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Pussy Fire Sister Circle Series ~ Awaken Your Feminine Fire & Lust for Life.

Sister Circle Series —

28 days of journal prompts, three virtual circles, and plant spirit medicine all traversed with a small circle of Marigold Women sisters.

Pussy fire is not about sex but it is bound to our sexuality — it’s the tap roots of our sexual energy that are far beyond just sex. Pussy Fire is our feminine fire, our eros, our kundalini energy, life force, passion, vitality, and lust for all the pleasure, and experience life has to offer, and this journey is about coming into contact with its essence in every facet of our lives.

Join me for 28 days activating the shameless woman.

This is a ceremonial journey lighting the flame of the Goddess. This experience is composed of 28 days of journal prompts for you to dive deep into on your own day-by-day, a recorded meditation to support activating this energy, and we will virtually circle in sacred space three times to process, integrate, witness, and be seen with a small group of women who have all chosen to step into the flames.

The journal prompts have been carefully crafted to mine the facets of your feminine psyche, illuminating, and awakening the power at your fingertips that you are subconsciously not claiming. The audio transmission is to work with your subconscious, your soma, and your energetic body awakening the essence of pussy fire within you.

The 28 days of prompts are available to purchase and go through on your own at any time, this will be the first time it has been offered in conjunction with circles for a small group to go through this together. I have longed to offer this in sisterhood, and community since this offering was birthed, and the time has come.

We will begin on the full moon, on November 15th, and we circle on days 12, 20, and 28 — dates listed below.

Tuesday, November 26th, 5 am - 7 am PST

Wednesday, December 4th, 5 am - 7 am PST

Thursday, December 12th, 5 am - 7 am PST

Pricing —

$300 is all-inclusive — the content, flower essence set, and the circles.

If you have already bought this offering — you can join for $100. The content will be resent (flower essences not included). If you get the flower essences, whether you are in the U.S. or outside, you will receive free shipping.

You can learn more about the essences and detail of this offering here (please note that this link does not speak to the circles).

Registration is open, space is limited to 7 women —

Reach out with any questions you may have, and I look forward to circing with those who feel the call.

With love,


November 8

Dancing With The Ancestors: A weekend deep-dive with Sara Mains & Abby McHale

January 13

How to Hold Empowering and Vulnerable Women’s Circles