Divine feminine energy, self healing and collective healing.

Sweet sister, summon the universal divine feminine energy up into your pelvic floor, your belly and heart and know that self healing your own wounds is an act of collective healing. It’s an act of service in the name of the divine.

There is a fine line between privilege that keep us ignorant and stagnant, spiritual bypassing that enables us from growth and using spirit as an ally while keeping our eyes open, having trust to follow our truth knowing our heart strings are woven with the collectives. 

If the world spent as much time on self growth, self reflection and taking a long hard look in the mirror at our pains and how we project them (because we all do) as we did on fighting about politics I think we would have a lot more peace in this world. 

This is not to say political activism doesn’t have its place. 

Abuse and misuse of power is rampant, there is a lot of darkness, hate and violence in the world. There is a lot of wounding that is being projected in every which way (whether consciously or not). It’s something we are all navigating as part of our human experience. 

It’s human nature to want to fix, heal and make the lives around us better. It’s our divine feminine nature to long to do so. It’s in our bones as it should be. What we forget is that tending ourselves is the foundation that feeds our ability to do so.

Much in the world today is deeply divided. Religious beliefs have instigated war for all of time while political beliefs continue to divide us further. What if we could trust that each and every persons perspective some how made sense and carries truth in the whole? That each perspective, that each path was some how part of healing the whole?

What if the world isn’t meant to harmonize in light but is meant to cast our shadows upon one another so our own souls can evolve and alchemize to light.

Women intrinsically know they must be willing to unravel, to reveal what their soul is aching to heal and reclaim. I believe society as a whole knows the same. We all have to being with ourselves.

As we evolve as individuals and as a collective there is a big piece of nurturing the bridge of the high heart that connects our hearts with the collective heart. It’s reclaiming ourselves as one with the whole. 

It is our soul work to align our truth with our actions and words. It is our soul work to drop into our inner experience and beliefs and nurture them to flow freely right through our inhibitions. It’s our souls work to align our inner heart with our output of energy and manifestations into the world.

No more choking up when we want to speak yes or  no. No more brushing aside those visceral gut knowings allowing logic to over ride our divine feminine wisdom.

This life is a journey of the soul that dances between the underworld and the ethers to alchemize into higher and higher vibrations. This is how we access our great wisdom. Through the dark night of the soul, and through great joy, love and adventure. What if collectively we were doing the same?

What if the chaos in the world was each of us playing a part in a play so everyone else could see clearly. The shadows have to be illuminated and so does the light. The polarization is needed. What if we didn’t condemn one another and could watch the grand act as medicine to do better. What if we saw each individual as a manifestation of the whole. Like old fairytales were written having each character be a facet of one beings psyche.

Accepting the dark within is how we heal. When the underworld within calls we must surrender. What if we could see this when we look at the collective as well? Just like you embrace your own darkness embrace the darkness of the world.

There’s an acceptance of the dark that must happen to truly heal it. The world is full of darkness and it’s also full of beauty, kindness and love. How do we embrace this truth in ourselves and as a collective and use it as medicine? We embrace it in ourselves first. We all have pain we are acting out. How do we start to see it more clearly in others unbiasedly?

Spirituality is tending the relationship with self. It’s healing one’s self. It’s awakening one’s soul beyond the illusions of the our wounds. When we heal ourselves, our healed state ripples. It’s travels, it inspires and it alchemizes the heart space in those around us. Healing ourselves is a direct portal to emanating a healed state for all. 

We need personal boundaries to protect ourselves in the energetic and physical literal form but in the heart space we need to stop judging and stop feeding the me versus them, us versus them. 

We need to be impeccable with our words, our thoughts, our actions, and we must not take anything personal. We must stay clear so we can follow spirits call because we are all a thread in the grand web.

We have to trust each other to follow our own thread. We have to trust one another in the weaving - or more so trust spirit as the one guiding the weaving.

This is why divine feminine healing is so much about shedding shame, shedding guilt, shedding the martyr and the wounded healer. It’s about not getting swallowed by the busy body illusion of productivity. Women are bombarded with the message to heal all, fix all, do all and to sacrifice themselves for everybody and everything outside of themselves. We have to follow our own thread and trust that it is enough.

As much as we can project disapproval to those around us, the hardest part is to trust ourselves and our path. There is so much to compare ourselves to.  Our path is our path, and if we can trust spirits call or our intuition that is guiding us, we can share our medicine at great length with the world. 

Spirit is complex and vast and the journey of a spiritual awakening is tapping into the current where life moves us. It is harmonizing with etheric divine life force and the earths life force and letting it move us. This is following spirits call. It will show the way.

All the polarities of life in their truth reveal the complexity of spirit. This is the foundational truth of spirituality. That everything can be contradictory and true in one. Spirituality is personal power and it’s a personal journey to define this for ourselves. It’s not something that can be told to us. It’s something that awakens within us and is a felt sense in the intangible beauty of it’s nature.

It cannot be defined in its pure form.

As we unravel individually and collectively make sure you are gathering and connecting with dear ones that see your light, love you unconditionally and make you better. Gather with those that fill your heart, accept you as you are, feed your strength, your voice, and nurture your confidence to push your limits.

There is a profound power that happens when women gather in sacred space. There is a sense of security, safety, and comfort we build as we witness each other begin to reveal ourselves. It acclimates us to the vulnerability of exposing ourselves.  And gives us strength when we realize this is an act of exposing the collective as well. We feed the validation of ALL our truths regardless of the differences in our stories. We realize what is in us, is in all of us.

We realize our wounds are all of our wounds. We realize that healing ourselves is healing each other.

There is a reason why people who have similar identities gather together. It nurtures their sense of self to heal and encourages them to hold themselves strong. There is also a reason why you hear women say they want men to speak up for them, that LGBTQ people want heterosexual or cisgendered people to speak up, and why you hear BIPOC say they want white people to speak up. We need to have each other's backs. And, we need to tend our own hearts deeply to do so. 

If we self check constantly, if we seek knowledge constantly, if we listen and genuinely open to outside perspective constantly we can do this. If we stay humble, if we can forgive ourselves and others and stay open to changing our minds we can do this.

Let's dance the dance, show up for ourselves, and show up for each other.

Find what resonates for yourself, what rings true to you AND allow it to shape shift as it will forever more. This is part of the love affair. This is healing the collective through healing your own heart. Finding grace in the current that is pulling your soul, trust the divine and know your thread is weaving within a grand majestic web for all.

So much love sweet one, until next time.


An invocation of the Goddess. A sound healing guided journey.

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    The postpartum of rebirthing.