Musings from the divine to invoke your feminine power, summon your divine feminine energy, and reveal the many faces of the Goddess within you.

The liberation of shadow work.
Abby McHale Abby McHale

The liberation of shadow work.

Shadow work is a process of unwinding between our conscious and unconscious selves to free ourselves from our own constraints. But sometimes we try so hard to let our story go and move on, and we try so hard to be the bigger better person, and we try so hard to heal, succeed, and liberate ourselves that we can engrain what we are trying to let go of more deeply.

The more conscious we are when we face shadow work, the more leverage we have for freedom, but for those who know this, it can be easy to think we are doing the right thing pursuing it when we are instead digging ourselves a trench.

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Shame to self-love.
Abby McHale Abby McHale

Shame to self-love.

We all have shame, and we all hide to some degree no matter how minute. Shame to self-love is the first significant shift in claiming our personal power. Without shame, we have no inhibitions. And without our inhibitions, our inner wise one is set free.

We may intellectually understand that shame has no right to keep us small. We may know that we should love ourselves and that what other people think doesn’t or shouldn’t matter, but why is this so hard?

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The practice of soul retrieval to mend the fragmentation of self.
Spiritual Shadow Work Abby McHale Spiritual Shadow Work Abby McHale

The practice of soul retrieval to mend the fragmentation of self.

Soul retrieval is a journey of letting unfinished loops of pain complete, bringing all parts of ourselves to the present moment, unbridling us from the past. It’s a practice of awakening to, and coming into relationship with these fragmented parts of our consciousness, and weaving ourselves whole. Yes, it can be facilitated by a practitioner, and yes we can do this ourselves.

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