Crossing the threshold. Receiving the medicine. Fall Equinox.

Slowing down.

It’s time to make space for reflection. The veils are thinning as we have crossed to the other side of the fall equinox. The more we slow down, the more we can hear the voice of our inner wise one that surely has something to say. She comes out more strongly this time of year. It’s a gradual deepening with her. It’s like the first pull of brakes on a train, that takes miles to halt it - this is fall. The brakes were just pulled, but you’d barely know looking from the outside. We are still moving fluidly, soaking in the presence of the sun and warmth of day, as the sun dissipates a hair earlier each evening.

2020 has undoubtedly been a wild ride for each of us. In varying, unique ways - but undoubtedly a significant year for all.

I invite you today, to reflect on this year in it’s entirety. Begin with January, going month by month, to today.

At the beginning of the year, what were your goals, what were you longing for, and going after? What were you dreaming up? How has that changed? What things now seem completely insignificant, and what do you still want?

What were you struggling with then, and are you still struggling with the same things now, or have those struggles completely transformed?

The fall is a gradual preparation to nest. We gradually sift through illusions, and changed perceptions of what no longer has meaning to us, as we become aware of what does - or we simply call upon the courage to trust the holy unknown as we prepare to shed.

In my heart, fall marks a season of reflection and heightened awareness. Longer nights, represent the veils becoming thin between our conscious and subconscious selves. The dark is closing our eyes and going within, and using our instinctual senses. It’s the first marker that shifts us inward. Slowly, but surely. We are preparing to see with our inner eyes, and inner ears so we can just, let, go, when winter comes, and rise up free of what no longer serves us for another cycle come spring.

This slowing down may be more internal than external. It will look differently for each of us. Play with it, listen. What does the first pull of the brakes on the train look like for you? What is your wise one within, calling out to you for?

Lots of love,



The story of the Marigold Women.


A new paradigm. Reclaiming the feminine way.