Walking with the Marigold Women.

To walk with the Marigold Women is to awaken to the various ways in which we hold the breath of our spirit, in fear of truly letting go.


The Marigold Women are the women who are ready to courageously do the self-work their souls, ancestral lines and the collective is calling for. They are the women devoted to mending the severing of self, through their connection to the earth, spirit, the Goddess, and the divine feminine. 

They are devoted to the work of facing their shadows, their deepest wounds, shedding their stories, embracing joy, claiming their beauty inside and out, and freeing their feminine souls to drink up this one precious life in all of its glory. 

The Marigold Women are the many faces of the Goddess, the many feminine archetypes, and the many tributaries of our feminine psyche. They are all the women throughout space and time, in physical and unseen forms, from the past and the present who have walked, and are walking this path of reclaiming ALL of themselves in honor of a collective reclamation.

The Marigold Women are calling us home. The Marigold Women are calling us deep into our bones.

We’ve all endured a dismantling of our true nature as part of our human experience. This is the journey of the soul. It comes from various angles. It comes from our life experiences, our childhood, and family lines, the traumas we’ve endured, the various forms of oppression, inequality, and injustice around the world. It comes from the culture we are immersed in, the beauty industry, the porn industry, our heritage, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, and on, and on, and on. 

The journey of awakening is the realization that we are fragmented at all so that we can become whole.

There are subliminal messages of "how to be" coming at us from every which direction. From deep within, and far beyond. The thing is that we are never actually fragmented, it’s the illusions that we must compartmentalize ourselves to fit in, that encourages us to fragment the way we expose and embrace ourselves.


Weaving ourselves back together, or together for the first time so to speak, claiming every aspect of our soul to shine, is what grants us freedom, confidence, and self-worth, and it is what feeds our sense of safety to embody and express ourselves fully and joyfully with more courage than fear or contraction.

The Marigold and the Marigold Women have a deep connection with the dark Goddess and the way that she illuminates what’s holding us hostage to grant us the power to set ourselves free.



It’s not that we have to constantly seek the dark, dredging up the pain, and shadows, it’s that we have to surrender to it when it comes and not allow ourselves to be swallowed by it. This is what grants us the capacity for ecstatic pleasure, joy, and love in their highest states. It’s the dichotomy that makes us whole

Even though the beginning of the journey may invoke more pain than you initially had, your capacity to reach more joy than you were ever able to reach before facing the shadows becomes infinitely exponential. She knows joy beyond joy and that surrender is how you reach it.

We are all born with a kind of purity intact. When we first enter this world, our spirit hasn’t yet been dramatically shaped by our surroundings, environment, and life circumstances. Over time, we begin to fragment and fractal. We begin to try on personas, and masks accumulating shapes, shades, and colors as we come in contact with the varying experiences of life finding our way. 

We take in societal messaging of how to be. This is part of the human experience, and this is part of the experience of the soul. This is how our essence is made up, and how our personality, and unique frequency of being establishes itself. 

The human experience is a journey of unraveling, from which we put ourselves back together again in a new way over and over again. It’s a journey of becoming, accumulating more insight, wisdom, and strength to move forward as we raise our vibration with integrity in our truth.

In the womb, and through birth we are affected by the energy we are immersed in. We are shaped by the energy of the stars and the cosmos from where they are as we enter this world. If you believe in any sort of collective consciousness we aren’t coming into this world with a blank slate. And then there is the consideration of nature versus nurture. All of these things come into play when calling our whole selves home. We are navigating a complexity of vast energies at play that are beyond us and this can make life difficult to understand.

Vulnerability, sisterhood, divine feminine spirituality, and love are the primary roots to heal a woman's soul, and each of these branch off into a thousand tendrils. These tendrils are the threads of a vast tapestry the Marigold Women weave their lives with and weave themselves whole through. 


The journey of the soul is not just about the homecoming of our soul. It’s a homecoming to the polarities within and around, and it’s a homecoming to the oneness of all of life. 

Life is a remembering of something greater than the tangible mind can grasp.

We are blank, and we are a piece of art. We are on a path of infinite possibilities and we are destiny. We are born exactly as who we were always going to be, and we can become anything we long for.

Life is meant to be lived in the present moment, not a second in the past or future, and if we leave our lives up to fate, we will never get what we want. Our sacred purpose is like a painting becoming a piece of art through each stroke, and like a seed whose flower of becoming is already determined.

We are born with no impression of what is, and our bones are made of records that date back to the beginning of time. Our being is impacted particularly from seven generations back, and our residue will be carried seven generations forward. The waterways carry memory, the trees have watched generations rise and fall, and the mycelium is a web of channels that weave the wisdom of the universe through the forest.

Our spiritual journey is to awaken to the infinite expression of our soul's fractals like sacred geometry with no limitations to the vast expansiveness of majestic unexplainable, uncontainable magic that we are.

This is the medicine of the Marigold. She's the doula of death assuring us that we can surrender to the dark night of the soul, and she’s the golden-headed Goddess of birth that’s always shining fragrantly reminding us the sun will always rise, and that we must soak it up when it’s shining.

Walking with the Marigold Women is to embrace the depths of what it means to be a spiritual being in a physical body, dancing between worlds at all times. It’s embracing an existence that is deeper than our human minds are capable of dissecting. It’s a path of surrendering, and trust as we follow our innate wisdom.


Walking with the Marigold Women is a journey of awakening to the parts of ourselves we’ve denied, it’s embracing the many faces of the Goddess, and the many facets of the feminine psyche to support the embodiment of the wild feminine. It’s throwing all our shame we didn’t know we had into the fire that not only feeds the reclamation of our wild power but protects it as we step into our path and sacred purpose.

Blazing brightly in our essence is what holds us in alignment and integrity with our sacred purpose. The embrace of our wild selves is how we find our path.

Walking with the Marigold Women is a journey of awakening to all the ways we have been oppressed, and awakening to all the ways we are complicit, and oppress ourselves. It’s coming into a deep relationship with our divine feminine energy, our intuitive wisdom, pleasure, and physicality, and it’s shedding all shame to take up space and embody the medicine we are here to bring.

The marigold women teach us to sit with intuition, how to sharpen our discernment, and how to choose, and act, and let go. They teach us how to surrender, and wield magic. They teach us to sit with acceptance of what is while releasing our ideas of possibility, success, dreams, and the fantasies we were sure would be —not to give up, but because until we truly let go of everything we think we want, and everything we think should be, we won't truly know what is here to stay.


The initiation of the Marigold Women is facing the reality that life is contradictory and beautiful in nature. It’s accepting the reality that it is all up to us to constantly pick and choose, and trust. It is up to us to lift the veils that are blindly limiting ourselves. It is up to us to claim our glory and shine on. It’s up to us to not get stuck in either world of physicality or spirit, missing the joy of the other, or the unionship of both.


Ultimately, there are no wrong choices unless we believe them to be. It’s our personal power to choose and keep moving forward committed to refinement and learning from the past with every step we face.



We are in charge of ourselves. Our energy, our time, and our life.

We don’t have to have all the answers, but we have to keep asking. And we have to keep choosing to choose one step at a time. Faith is a beautiful ally, and we also can't give all our power away to it and expect to get what we want.

This is a dance that has no beginning and no end, it’s about coming home to ourselves. I don’t know how you found your way here, but I thank the Goddess that tendrils of resonance and synchronicity have brought you right here, and right now, and I pray that the women who feel this pulse within them like I do will find me, and us, and say yes.

May we roam where the Marigold Women roam. 

With love,


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