The truth about feminine power.
Feminine power is not about women overpowering men, and it’s not about crushing the patriarchy and crowing the matriarchy — it’s about self-empowering all.
Power in its purity is not a hierarchy, it’s not about taking power from another, it’s about unity and rising together in our individuality. It’s not depressive, it’s dynamic. It’s about collectively reaping the benefits of everybody thriving in their unique potential. The entirety of the world may not view it this way, but we can forge a new path rooted in this model, without sacrificing anything and while being in greater service of ourselves all at the same time.
Power is not finite, it’s about awakening to the infinite well of power within us that then fuels our ability to thrive. It’s about awakening to the infinite well of potential at our fingertips and having the wear with all to claim it. It’s not about being better than, competing with, or comparing ourselves to anybody else, and any tendrils of scarcity and competition will rob us of our strength. As soon as our focus is outside of ourselves we lose our footing, and the potential of our power is compromised.
Your power is yours, and the only relevant context is your perspective and beliefs about it.
Feminine power is denouncing the lies and falsities of what we’ve been taught power is confined to.
It’s not confined by material wealth or status, it’s not confined by what we have, who we know, or our circumstances. There is leverage in these types of privileges but power is not bound to them. It’s not defined by our beauty, bodies, sexuality, race, or status — it’s defined by our ability to set our life force free and wield the energy within us to forge a path we believe in.
Claiming our feminine power means knowing our worth, otherwise, we will never have the strength to harness it.
Embodying feminine power means knowing that you are enough.
Any self-judgment, insecurities, self-doubt, and fear of expressing or exposing yourself equates to believing you are not worthy as is. It somehow means that you don’t feel valid in your very existence and that your essence is somehow faulty. It means in some way you believe you are not good enough, and therefore not whole. The process of claiming our power is vulnerable because there is no room for shame. And this is the heart of feminine power — it's claiming it from the inside out.
Embodying power is uncomfortable and we all resist it more than we may realize. Stepping into our feminine power means we can longer hide or camouflage ourselves. We can no longer default to being agreeable and making others comfortable. We have to claim ourselves, our truth, our boundaries, needs, and our flaws unabashedly. We have to find our strength amidst being a work in progress and stand tall anyway. We have to have faith in ourselves and compassion for our failures.
Claiming our feminine power means embodying the shameless woman amidst all our imperfections.
We can have self-reverence and be humble, and we can have confidence and make mistakes. We can trust in our knowing, even if we don’t know where we are going or what's next. We can have courage and be terrified. Ultimately, power is confidence because without confidence we freeze, hesitate, doubt, and are reluctant to follow the truth flooding within us — and we are reluctant to love and accept ourselves as is.
Feminine power is ultimately unleashing our kundalini, pussy fire, Goddess-given life force which in turn makes us unstoppable in our pursuit to soak up this life for all it has to offer.
Tapping into this energy makes us unstoppable in our pursuit to unleash the magnitude of our potential. Our feminine power is a well of energy within that feeds our passion, wisdom, and drive. It’s a well of energy that awakens our sensuality and sexuality and washes all fear and armor out of our hearts. It’s a well of energy that allows us to create magic, and manifest wildly. This flood of energy is bigger than any doubt or inhibition, and it feeds our inspiration, creativity, and desire to embrace this beautiful world for all it has to offer.
We must feed our feminine energy to activate our feminine power.
We must feed our sensual, curious, playful, and seductive nature. We must feed our curiosity, and passion, and nurture our trust in our intuition. We must practice trusting our cyclical nature and letting the ebbs and flow of life, our bodies, and energy take the lead. We must nurture the many faces of the Goddess by validating our multifaceted, shapeshifting existence. We must validate our holy rage, our deepest wounds, and our grandest dreams. We must devote ourselves to love wildly and embrace the magnitude of our hearts, and believe in our longing to love and be loved. We must radically accept ourselves. We must honor our sexuality, fall in love with our bodies, and wake up to our beauty. We must shed any tendrils of shame and unravel all the self-berating loops that attempt to keep us small.
We must believe in the validity of the entire woman that lives inside of us.
Once we deem ourselves worthy, and trust the wisdom flooding through us we can’t be wavered by life struggles, or by the destructive illusions or forces around us that test our faith, and we can’t be wavered by the self-destructive beliefs that beckon us all to judge ourselves. This doesn't mean we won't stumble, or struggle, and it doesn't mean it won't be hard — it means that we won't ever give up.
Once we see the false narratives luring us towards superficial power and happiness, we can devote ourselves to a pursuit that is rooted within. We can devote ourselves to the narrative of privilege that is not dependent upon our external circumstances but on our state of mind and our relationship with ourselves. Once we see the false narratives we can empower ourselves to paint a new landscape by which we live.
Once we see through the veils we will realize that power is something we claim from within and that it's not something we are given by anybody else.
Once we see through the veils it will take time to alchemize, but we will realize that it's always been ours, and only ours, and until we see this, and viscerally feel it, it will patiently wait. And though it will wait — the Goddess urges us to wake up. She urges us to question and examine why we have ever seen ourselves as small, or our potential as cursed. She urges us to see her within us and to trust her force to carry us. She urges us to believe in our own power to carry ourselves.
With marigold love,