Divine feminine spirituality and the spiritual wisdom of your inner wise one.

Our spiritual wisdom comes from connecting with our deepest truth. It’s lifting the veils and surrendering to our own spirit. It’s being able to quiet yourself and listen to the truth deep in your belly, deep in your pelvic bowl, and deep in your heart. 

Divine feminine spiritual wisdom brings us back to ourselves. It is not honoring a God who has authority over us or who is separate from us. Divine feminine spirituality carries the wisdom that the connection with spirit starts within.

The divine feminine carries the wisdom that if we are disconnected from ourselves, afraid to open our eyes and look within, or are living in resistance to facing our pains, shedding our stories and exposing the truth of our soul to the rest of the world - we will be left chasing and grasping for the divine unconditional love of spirit forevermore, blinded to the realization that it is inside of us.

The spiritual wisdom of the divine feminine is peeling back the layers of the insecurities, doubts, and fears that haunt you. It’s grounding through the obsessive-compulsive nature to control everything. It’s rooting deeper than the wavering, invasive longings for perfection, accomplishment, and the future.

It is surrendering the attempt of trying to outplay life as though we could bridle it if we wanted to. It’s breathing in divine trust, beyond the past, beyond the future, right into the present moment. It’s courageous awareness. It’s living your life without missing it. 

Spiritual wisdom is an act of blind faith in the great mystery that will never really be known. It’s blind faith in the ungraspable knowing that simmers in our bones.

Spiritual wisdom comes from connecting with our bodies and embracing our female form for the beauty that it is. It is connecting with our divine feminine energy and our passionate lustful hearts. It’s deeply honoring our desires, opening ourselves to experience pleasure, and bravely committing to a life infused with vulnerability. It is being fed by our dreams, laughter, and innocence and finding a shameless sense of indulgence in our mortal lives. 

Divine feminine spiritual wisdom comes from sharing our hearts with one another on this journey of the soul. It comes from free-falling into love and growing stronger together. It’s the spiral of strengthening our spirit and deepening joy.

Spiritual wisdom is flooding through the veins of the earth. 

Witness the magic of nature and listen with your inner ears as the earth speaks. Divine feminine spirituality is receiving the cyclical nature of the seasons and the cyclical nature of life and death as great medicine. It’s sitting on top of a mountain, listening to the flowers and the trees and the rivers. 

It’s witnessing the moon pulling the tides, the sun shapeshifting the seasons, and realizing that we are just as susceptible to these great forces as any other life on this planet. It is being humbled by the wisdom that is greater than us.  It is realizing we are not separate but children of this great mother watching over us, who sustains us.

Our spirituality is divine trust and faith in what is out of our control, not because we are ignorant or naive but because we understand that resisting the uncontrollable, trying to define the undefinable, and drowning in frustration of not being able to make sense of what can’t be made sense of only creates more suffering for ourselves. 

Our spirituality is tapping into and following the call that speaks deep within our soul and comes from far beyond our reach. It’s following our inner guidance that is much bigger than we are.

We are spirit and it’s is all around us, alive in everything. In the earth, in the cosmos, and in one another. 

We are all a thread of the great mystery. We are each a channel of spirit and we are each a mirror of it for one another.

When we connect deeply enough within, we merge with the universal life force and the spirit that is outside of us, the wisdom that is outside of us, the knowing that is beyond us - it will begin to move through us and we become one with it. 

When we surrender to what is flowing through us, it’s an act of service as a thread of something bigger than we choose to have faith in. This surrender is the channel where the continuum of spiritual wisdom can flow. It’s in this surrender that we are then blessed with a wealth of unexplainable understanding and unconditional, compassionate divine love.

The containers of various traditions are powerful conduits of spiritual medicine AND we can also lose ourselves in them. Whether that is because they’ve been infiltrated with dogma, hierarchy, oppression, abuse, guilt or shame, a lack of acceptance regarding diversity, or because we can simply start putting too much faith in something outside of ourselves and lose perspective. 

Spiritual wisdom is very personal.

There are ancient traditions that are honored with great respect and kept sacred because they work in ways we can never fully understand (or are we meant to). Spiritual wisdom and insight is also very personal. The truth can be lost in translation. It can be misinterpreted, over-interpreted, or if held rigid it can bypass our emotional needs, psychological needs or narrow our perspective. 

