What a beautiful world.

What a beautiful world.

Even though it may not always be in plain sight, the beauty is always there. It's a practice day by day to continually slow down — on the inside even if we can't on the outside — and find steady footing to see.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Feel your body, and feel your weight being cradled in the arms of the earth. Feel your skin containing your muscles, your muscles containing your bones, your veins containing your blood, and your heart pumping life through your body. Feel your wombs ability to shed what is past— whether you still bleed or not.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Know you will birth what’s meant to become, and know what dies, its time has come. Deepen your breath, soften your eyes, let go, and trust, trust, trust.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

What do you hear? What do you feel — in your blood, in your bones, in your body, and your soul?

Nourish, nourish, nourish.

Nourish your min and the mental chatter. Nourish the doubt, and the fear. Nourish the contractions and the tension. Nourish the shame and regret.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Nourish your being with your breath. Nourish your being with the beauty around you. Nourish your being with the landscape, the colors, and the sounds around you and within you. Nourish your being with the beauty of your dance in this life. Nourish yourself with your sheer ability to be here on this earth.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Nourish your being with the awareness of your precious human nature — your fear, courage, love, pain, grief, rage, humor, laughter, beauty, flaws, messiness, and grandness.

Awaken to how grand you are.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

You may doubt it — but it’s true. You are magnificently grand. There is nobody like you. There is nobody so perfectly orchestrated — by the stars and the divine, by your essence, lineage, personality, quirks, medicine, gifts, experiences and shortcomings, and your life.

Nobody is like you.

Nobody sees the world like you, and that sight is something grand. Something grand that nobody else gets. Cherish it my love. Cherish it. Cherish you.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Imbue your being with gratitude, with love, and with the preciousness of this impermanent, fleeting moment.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Know this life won’t last forever. Know your heart won’t beat forever. Know your body will be left behind, and that the earth will swallow you.

Know that in this mortal, fleeting life that your soul and your being will shine brighter, and brighter, and brighter when you tend to it, when you adore and love it, and when you share it.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Share your magnificence. Share your magic. Share that glorious uncontainable heart of yours. Share your truth. Share your voice. Share your passion. Share you.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Question everything. Change your mind — again and again and again. Doubt yourself. Doubt everything. And trust yourself. Trust everything. Find confidence in this wild world. Find sweetness in this ever-changing wild life. Let it show you — again, and again, what you didn't expect, and what you didn’t see before. Be enamored, and may the horizon always be out of reach.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Nothing lasts forever. If nothing lasts forever, what shall you cherish? If nothing lasts forever, what will you miss when it’s gone? This growth we dream of is exciting, but what will we say goodbye to when it comes? This is the beauty —one step forward, means one step farther from what was and the tenderness that can come with that makes it all that much more precious. Every step of the way is bitter-sweet if we pay attention. Don’t rush what is, away.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Who do you love? Who do you adore? Who do you cherish? Who makes your heart sing? What colors make you feel what way? What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? What are your favorite songs? Your favorite stories? Your favorite memories?

Slow and steady, slow and steady?

What do you love? What do you adore? What overwhelms your heart with joy? With passion? With magic? With creativity? What brings you to tears? What makes you feel the heart in everything? What overwhelms your drive to LIVE? To truly, truly live?

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

What shall you fill your life with? What shall you be remembered for? Does it matter? How about what will you remember most?

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Don’t get carried away. There’s a lot of magic to be thought of, but there is a lot of magic, right here, right now without changing a thing.

There is a lot of magic in the simple things, and there is a lot of magic in creating the biggest things. But don’t forget, don’t ever forget — slow and steady, slow and steady — or you’ve forgotten.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Don’t live ahead of yourself. Don’t live behind yourself. Don’t only live within yourself, or outside of yourself. Keep your presence dancing between it all. Keep your presence in all of it — what was, what could be, and most importantly what is —right here, right now.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Don’t miss a single beat — and know it’s okay when you do.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

You will fail. Nothings perfect. You’re not perfect. Your beloveds are not perfect. This world, this life, this god—nothing is perfect, and can we really believe any of it was ever meant to be?

We are all flawed. Everything is flawed. Nothing makes sense, and everything makes sense.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Love yourself madly. Be humble. Be confident. Reap the gold of the past, and enjoy the potential of the future. Own your wisdom. Own your independence. Own your dependency. Listen to others. Listen to yourself. Be willing to sacrifice. Be willing to surrender. Be willing to fight, and to say yes, no, and I don’t know.

Know that life, relationships, and unfolding are all far from linear.

Don’t keep score. Don’t hold grudges. Don’t let bitterness get the best of you. Find a healthy skepticism — within optimism. Always find the beauty. Always find the magic. Always find the love, and keep trying —over, and over, again.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

What a beautiful world — right here, right now.

What a beautiful world.

With Marigold love,



My writing process is a prayer.


Freedom comes from wholeness.