Protecting the feminine flame.

Creativity and passion are the essence of magic making magic, and more magic, and more magic.

When this essence is vital, when this flame is burning bright, it’s a current that is unbearable to restrain. It's something you couldn’t withhold if you tried. It’s the kind of energy that wakes you in the middle of the night, an invocation, a calling, a wave of energy that consumes and nourishes you equally, washing away all else.

This type of creative passion needs safety and a belief of worth to erupt, and a container to be channeled properly. It needs a container to dance through, that will not let it become a wildfire of mass destruction, or dwindle out into darkness.

Our fires are in danger.

There are so many women in the world moving through the days depressed, dampened, passionless, and with no pulse of creative energy alive within them.

Drop into your belly, hips, and your heart, through your ancient roots, and up through your otherworldly crown as you summon the Goddess full of passion. Summon the Goddess pulsing alive with creation, orchestrating magic, radiating beauty, and channeling medicine that is at your fingertips. Let her wash over you, and through you.

Refuse to live a life of dampness and constraint, void of the heartbeat that drives you to make magic.

Protect your time. Protect your energy, your spiritual practice, and the spaciousness for your intuition to speak. Protect your health and the well-being of your physical body, and your mind from being cluttered with parasitic attempts to feast on your light.

Protect this flame.

Our creativity cannot survive without reverence and fierce protection. It cannot survive without us awakening to its holiness. It cannot survive without us surrendering to its current and letting it guide us.

Our intuition can’t reach us when our lives are simply busy. Ceremony cannot happen without grounding and making space. Healing cannot happen without stillness, letting go, and feeling.

Sisterhood and intimacy cannot happen without vulnerability, honor, respect, courage, and devotion. It cannot happen without our willingness to truly witness, and be witnessed naked in our truths the others may see better than we can see ourselves.

Sexual energy and pleasure cannot survive without our ability to receive, let go of expectation, and awaken to the pulse and sensation moment by moment. They cannot survive without awakening to the sensuality of our human experience in this beautiful world in this beautiful body.

None of these things can thrive without a sacred container that we fiercely protect.

Tend the sacred container for this flame to flicker. Tend the sacred container for these fires to blaze brightly. And tend the sacred container for these embers to stay hot, and warm your womanly soul as you endlessly alchemize by the fire.

We have to fight in honor of our capacity, and the biggest battle is with ourselves.

It is us who have become the enemy of our sacred flame. It is us who have run ourselves into the ground. It is us who have devalued this flame. It is us who have settled. It is us who have stopped stating our needs, speaking our desires and unabashedly following our truths, or believing our wisdom. It’s us who have stopped taking ownership.

It is us who have been blinded by the false sense of superiority of the martyr, the heroine, and the victim. It is us who have been blinded by the false sense of superiority in hustling and playing the game. It is us, only us, who can see beyond the veils of illusions we are living by.

Our power is within, not something to grasp outside. Our creativity is nurtured within, it’s not about what is birthed out. The sacred pulse of creation is the energy moving through us, more than what it becomes.

There’s an inner union that must happen to protect these sacred flames. There’s a reckoning and a living between worlds that protects the flame. There’s a grounding and coming into our earthly body, and being balanced with our basic needs versus our dreams in this world that protects the flame.

Call it boundaries. Call it energetic protection. Call it the sacred masculine, or the Crone. Call it the tending of your root chakra. Call it the provider, the protector, or the warrior who is guarding your earthly self, and the Goddess within who is your north star. Call it whatever you want, as long you step in and protect the flames.

Wake up and look at your relationship with time, your capacity, and your energy.

If you are on empty, if you are passionless, if you have no creative pulse - identify the leak and do something about it.

Prioritize ceremony. Prioritize stillness and time to go within - time to reflect and to listen. Prioritize pleasure and self-soothing, rest, and relaxation. Prioritize connection, and your loved ones, and prioritize loving and caring for yourself. Our creativity and passion cannot exist without this. Joy dissipates without this. Our health degrades without this.

The flames of creativity and passion are birthed from this tending. They are the byproduct of health and alignment. They are the byproduct of claiming our most authentic selves. They are the essence of our spiritual fertility to channel the divine and birth it into manifestation.

Tend your foundational needs efficiently and make space for the flames to crackle.

Spaciousness is ceremony. Spaciousness is where we commune with the divine. Spaciousness is where pleasure, and creativity simmer.

Our feminine flame requires devotion and commitment. Our creativity and passion require devotion and commitment. Our health and relationships require devotion and commitment. Devotion and commitment are the teachings of the Divine Mother. She also teaches us to mother ourselves, because this fuels the magnitude of energy devotion, and commitment requires.

Awaken to where your devotion and commitment lay now by how you have prioritized the things in your life. Not by what you think or feel you value. Where do you spend your money, time, and energy? Where do you put your trust and presence? Where do you practice discipline, what relationships are the centerpiece of your life, and what responsibilities are you committed to?

Clear the clutter and commit to what you believe in. Become the sacred vessel and channel the magic aching to come through.

Stop doing things you don’t want to do. Stop doing things that exhaust you. Stop putting your energy and resources into things you don’t cherish. Stop repeating habits that don’t serve you. If needed, clear the canvas and begin again.

We don’t have control over all our circumstances, but we are the only ones that have the power to do anything about them.

So many women let a subtle residue of bitterness simmer instead of speaking their desires, and naming their needs. So many people have settled in unhappiness or mediocracy instead of facing the courage it takes to leap and change everything.

As counterintuitive as it may feel, there can be a subtle sense of power in being victimized or being the martyr because it makes us feel superior in a convoluted way. In our story, in our relationships, or in feeling deficits of time and energy.

But what if we owned our needs, owned our true feelings, and owned the reality of our capacity?

What if all the excuses, all the procrastination, and all the blame disintegrated and we were left with a very vulnerable power arising in our sovereign hands to create a life that feels luscious, and full of vitality?

This vital woman within pulsing with passion is often closer than we think. We may think she is absent or dampened when really we have spent all our energy in fear denying her because she is ravenous. We are often terrified to the point of disassociation because if we were to listen she would push us to leap beyond everything we know.

She would push us to leap beyond logic. Beyond our stories, our wounds, and our greatest fears. She’d push us to jump beyond our sense of worth, and our belief in possibilities, and shed require us to depend on a life form that’s made of magic. That’s woven with the unseen, and a world that can’t be understood only trusted. Her heart and wisdom are a pulse that takes over. Her heart and wisdom force you to let go and lose control.

Have the courage to receive her liberation. You don't have to fully grasp it or make sense of it. You just have to trust it. This is what makes the magic.

In honor of life, passion, vitality, joy, and creation - protect your flame. Fight for it. Devote yourself to it, and let it show you the way.

Big love beautiful one.


Invoke the Goddess.
A sacred journey of invocation through your feminine soul.

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