passion, self-love, body love, fun, play, and simply more energy and connection in our day-to-day lives.
It also being tended to acknowledge or transmute the heaviness and density of the heart, fatigue, chronic body pain, burnout, fear, hypervigilance, OCD-like behavior, dullness, feeling stuck, flat, and unable to accomplish, pursue, and manifest our desires, or breakthrough our past.
This space is tended for those who know deep in their bones there is more. It’s for those who feel the wild woman summoning them within. It’s for anyone who feels that tug in their heart, that yes in their belly, and the embers of healing crackling in their pussy.
And so I invite you to step into the flames.
I do not summon you with false promises of instantaneous happiness, abundance, or joy, or that old stories or new layers will never arise again.
I do not summon you with the false promise that it won’t be hard or painful to shed these layers. I don’t summon you with the false promise of never feeling a heavy heart or lost again. I do not summon you with the false promises of enlightenment, or perfection. I do not summon you with the false promise to provide you with all the answers you are longing for because the answers are deep within you and will show themselves in right timing.
I summon you to the rawness of life.
I summon you to the rawness of beauty, the rawness of your soul, and the freedom and liberation that comes by surrendering to and embracing ALL of it. May we light the flame of the Goddess and set the parts of ourselves free we didn’t even know were hiding.
May we unleash the pussy fire, that is our Goddess-given right.
This offering (and page) is going through a deep rebirth. Join the waitlist to be the first in the know as everything lands into place!

What this journey entails…
This experience contains two parts that harmonize and weave together. There is an energy transmission — a sound healing, guided meditation that is an activation and was ceremonially recorded. This is meant to be listened to every day, in pair with a 28-day series of journal prompts.
This audio transmission is meant to awaken and purify your pussy, your womb, your libido, and your lust for life.
The journal prompts are designed to deepen your conscious awareness which will deepen the hold of the energetic shifts the audio recording will invoke.
The journal prompts have been carefully crafted to mine the facets of your feminine psyche, illuminating, and awakening the power at your fingertips that you are subconsciously not claiming. It’s designed to illuminate where you are cutting off your own life force, and where your life story and experiences have created mental and energetic roadblocks and dams in your being. It’s designed to illuminate the inner workings of your life, show you where you have more power than you think, and push you to reclaim yourself and everything in your life that you have control over.
The audio transmission is to work with your subconscious, and spiritual-energetic body awakening the essence of pussy fire within you. It’s designed to cleanse you of limited imprints. It’s designed to sensitize you to an orgasmic life force energy in every cell of your body, and it is designed to wash away any numbness, blockages, and density in the channels of your kundalini energy.
Each day you listen to the transmission after unraveling another layer through the journaling — this energetic activation will sink in deeper and deeper.
If you so choose, the Flower Essences are one more channel of energetic activation, one more channel of healing, and one more channel of spiritual awakening that adds a tremendous amount of power to this journey. To physically ingest these energies is a potent addition, and the flowers are where this offering came from. As I made these essences and blends, the downloads that came through are what Pussy Fire has come to be.
There is one last invitation before you begin.
Because this 28 day passage is about tending, rebuilding, and nourishing the sacred container that funnels this energy and enables it to thrive and burn bright, the questions themselves do not dismantle our direct relationship with sex or our sexual experiences. The below does, and it’s available for all free of cost.
This is something you may want to do before and/or after the 28 days.
This is something you may want to do, or not do at all. Depending on our experiences, working with our relationship to sex directly may be too abrasive for our healing journey, while for some this may be paramount to healing and the foundation you need along the way. Only you know the answer, and it’s very important to honor your truth.
Please note, if you know you want to do the full experience but want to do the 7 days of sexual healing first, I recommend purchasing the order first so you can use the pussy fire meditation daily with these first 7 prompts. If you already have the essences once you begin these 7 days, use the Pussy Fire Essence with this portion, or partake in the 7 days of this while you wait for your essences to be shipped and arrive.
My wish is that these options will allow you to meet yourself exactly where you are.
What is the cost?
The cost is $122 including the audio transmission, daily written content, and the journal prompt series. The Flower Essences are sold separately. They’re $88 for the set of four 1/2oz bottles + $5 flat rate shipping within the US, $25 flat rate shipping outside of the US.
How will I receive all the content?
All you need is an email address. No social media, no fancy platforms or apps to download or register through. You receive all the journal prompts via email, and access to download the audio transmission.
What if I’m not ready to start immediately?
You will receive a welcome email upon registering. From here there is a link you will click to START the series of journal prompts. It’s created this way in case you have ordered the flower essences and want to wait for their arrival. Or if you need a day or week in your life to make space to commit to this daily practice or in case you want to start with the 7 Days of Sexaul Healing first.
What if I get behind?
You are receiving everything via email so you can ultimately go at your own pace, but I strongly encourage you to make the space and time to not lose momentum. Also, know this journey is composed of four spirals so to speak. with an integration day between each one. You still receive an email with content, but no journal prompt allowing spaciousness to sink into what unfolds and more deeply absorb what’s available. The integration days can also be dedicated to listening to the transmission with a deeper intention to alchemize each spiral as you traverse.
How long is the audio and what if I can’t listen every day?
The transmission is a 25-minute audio recording and you will receive it in the welcome email. It’s something you simply click on to download and you can listen to it from your phone or computer. It’s intended to be listened to every day, but if that’s unrealistic, that is just fine. Instead, plan to listen on the integration days. Day 4, 12, 20, and 28.
How much time do I need to spend a day?
Plan to spend 20-30 minutes a day reading the daily email and journaling. Preferably write until the words stop flowing, knowing the more time you put in, the more you will get out but also know twenty minutes is a good minimum to set as a commitment to yourself. On top of this make space to listen to the audio. Even if you fall asleep as it’s playing while going to bed that’s fine — our subconscious is absorbent. As an alternative, use the integration days to listen.
Will I have forever access?
Yes! All content is sent via email so you can save it and go through the spiral again, and again. You can even click the “start button” in the welcome email to trigger the series to send again.
Are the Flower Essences included?
The Flower Essence Set is sold separately and the course can be done without. It’s a personal choice. I highly recommend getting them. The blends actually came before the course. Making the blends, taking the blends, and sitting with each flower came the downloads of everything this experience entails. Pussy fire was birthed from the flowers. The essences are the physical manifestation of this medicine. Each bottle emanates the medicine invoked and physically ingesting it is powerful. The set is sold separately primarily to make this offering as accessible as possible to all. I cannot recommend them enough AND if it’s not in alignment for whatever reason, that is just fine. The journey itself will still be plenty powerful.
What are flower essences and should anyone not take them?
Flower Essences are vibrational medicine in a tincture-like form you ingest orally that affect your subtle energy body, emotional body, and spirit. They are made with fresh spring water infused with the vibrational imprint of fresh blooms under the sun or moon. They are incredibly safe to take and gentle on the earth to make. There are no contraindications meaning they are safe during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, and in combination with other medications. You take 1-7 single drops at a time in water or underneath your tongue. They’re typically preserved in brandy though vegetable glycerine is available upon request
What is the refund policy?
There is a no-refund policy because you get access to download the audio transmission right away.
What if I have another question?
If you have any remaining questions, email Abby at info@abbymchale.com.
With love,
Abby & the Marigold Women
This offering (and page) is going through a deep rebirth. Join the waitlist to be the first to know as everything lands!