We are not that different.

We are not that different

You and me

Me and them

Them and you

We are not that different

Each one of us carries bee stings in our hearts

We cringe and turn away in our ways

Anger crackles to protect the ache

Bitterness bites to soothe the welts

Resentment hisses in our defense

We can’t help but feel the muck of judgment

That defensive reactive judgment

Or that assumption

That sure knowing that judgment is held against us

That validated story of the other rises

And the validated story of ourselves meets it face to face

Our armor rises

Our frustration flares

The blinders hold strong with all their might

As we simmer in our inability to understand

How could one hurt me so

How could one think of me so

How could one see the world so

How could one not understand

It’s so clear

It’s so clear

How could they not see

How could they dare

Our hearts seal and push away

Our righteousness rears its head

We find our like kind

And even deeper we think

It’s oh so clear

It’s oh so clear

It’s oh, so, clear

They are so far, far, away

They are so twistedly confused

They are so wrong

They are mistaken

But we are not realizing we are not that different

We are not that different

But we find what we think is our like kind

And protect ourselves against the clash of another’s truth

Blind ourselves from another's same pain

And this confrontation of butting hearts

Keeps us a far, far, away

This confrontation of coping

or lack of

Keeps us far, far, away

But really

But really my truth is your truth

And your truth is my truth

We all have the same narrative in our head

We all have the same narrative in our bones

We all have a unique viewpoint

And we all see a different hue

But when it comes down to it

We all want to belong

We all want to feel seen

For our truth

We all want to be understood

We all want to be happy and loved

What if everyone was right

And we could just acknowledge that everyone is not wrong

That the truth of each makes sense to each, in a not horrible way

But a way that makes sense for them

Because the truth is

That all our truths together become The Almighty Truth

Woven and bound

Seeing from every which way

In this confusing mess of a world that we are all trying to navigate

We need all of our eyes to see the full picture

What if we could just acknowledge

That it’s all a twisted, convoluted mess

That we’ve all been stung by the same bees

And that we are not that different

That we are not that different

What if we were bound with our sisters

What if we stopped burning one another at the stake

What if we stopped competing

What if we refused to feel threatened

What if we realized her stings from the bees

Are the same as mine

Just colored in different stories

Different characters

And different ways

What if we realized that the stings of men

Are the stings of women

And the stings of women

Are the stings of the men

And the stings of the two-spirited

Are the stings of all of us

What if we realized the stings of blue

And the stings of the red

Were the stings of the purple

What if we realized the sting of the earth

Is the sting of our mother

And the sting of the patriarchy

Is just as much a sting to our fathers as everybody else

What if we realized the sweet stings from our bumbly lovers

All came from the same painstaking longing

What if we could rest in the holy pause

And not react

But watch

What if we could listen

What if we could feel

What if we could see

What if we could see that we are not that different

That we are not that different

What if we could stop the vicious cycle of separation

What if we could stop the vicious cycle of violence

What if we could stop the vicious war of us against them

Of murder, rape, and pillage

Of self-hate, self-violence, and self-deprivation

What if we could stop the vicious thoughts about ourselves

And one another

What if we could see my stings are your stings

And the bees are simply saying wake up

Pinching us from a deep dark disconnected sleep

What if we could all take away the mighty charge

Of me against them

And them against me

We are not that different

We are not that different

Me and you

We all carry the same sting of the bees

In our tender, tender, hearts

In our tender, tender hearts.

Invoke the Goddess.
A sacred journey of invocation through your feminine soul.

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    Our ancestors are our roots.


    In reverence of a Holy Pause.