Divine feminine energy and the spiritual empath.

A love note to the feminine empath…

Sweet one. Oh, how I know the sensitivity that you feel. How much it is to feel everything so deeply. I know its beauty and tenderness. I know the depth that is such a sweet gift to receive in this life. To feel the heart in and of everything.

I also know the weight and the pain that comes with this. This gift of yours can feel like a burden at times. Truth be told, it is. Every one of our gifts is in a way. They are each a double-edged sword but we owe it to ourselves to find empowerment in embracing them. 

Not everyone in this world gets to experience the expansiveness of love that you do. To feel so much compassion for every little ounce of this world. This is part of feminine power. This is part of a woman’s magic. Not even all women have this gift, it’s a certain form of divine feminine energy.

You often feel as deep into the underworld as you do into the ethers. You often feel spirit so strongly or another’s energy so strongly you can’t decipher it from your own. It can feel like too much at times, I know. It can be hard to swallow at times, yes. There is so much energy moving in this world and you are a divine channel of it.

For our own sake and no one else’s, we owe it to ourselves to deeply commit to embrace the beauty of this gift, harness the boundaries we need to hold it, and refuse to be overpowered by it.

Some of us have always been energetically attuned and highly sensitive. The rare few have been taught how to harness this energy as power from the beginning. Others have grown up in families who never understood them, never honored or respected them and their experience of the world has never felt validated so they have spent their lives in hiding.  

All women have experienced this to some extent and reclaiming the power of our senses is reclaiming the feminine way. 

From another vantage point, many women who are deeply empathic have been exposed to high intensities of energy or trauma at a young age and it’s played a part in them being this way. Their energetic barriers were broken and fragmented before they had the ability to secure their shell rooting into this earthly life from the spirit world.


Now their spiritual awareness, their energetic awareness, and their emotional awareness are highly charged and able to sense nearly everything. Because there is often so much wounding that opens us in this way in combination with a great lack of boundaries there is much room to misinterpret the energy we are sensing. This is where it can become our greatest enemy.

It’s important to understand these complexities because having awareness is power and being gentle with ourselves along with self-compassion is a crucial part of summoning this power and claiming it as a gift.

The shadows of the spiritual empath and divine feminine energy begin with their tendency to over-interpret everything, filling them with anxiety, fear, the inability to relax or feel safe because they are overstimulated at all times. 

They often project their own wounds in their interpretation of all the energy they’re sensing. They confuse the overstimulation of energy that has been internalized with the overstimulation of energy all around them and they can lose sight of what is what. 

They can long love from others more than self-love because they feel others’ feelings so strongly. They can mistake another’s love (or disdain) for their own. This longing for acceptance from others can work through the shadows and shapeshift them to embody unauthentic forms, cutting them off from the truth of their core.

They can struggle with boundaries. They can get overpowered with what they feel for another and sacrifice their own well being to tend someone else. They may not trust themselves enough to honor the boundaries they long to hold as truth. 

They may tend toward depression because they internalize all that they feel. They may struggle to find their voice because it’s never been validated.  They may have low self-esteem, and rampant self-doubt because they are pushed beyond their energetic limit, are spiritually exhausted, and don’t know where they end and the world begins. 

Lastly, they are unable to embody the fierce goddess to hold their own energy.

The energy of the fierce goddess is so strong she needs you to have a strong sense of self to harness her. If one’s sense of self is weak, there is no fire to fight for one’s self. This has to be tended with great conviction and care. This fire is not only the life force of divine feminine energy and is the keeper that protects the divine moving through us.

Women’s empathetic abilities have historically been brushed off as hysteria and as invalid. The problem is what makes women feel hysteric is when their felt sense is lashed back at them as nonsense. The outer world says their inner world isn’t real. This is precisely what makes one feel crazy. 

Women’s sensitivity is their access to spiritual wisdom and when this is dishonored we lose our sense of self. We lose sight of our north star guiding us home. Collectively we lose feminine wisdom which is our north star as a whole.

Spiritual wisdom is our power as women and we have to clear our wounds that are blocking us from owning it. This gift of ours takes tender loving care. It takes the gentleness, compassion, and love of the divine mother to embrace it and tend it sweetly. This gift of ours takes the ferocity of a warrior woman to protect and fight for the truth of it, as well as prioritizing and tending our own personal energy first.


