An Infinite Well of Abundance

We live in a cosmic, otherworldly world. The universe is vast beyond our understanding. It’s vast beyond the milky way. It’s vast beyond life on earth, and our human comprehension. The divine intelligence of the universe is nothing you or I can comprehend, but if we choose to trust and we choose to listen, it will guide us to light.

There is so much abundance available. There is so much power available, and we have been manipulated to believe it’s out of our hands. We have been coerced to believe it’s finite. There are layers and layers of shadows that have been seeded upon us, and there is an abundance of light and possibility beneath the curtains that have been hiding this.

May we dance between raising our vibration and seeing the light and shedding the layers that have blinded us.

It’s time to raise our vibration and trust ourselves as worthy to channel more. More power, more love, more money, more health, more success, more of our voice, and gifts. It’s time to trust ourselves to channel more wisdom. It is time to trust ourselves that when filled with this power, we will channel good medicine.

It’s time to raise our vibration higher and higher and higher. It’s time to raise the vibration of our stories and imprints, and wounds perpetually alchemizing them into gold. Into more radiance. Into more healing and beauty and abundance.

The higher our vibration, the greater capacity we have to harmonize with the higher frequencies of this otherworldly world. The higher our vibration, the more access we have to the infinite abundance and possibilities that are available waiting for us to wake up and claim them. The more we raise our vibration, the higher states of healing we can acclimate to, and the more we can root into steady states of confidence, joy, love, and empowerment. Of optimism, positivity, hope, and faith.

The more we raise our vibration, the more access we have to this infinite, beautiful world, and the infinitely beautiful, potential of our being. Believe in magic, believe in miracles, and believe that anything, and everything is possible.

Notice your tendencies to shift from joy to depression, from faith to impossibility, confidence to self-doubt, from feeling loved to lonely, and hopeful to defeated.

Notice if another’s beauty makes you feel ugly, another’s prosperity makes you feel impoverished, or if another’s happiness illuminates your unhappiness.

Notice if another’s struggle invokes a sense of safety and connection, if another’s flaws make you feel more confident, or if another’s weakness makes you feel stronger.

Notice if another’s power invokes judgment if another sensuality or success invokes jealousy, and if another’s havingness invokes a sense of scarcity.

As we raise our vibration, there are inevitable crashes into the underbelly as we clear our limitations. Break this collective cycle of fighting for the light, and fight to be inspired by the light around you. Let it mirror the infinite possibility in you and around you, and let it feed you.

Keep your eyes open when you find yourself squirming in the discomfort of your shadows, and keep moving forward.

The medicine is trust. The medicine is seeing the light. The medicine is accepting what is. The medicine is being present for every sensuous moment, and having the integrity to stay in alignment. The medicine is resiliency and choice.

We have to midwife our shadows to the light. Midwife our fears to courage. Midwife our doubt to faith. Midwife our lack of confidence to our radiance. Midwife our depression to joy. We have to midwife our belief of scarcity to see the abundance. We have to midwife defeat and loss to gratitude. And we have to midwife the comfort of settling into complacency, to take the great leap to the possibilities that lay before us.

There is an abundance of wealth in this world. An abundance of love, health, and good fortune. There is magic all around us. You are worthy of it. So am I. It is just as available to you and me as anybody else.

Our abundance is not relative to anybody else. It’s a vibrational frequency. And when we sink into that hopeless place feeling otherwise, we have to fight for our faith even harder. Not hastily, or with force, or with bitterness and resentment, we fight for it by being consumed by the pulse of divinity between us and the cosmos, and between us and the earth.

We fight for it by dropping into it and remembering the magic.

Feel the cosmic pulse connecting you to the guidance of collective consciousness. Do not be swallowed by the underbelly, and don’t stand stagnant when you see the light, go after it. With everything you have.

Push your limits of giving, and push your limits of receiving. With money, time, energy, healing, love, and faith. Equally honoring both ends of the spectrum, knowing they are bound.

Feel the beat of your heart contracting and expanding. Pushing and resting. Give, and RECEIVE. Have pauses and stillness but do not settle.

Choose the light. Claim the light. Fight for the light. And RISE.

Don’t burn yourself out, or run yourself into the ground. Don’t give into utter depletion. Don’t feed the addiction to your story, or to the victim, the martyr, or the heroine. But make sure you are leaping. Let the smallness go. Let the pain go. Let the stories, the fears, and the ghosts go.

Leap, again, and again, and again. With unshakable determination.

The wild woman’s throne is not adorned with mediocracy.

Feed your faith. Feast on love, hope, and gratitude daily. Lean into the tender beauty of living between the light of the day and the dark of the night.

There is an innocent vulnerability in falling in love, and great loss. The vibration of fear and excitement is nearly one. Anger that is bitter and toxic and rage that is holy teeter a fine line.

See the light. Endings and beginnings are both bitter-sweet. Just like we resist our shadows, we resist our light. Let the layers be as they fall away and know the more you see the less power they have over you. And then leap.

Leap again, and again, and again.

Stretch the capacity of your beliefs. Of your Fatih and hope. In the goodness you see in the world. In the magic you believe in. Stretch your capacity to follow your intuition and heartstrings, to follow the wise crone wisdom of discipline and responsibility, of stepping into the devotion and commitment of the divine mother, and to follow the irrational magic-making seeds of the creatrix.

Abundance is not limited to the material world, and it does not deny the material world either. It is what’s within and outside of us. We are spiritual beings in a physical body, we are divinity living on earth.

The magic lives in the dance between the two.

We get one chance to experience what this earth has to offer us. What this one precious life has to offer us. We get one chance to soak up every possibility, every ounce of love, and every ounce of experience.

Going after the light is as scary as surrendering to the dark. Leap.

Let your desires simmer until they reach a raging boil. Let your dreams reach beyond what you can imagine. Let your belief in possibility outgrow what you have seen and know. Awaken to your infinite potential.

Never stop leaping. Never stop dreaming. And follow the light.

Even when you can’t see it, it’s always there. Beckoning you, step after step, after step.

With love,


5 Days of Healing
your Feminine Energy

Daily written content, journal prompts, and a guided-meditation invoking the Goddess

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    The Golden-Headed Goddess.


    Protecting the feminine flame.