A new paradigm. Reclaiming the feminine way.

A new paradigm is calling us home to reclaim the feminine way. To reclaim living in harmony with the great mother, the earth, with our bodies, and with one another. We are being called to wake up to the natural rhythms of the universal life force we have been trying to override. The new paradigm is coming home to to the true nature of ourselves with open eyes, surrender, and acceptance.

The new paradigm is reclaiming our cyclical nature.

Our bodies are cyclical, the earth is cyclical, and the cosmos are cyclical. When we ignore the natural cycles at the roots of the life force within and around us, we do not only lose grasp of our own internal compass, we lose our grasp as a collective, creating chaos and toxicity all around us. 

The new paradigm is recognizing ourselves as threads woven together as a collective and as one with the divine. It’s reclaiming a life of harmony together. We are each a web of our own, woven into the earth and the cosmos, and each web of a being is woven together as one living, breathing organism - with the seen and unseen making us whole with the soil, the mycelium, the flowers, trees, mountains, animals, bacteria and viruses, ancestors, and every living being.

The new paradigm needs us to open our eyes deep within, and it needs us to open our eyes to the world around us. 

The world as we know it is changing. The ways we have known, the comforts we have become accustomed to, are all slipping, and shifting, and changing. The systems we live by - educationally, financially, and economically are all changing. The old ways are deteriorating. Slowly but surely.  This is our opportunity to wake up and make a choice. We can fight, or we can evolve. 

The earth is changing, weather patterns are becoming more eradicate, the landscape is being deforested, the waters are becoming polluted, and plastic is filling the oceans.  Our true nature as spiritual beings in a physical body, living in harmony with the earth is being lost as we evolve. 

Our souls are beginning to call louder and louder as we become untethered to the ways of the earth. Whether it’s our own doing or we are simply being carried by the force of the world around us. It’s up to us to open our eyes and be the change we want to see. 

Our souls have been riddled with stress. Our bodies have been riddled with toxins. We’ve been riddled with materialistic illusions of what will make us happy and our ways of survival have begun to rely on things that do not serve our soul. We’ve been overcome with busy, fast-paced, disassociated lifestyles and are all trying to find our way with the balance of feeding comfort, ideals, our spiritual nature, and a sense of security.

It is up to each of us to find our own way, our own balance, and to define what is most important to us.  It’s awakening to false ideals that are creating more suffering than they’re granting us happiness and adjusting. Even though this will look different for each of us, reclaiming our roots back into a life of harmony with the pulls of the seasons, the cosmos, and the divine to whatever degree we are ready, is our access point to find our way.

It's time to listen, and loosen our grasp on what we think should be, and open our inner eyes and inner ears to what is. It is time to slow down. Grieve what's being lost, grieve what’s never been, and be grateful for all the abundance we do have. It’s time to listen.

We have been so stuffed full with the ideas of what could be. The American Dream telling us anything is possible and that we can all, have it all. Depending on what “having it all” means to each of us, in some cases we can’t have it all.  It’s time to ask ourselves what we want to believe and what we truly believe when being honest with ourselves.

The new paradigm is calling to us to redefine abundance, wealth, and security.

There are finite resources on this planet. We are seeing the ripple effect of taking. Different parts of the world have been seeing this through generations in different ways. Everyone is having varying ranges of experiences, but we all can see the ripple to some degree. The system as we know it is beginning to crash, and we are all watching. Some have been watching this crumbling all along, and some are just beginning to viscerally take the reality in. 

The new paradigm isn’t coming, it is already happening.

Death and endings sometimes happen in a split second, and sometimes they are a slow process of unraveling, and it takes time to realize it’s happening right now. We often don’t realize we are in it, or that we were in it until it’s already over. 

Everything must come to an end at some point. Everything must die at some point. Life comes from death. And sometimes new life is nothing like we anticipated. Sometimes it’s beyond us, too far away for us to ever actually see. Regardless, the cycle does go on.  Change is the only constant and it’s up to us to adapt.

Grieving doesn’t make what has been lost or what has ended come back - it’s a process of acceptance and moving forward. This may be precisely why we push it away but we must realize it’s the only way through.  

We need to remember that opening our eyes is our gateway to freedom. Opening our eyes often calls for us to surrender to a terrifying wild river of emotion to flow free, but that wild river is liberation. It’s progress, it is the healing salve to transform. The shedding and the letting go are what creates the space needed for new life to conceive. 

This journey cannot be forced. We cannot force ourselves to really see and we cannot rush ourselves through the birth canal of a new paradigm. 

We can’t be told. The process of rebirth or the wisdom that comes with it cannot be explained. We have to open our eyes, our hearts, our intuition, inner eyes, and inner ears to receive it ourselves. To truly make a change, we have to want to make the change from a heart-centered, visceral place of understanding.

To truly heal and to truly grow, we have to undergo the process ourselves. We have to be courageous to trust beyond our fear, and we can’t force anyone to join us. 

Change and transformation are all beautiful things, even if the growing pains hurt. Great change is raw, it’s visceral, it’s real. The longer we deny the truth we know within, the more suffering we create and the longer and more gruesome the process is. Don’t deny the truth. Don’t keep squeezing your eyes shut. Don’t keep looking the other way when you know, and do your best to not let it swallow you. 

The new paradigm is within and around us. It’s our relationship with ourselves, it’s our relationship with the earth, our bodies, the cosmos, and it’s our willingness to make a change and adapt as a collective together.

And so I ask you.  What truths deep in your soul have been calling for some time? What truths have you been resisting, avoiding, denying, or procrastinating? In your personal life, in your love life, in your healing journey, in your growth, and in your lifestyle.

Do you know you need to tend your body, switch careers, leap into love or walk away? Do you know you need help with something? Do you know you need to cultivate trust or tend your boundaries? Do you know it’s time to up-level and that you are the only thing stopping you?  What are you afraid of? 

Ask yourself these questions and each time you get an answer, ask why again, and again until you can’t break it down any further. 

Opening our eyes to what is, opening our hearts to a new paradigm. Reclaiming the feminine way is a process of being deeply honest with ourselves. 

It’s a process of opening, surrendering, and finding acceptance as we cultivate trust in the current of life and allow it to guide us on our true path for our greatest service.

Our power is in the now - in what is. Our power is in opening our eyes wide. Opening our eyes to the truth within and around us. It is presence, acceptance, compassion, and love. 

The new paradigm is our trust that we will be alright if we honor our truth. It is believing we are completely whole and perfect within all of our imperfections and it is in embracing and following the unknown. 

Remember all that is, is just right because what is, is, and nothing else can be. So let’s be here together. In the now, with compassionate open eyes for ourselves and one another. May we embrace this new paradigm with love for whatever it has in store for us.

With love,


Invoke the Goddess.
A sacred journey of invocation through your feminine soul.

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    Crossing the threshold. Receiving the medicine. Fall Equinox.


    Feminine power and our magic as women.