Our inner goddess moves big energy and to tend our own energetic being that is a funnel for all, that is the container for the divine, takes more energy than the energy we are moving. 


This means you must tend yourself like the Queen that you are.    

You must bow down to yourself as the queen that you are. When the world tells you to go faster, to do more, to contain that heart of yours, to contain those emotions of yours - remember the roots of womben and trust your feminine power that is a force, not of force.

We feminine souls move big energy, it can feel like a gift and honor at times, and it can feel way more than we signed up for at other times. Learning to balance, dance, and have boundaries with this type of energy takes to play and tending our sweet selves radically. 

Any energy field we immerse ourselves into. We must have respect for our own authentic dynamic. We must know our boundaries and tendencies, claim our voice and sacred truth, and hold strong to this so we can have clarity of when our energy is overstepping, projecting, or being overstepped. 

Being clear about who we allow in our life is an act of self-care. We are sensitive to the energy we surround ourselves with. We are susceptible to it. Do we want the relationships in our lives to mirror our weak spots we are trying to outgrow, or do we want them to mirror what we strive to be?


Sisterhood is a powerful container in this reclamation. We need one another. We need one another to hold space, to witness, and to see us in our power and wholeness. We mirror divine feminine wounds to one another that are all of ours and we mirror divine feminine power to one another that is calling us all home.

Healing our wounds between other women is paramount to healing the divine feminine wounding and reclaiming feminine power as a collective. 


Women who are willing to really be there for one another, have faith in one another, be vulnerable with one another and hold space for one another are the women who can facilitate us reclaiming our own wholeness. It is these women who will reclaim the wholeness of the feminine for the collective. Deep down, this is the kind of woman all our hearts aspire to be.

The gift of the feminine empath is being highly attuned to the hearts around them. Being a feminine empath allows us to embody the divine mother who emanates unconditional love and compassion. Being witnessed by the divine mother has the ability to invoke profound healing at the depths of our feminine souls.

There is a reason why the almighty spirit we used to worship was the primordial mother.

Being witnessed in wholeness as our highest self with no judgment invokes divine love in one’s self for one’s self and to all those we surround ourselves with. We can give this to our sisters, our mothers, our lovers, and anyone who is worthy of us surrounding ourselves with.

This is our gift to the world. If we don’t respect it in ourselves, no one else will. 

Feminine power is owning the lustiness of our hearts. Feminine power is owning our innocent passion as part of our life force. You can’t dampen that and expect the rest of us to stay vibrant. 

Divine feminine energy reads the world through its heart. It reads the world through felt sense and love. It doesn’t function through logic. Intuition is the guiding light but without the fierceness to protect it, it cannot be contained.

The feminine empaths need the balance between the masculine and feminine to not get lost in either.

They need the strength of the masculine to hold the container for the lustiness of the heart to shine and for the waves of emotions to move freely, and they need the masculine to not let them get lost in the watery nature, lose their footing, lose their discipline or to lose grasp of their responsibilities.

Your roots need you to be grounded, they need you to not project all that is moving through you, they need you to understand what is yours, and what isn’t and this takes practice. Remember that. More than anything, have self-forgiveness, and compassion, as you witness, watch it move and learn. 


Raise your vibration constantly. Tend your energy body and feed your heart constantly.  Work to strengthen your boundaries and energetic protection constantly without becoming hardened. Know your energy is sustained by your physical health, your emotional and mental state of mind. Tend the weaving of body, mind, and spirit. For this is reclaiming the feminine way.

We are sensitive beings and therefore responds to the subtlest of medicines. We can feed ourselves with plant medicines, sound medicines, and breathing or movement practices. We can feed ourselves with play, laughter, and connection to all build our strength.

Remember to play. Remember to laugh, to be silly, to set all seriousness aside regularly to keep your spirit light. Take the work seriously, but don’t take yourself seriously. Play with your inner child, have the courage to take blind leaps of faith. Trust your wisdom and follow your heart.

This is the infinite journey of life. As women, our sensitivity to our divine feminine energy is our access to spirit. We are reclaiming respect for this. From ourselves and the collective. For this is reclaiming the matriarchy. This is reclaiming the feminine way.


Lots of love sweet one,


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    Divine feminine spirituality and the spiritual wisdom of your inner wise one.


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