Dancing with the ancestors.

The end of October through the beginning of November is a time of the year that has been celebrated throughout many cultures in varying ways, as a window where the veils between the seen and unseen world are thin. Where the veils between the living, and the dead are thin. A time where we have deep access to the spirit world, our ancestors, and those who have passed.

This time is also symbolic to a women’s luteal phase in her menstrual cycle, The time after ovulation, before menstruation, the time that is berated for PMS, emotional sensitivity, being less extrovertly energized, and needing solitude. It has been painted as the dark side of woman, when it is actually the most potent, powerful time. We are connected to spirit, our ancestors, and our deepest subconscious waters. We can see things, we can not usually see. As long long as we quiet ourselves and listen.

It is said in some traditions that when we heal ourselves, we can heal 7 generations back, and 7 generations forwards. This has always brought me to the pondering of maybe, somehow in our DNA, in our cellular memory we carry residue of our ancestral DNA 7 generations back? I don’t know if this is factually true, but in my heart and bones I believe it.

Breath in the idea that the eggs within the ovaries of a fetus, in their mothers womb are developed before birth. This means the ovum that has become you, was in your mother, in your grandmothers womb. Think of the essence of your grandmothers experience of birth, and while she was pregnant with your mother. Just this alone, has so much power.  Then, breath in the moment a woman conceives. She receives the ancestral lines of the father through his DNA to carry within her womb as she gestates, and the lines weave.

What this all means to me, is that when we heal ourselves, sometimes we are healing layers that are far beyond us. And by healing deep wounds within ourselves - whether ancestral or personal, we are clearing them so that the residue doesn’t get carried on for 7 generations forward. 

Halloween is the western book cover that has gone over traditions like Dia De Los Muertos, and Samhain. I invite you this time of year to make an altar or get out old pictures of your family line. Write down their names. Feel their essence within you.  Reminess old stories, bring out nostalgic items, cook nostalgic food. Find a ritual that comes from your gut, that is true to you. We know deep inside what to do. We can sense them close. Follow their call.

Resiliency comes from learning from our past, learning from our experiences, and letting it all shed and mulch into fertile soil for new growth. Our ancestry is part of this. Our elders are part of this. Our children are part of this.

Collectively we are amidst a death/rebirth always at this time of year, and it’s time for us all to connect back to our roots. History/herstory is telling, it’s rich with wisdom, as is the earth, and the stars and the cosmos which have witnessed time long before we were around. May we call upon our ancestors, the trees, the waters, and the mountains to teach us, and to whisper into our ears. May we call upon these lines together, with humble love, and gratitude. 

If you’d like a ritual to try, I have one to share….

Light a candle and stare into the flame. Speak out loud, saying “My name is…”, and state your full name out loud. Then say, “I am the daughter of…” and state the full name of both your parents out loud. Next, “I am the granddaughter of…” stating their four full names out loud. Continue back as far as you can while staring into the flame. Close your eyes and listen, and eventually allow yourself to free-write in your journal, dance, make art, follow whatever is calling within. You will be surprised by what arises.

With love,



The story of an awakening woman.


Divine feminine spirituality and the spiritual wisdom of your inner wise one.