In reverence of a Holy Pause.

In honor and with reverence for a holy pause, may we find stillness and receive the serenity of the glassy water of our existence when we release everything that grasps us. 

For just a moment. For just a breath. For just a morning or a day. May we honor a holy pause.

May we let go of our laundry list of things to do, our dreams and wishes, shortcomings, longings, and grievances. 

May we take in the serenity, and the clarity of nothingness between breaths. May we take in the poignant moment the moon shifts between waxing and waning. The poignant moment between endings and beginnings. And the poignant moment between the tide reaching its fingertips as far as it can before surrendering to receding.

This is the holy pause that each of us craves whether we know it or not. This is the nest we find sacred solitude in. This is the nest we find bone-deep knowing in. This is the holy pause that brings us to center again, and again, and again. 


May we pause in honor of presence. May we pause in the name of re-membering.


May we pause and notice our receptivity — or lack of. Taking in the breath of life that has entered our lungs, may we open our hearts in acceptance. In acceptance of the trees exhales we depend on, in acceptance of the life we’ve been granted. May we open our hearts and accept everything right here, right now, exactly as it is. Just as we are, as our loved ones are, and as everything simply is.

Our lives move so fast. Endings and beginnings, joy and grief can all be swallowed by one other blindsiding us from what is happening right in front of us, and right within us. 


We can forget our divinity. We can forget the beauty. We can forget how temporary everything is. The perpetual question is, am I drinking it in as fully as I could? 

Only I know for me, and you for you.


Our expectations of ourselves, and our lives can rise so high. Our disappointments can drown our accomplishments. Where we fall short, can suffocate the leaps we've taken. And our wishing in another can distance us from the love right in front of us.


May we pause with every ounce of our being to receive the holiness of what has been, knowing it’s not holy because it’s perfect, but that it’s holy because it’s all of it. May we pause with every ounce of our being, and receive the reality of what is.

Acceptance does not mean complacency. Acceptance is our center point to leverage what is.

May we take in right now as the oxygen for our spirits. May we embrace how far we have come. May we see what we have been blessed with. May our evolution be illuminated. May we genuinely sit in gratitude, and receive the love that is all around us.


May we sit and feel how small we are in the collective web of consciousness and life. And may we feel how profoundly significant we are.

Revel in your body temple. Revel in the wisdom and knowing that floods through you. Revel in the synchronicities that have created your existence and your life. Revel in your soul that resides within your being.

See the innocence that is in the world amidst the hate and violence. See the tenderness amidst the grief. See the love amidst the heartache. See the abundance amidst the lack. See the life amongst death. See the likeness amidst our differences.

Rest in a holy pause to simply see. 

Feel the presence of the earth. The forests and deserts. The oceans, rivers, and weather systems. Feel the presence of the animals - the two-legged, the four-legged, the many-legged, the finned, the furred, and the feathered. Feel the presence of the mycelium, the flowers, and the ecology all over the earth. Feel the life that is bound beyond our planet.


Feel the presence of the cosmos, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Feel the presence of gravity, and lack of, and the planets that have spoken to humanity throughout time. 


Feel your chest rising and falling, your belly ebbing and flowing. Feel the air moving in and out of your nostrils and through your lungs, dancing between one another's bodies. Feel the oxygen making its way through your veins. Feel your eyelids flickering over your sight, and your lashes touching between flutters.

Feel your heart beating, knowing that it won't beat forever, nor will anybody else's.

Remember that — remember that nothing lasts. Our existence will pass and we have no idea when life will slip from our breath. Or our beloveds. 

Death is sacred in this way. It carries the potential to awaken us to how precious it all really is. How sweet everything really is. It has a way of illuminating a tenderness beneath the darkness that we all witness and that we all feel.

Breathe into a holy pause of presence, and feel a centering happening between your belly, heart, and inner eyes. Feel a centering happening between your roots into the great mother, and your crown connected to the divine rippling up through your vertebras. 

We inevitably forget again, and again, and again. Because nothing matters. And everything matters. Breathe into the holy pause, to find the holy. Again, and again, and again.


Nobody wants to wake feeling like they’ve missed what lay before them. Nobody wants to grieve what’s past, not because it’s past, but because we never truly acknowledged it in the first place. Nobody wants to take their last exhale wishing they’d seen past the nonsense that was disguised as importance. 

We all want to wake feeling loved and full. We all want to wake seeing beauty. This does not mean the dark does not exist. This means the light becomes more precious because of it. 

Not in ignorance, not in naivety, may we see the beauty, and embrace it. Not in complacency, but in humbleness, may we accept what is. May we not miss a beat. May we cherish each and every second, and forgive ourselves when we don’t.

May we see it all for what it was worth. And may we always return to a holy pause, to find the holy.


With Marigold love,


5 Days of Healing
your Feminine Energy

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    The Golden-Headed Goddess.