The story of the Marigold Women.

The Marigold Women are the wise women. They are the trackers of feminine power and feminine freedom. They are of the earth, made of water and made of fire. Playful, and innocent, but with eyes wide open. They know holy rage and holy love. They are the rainbow warrior Goddesses of everything. 

The Marigold Women walk between worlds. They dance between the underworld and the ethers, the seen and the unseen, the living and the dead. Their roots run deep through all the lineages who have walked before, and their spirits reach beyond the cosmos. They know the still point of death and birth meet in the same holy pause.

The Marigold Women know that the earth has witnessed all of time and commune with her humbly. They know that they are creatures just like every other creature on this planet. They know that they are small and that they are vast, and that they are living, and will die. They know their spirits are uncontainable like the wind, and they know embracing their mortality, is embracing life.  

They are dancers of freedom, of joy, and they live in their greatness. They cherish the female form — their hearts, bodies, sexuality, creativity, and the divine. They know magic.  

The Marigold Women are the golden-headed Goddesses of dawn. They know how to mine the gold of the darkness of their shadows, stories, ancestry, and anything and everything that life brings. They are trackers of the sweet fragrance of all of life. They are the light at the end of the tunnel, hungry to make us realize there is always light where there is dark just like the sun dancing with the moon.

The Marigold Women teach us to surrender to the calls within and to have the courage to dance with our fears until they crack us wide open to the rush of spirit moving through us.

The Marigold Women are free, they are untamable, and they are here to unleash all of this within us. They are here to show us the power of our heart and spirit in its purity.

We are each a conduit of collective energy flooding through us that has a plan much greater than us. When we let this life force move us, something magical happens — a portal opens to live a life of magic where the Marigold Women roam. 

The Marigold Women do not fight where this force is taking them. They are wiser than questioning it, and that is their wisdom. They move with it like a prayer, not only for themselves but for all. They are the conduits of great spirit, and they are great spirit.

The Marigold Woman is the Golden Headed Goddess of life, the light of dawn, and the inner illumination amidst the dark night. She is the sun of creation, and she is the exhale of our last breath. She is stamina, strength, vibrancy, love, joy, and freedom. She is you, and you are her.

So may we roam where the Marigold Women roam, wild and full-heartedly free.

With love,



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    Divine feminine energy and the spiritual empath.


    Crossing the threshold. Receiving the medicine. Fall Equinox.