Musings from the divine to invoke your feminine power, summon your divine feminine energy, and reveal the many faces of the Goddess within you.
Cacao Ceremonies and Women’s Circles.
The sweet medicine of the heart. Cacao has been used in many different traditions, rituals, and cultural roots that vary, though Cacao has always been known as medicine for the heart. It has an ability to crack us open in a way that we sometimes don’t even realize. It’s subtle and profound all in one.
Women were once known as the two-hearted beings, heart, and womb. They are bound and Cacao illuminates the tapestry of this divine connection within us. For the divine feminine to truly awaken, there must be an inner union between the two. The bitter-sweetness of Cacao invokes just this.
The power of women’s circles.
When women vulnerably expose the truth of their hearts with one another, it gives us permission to do the same in return. We then dance back and forth going deeper, and deeper. We realize our power, and break the illusions or what it means to be a desirable woman. We naturally find a sense of deep self worth for our bodies, our hearts, our creativity, our sexuality - all of it. The more we connect with one another and reveal our secrets, we realize we are all carrying the same truths…
All the illusions that have preyed upon us - the power disintegrates. We realize their attempt to dim our light. To hold us back. We realize all the ways in which we have disempowered ourselves….
The threatening woman, sister wound complex, and the dark spell of perfection.
The sister wound touches us all.
The potion of womanly perfection will surely suck your soul dry, but it will make you desirable in the world where this game is thriving.
Love and survival have been directly linked to fitting this “desirable role” of womanly or feminine embodiment, and this is what creates the threat. When one woman outplays another, not only is it threatening, the reality of the game hurts, and it makes the game very real.
The sister wound is one of the deepest of our womanly wounds, and it is far from simple.
Reclaiming the Wild Woman Sisterhood. Where are you triggered by other women?
If you think you don’t judge other women, I’m asking you to pause, open your mind, and read on.
If you truly don’t judge them, I feel it is safe to say, at the very least, there are certain women who trigger you. It is this complex I want to focus on, because it is so crucial to all womxn reclaiming our power as a whole.