Offer it up to the Goddess

Feel the fire of the Goddess within you. Feel her in your being. In your hips, in your belly, and in your heart. Feel her in your throat, and vision, and in your crown of divinity. Feel her in your tailbone radiating up the entirety of your spine. Feel her fires in your pelvis where the kundalini serpent lies coiled. 



Feel the fire of the Goddess that is hungry for truth. Raw and undenied.



There’s a discomfort in admitting to ourselves that our desire is insatiable. That we want more. That we want it all. 



There’s a discomfort in claiming and receiving the divine privilege our gifts and light grant us. 



There’s a discomfort in claiming our power.



There’s a discomfort in claiming our brightness, magic, and joy while we witness injustice, suffering, and struggle all around us. 



There’s a discomfort in dreaming grandiose dreams when all around the world there is poverty, oppression, war, rape, and death. 



There is a discomfort in surpassing the pains of those we love. There’s a discomfort of feeling others' judgments and triggers and jealousy towards us.



There’s a discomfort in feeling humbled. In feeling shame. In feeling regret and embarrassment for our ignorance, arrogance, failures, and miscalculations.



There’s a discomfort in feeling the rawness of our judgments, our triggers, our immaturity, and the violence, hate, and anger that resides within us. 



There’s a discomfort in feeling our insecurities, self-doubt, hypocrisy, and lack of faith and belief in ourselves, and our life.



There’s a discomfort in feeling rage, heartache, and cynical hopelessness.



There is a discomfort in feeling the rawness of life.



There's a false sense of comfort in turning our cheek to the discomfort. Or we can realize the fire of the Goddess is fed by all of it. She is fed by the rawness of humanity.



The Goddess is fed by the truths we would never speak, or wish we wouldn’t have. But nonetheless, she is fed by it. 



Deny what is raw within you, and it will fester in fear and shame and become septic. It will become toxic and devour you alienating you from the holy. 



The Goddess begs you to confess to yourself. She’s aching for your to let go and accept. She is ravenous for you to surrender to your shame, your fear, and your breath that no longer wants to be held.



Lift the veils.



Our passion cannot be accessed in its purity if our relationship with our shadows is not transparent.



We cannot tame the fire of our truth, dousing it with control when we choose and ask it to burn brightly only when we want. Our fire demands the exposure of the good, the bad, and the ugly.



The embers are crackling in your Goddess belly. The embers are warm, and she is asking us to feed her. 



Feel her medicine to devour and transmute.



Feel the power of her shapeshifting nature.



Feel the raw truth you’re afraid to claim beckoning you forward.



Muster the courage.



Let go and let it rise.



Offer up the mess of your wild grief and let it transmute into tenderness and presence. Let it awaken you to the precious, impermanence of this beautiful world. 



Offer up your unhappiness and let her transmute it into an unstoppable drive to find joy.



Offer up your pain for devotion to pleasure.



 Offer up your hardness and exchange it for sensuality.



Offer up your fear and let it stoke excitement for the possibilities of new life.



Offer up your doubt and claim an unshakable faith in magic and miracles.



Untame your desire and open yourself to abundance



Offer up the weight of logic, and reasoning and let divine creation take over.



Let the Goddess's shapeshifting dance of transmutation, alchemization, and magic move through you with grace.



Trade in your exhaustion for permission to rest. Your perfectionism for acceptance. And your heartbreak for compassion.



Offer up your failures to become teachings. Your wounds to become medicine. Your stories to make meaning. And your angst to become stillness.



Transmute your jealousy into admiration. Your defeat into trust. Your sense of scarcity into enough. And all your criticisms into belonging.



Let your bitterness and the injustices that have fed upon you become the holy fires of reclamation and the harmony of your invocation.



Let her fires shapeshift your stories, your sight, and your energy.



Let her fires devour your armor and illusions.



Let her show you the mountains erupting, the trees whispering, and the stars orchestrating all within the cosmos of your divinity.



Birth and death are unavoidable and suffering is malleable.



Let her infuse you with trust as she summons you to step into the fire where the phoenix will rise, and the serpent will uncoil. 



Let her unveil your innocent beauty in all of it.



Let her fires humble you and show you sage wisdom. Let her fires teach you of self-reverence, respect, and honor. Of purity, sovereignty, and dependence. Let her wisdom unravel the cycles of birth, death, and reclamation. Let her bless you with her holiness, magic, and power.



Let her fires bless you with love. True love. The love that accepts the rawness of your inner landscapes with unconditional embrace. 



Let her fires awaken you to the continuously fleeting moment in front of you. 

Let her fires bless you with presence, and with tenderness. 

And let her fires awaken you to the perfections of your imperfections as you cherish your fleeting, beating heart.


With marigold love,


5 Days of Healing
your Feminine Energy

Daily written content, journal prompts, and a guided-meditation invoking the Goddess

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