We can lose connection with the resonance of the undefinable that reminds us no particulars matter. We can forget that we have no authority to judge and that we can’t really control anything except honoring our truth and living in integrity to that.

It is up to each of us to figure out what helps us find this resonance. It’s up to each of us to find our own truth. Our own path. When it comes to spirit, faith and divine trust are absolute. The dichotomy is, that nobody truly knows these types of truths and that this humble surrender is part of it.

Trauma, pain, grief, and loss are part of the human experience. The struggle is one half of the great beauty.  Abuse and misuse of power are rampant and we are all seeking something that makes sense to us. 

It’s a common occurrence for one to endure severe trauma or loss and heal through becoming deeply religious or spiritual. It’s finding faith, comfort, and solace in a complex world. It’s making sense of things that don’t make sense. It’s finding something to trust when trust has been lost. It’s creating the container we need to process, find wholeness, and heal.

There is a lot of beauty and magic in the world and there is a lot of darkness, hate, and violence. There is wounding that is being projected in every which way (whether consciously or not) and all of us are longing for more love. It’s something we are all navigating as part of our human experience. 

There is a fine line between spiritual bypassing and using spirit as an ally while keeping our eyes open and nurturing the courage to surrender to the mystery of our healing process. 

Our subconscious mind can defer our psychological processing onto spirituality and negate the truth. Seeing the blessings of a tragedy may be easier than accepting the loss. Compassion may feel easier than rage. Rage may feel safer than vulnerability. Judgment may feel safer than reflection. Playing the martyr or the victim may feel safer than facing our wounds around abuse of power and reclaiming our own. Being the abuser may override your ability to process your own abuse. These polarities are endless and they make perfect sense.

In many ways I think these things are out of our control. I don’t know why some people not only survive but thrive after horrific incidents and other people never get out. I don’t believe it’s merely courage but courage and faith do help.

I believe the best thing we can do to protect ourselves from being deceived and blinded by the house of mirrors is to make space for solitude and deep silence to listen.  To really listen. Because we are profoundly wise within. We know. But we have to be willing to listen. We have to find the courage to listen, look and really see.

Spiritual wisdom always comes back to our relationship with ourselves. Connecting with our own intuition and wisdom. 

Our intuition is spirit’s voice. Our job is deciphering the difference between nonsense and truth. Between our shadows, wounds and insecurities, and truth. It takes practice, nurturance and is in an infinite journey of self-discovery.

Our intuition speaks in mysterious ways. It takes time, awareness, lots of listening, and reflection to learn to translate its particular language in relation to you. Sometimes it speaks as a gut knowing, through an auditory download, through synchronicities, through imagery that flashes into your mind, or sometimes simply a sense of knowing. Sometimes that sense of knowing has words and sometimes it's beyond words.

Our intuition is our sixth sense that's reading the energy all around us. Whether that's listening to the plants and flowers, your body, the animals, the cosmos, other people, or your own subconscious knowing.

Our intuitive language is really good at using the information that is already in our brain - whether that is imagery, words, memories, movie, books, animals, anything that we are familiar with, anything that means something to us, to mirror what it's trying to tell us.

Our intuition is one of our greatest allies in this complex world, if not our greatest (particularly as women). The trouble is trusting it.

I'm telling you this so you remember that when those funny things pop into your field,  it is worth giving them a moment before brushing them aside. This is spirit. I invite you to build this trust with your intuitive nature. Start to notice throughout your day, the way your "inner knowing" speaks to you. 

When you just know - how do you usually know? Is it a physical sensation, is it through mental auditory that you know is beyond a passing thought, do you see images, colors, signs, etc. Start to track it, give it your attention and build trust with it.

Divine feminine spirituality is being deeply connected to the raw truth of our essence. Our truth requires us to journey to the underworld periodically and courageously live life soaking up the joy. 

Some of us have to more actively bring ourselves up to the light of joy, and some of us have to work harder to surrender to the dark. We all have one that grips more tightly but to experience the authenticity of either, requires our surrender to both. We all have shadows that we get deceived by that affect our actions, our treatment towards ourselves and others and this plays out all around us. 

This polarity of spirituality is happening within, and the polarity of spirituality is happening around us. The polarity is the portal. Individually and collectively. For we are each a thread of the mystery and a mirror of the whole.

Lots of love sweet one,


5 Days Awakening
your Feminine Energy

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    Dancing with the ancestors.


    Divine feminine energy and the spiritual empath.