The sacred waters of the feminine.
The sacred waters of the feminine have been known to represent our emotional nature. The feminine is watery.
The feminine is fluid, intuitive, and empathic. Just like water shapeshifts its molecular structure with the energy it touches, we as women do the same. We are the sacred waters embodied.
Part of this is a gift, and in ways, we need to learn to harness and protect our energy and hearts strongly to not be overpowered by the energy around us. We can either be overpowered by our surrounding energies that are denser and heavier than our own, or we can be influenced by energy that is vibrating at higher frequencies than we are.
It takes awareness and choice regarding who and what we are willing to surround ourselves with, and it takes cultivating a personal practice to tend our sacred beings for the holy water embodied that they are.
We can either influence those around us with our own high vibrating or grounding frequencies or bog them down with our density.
Our sacred waters thrive when they are soft and fluid but not so much that they spill over into depletion.
Just like water needs a vessel, so do we. Our emotional nature needs just enough fire to keep it fluid, but not so much it’s at a raging boil.
Everything around us is giving off vibrations. Everything around us is energy, and energy emanates a wide spectrum of frequencies. Our mental states carry different frequencies, our emotions carry different frequencies and memories carry different frequencies. An individual's overarching essence and life story carry a frequency that is vibrating unique to them.
This is one reason why we can meet someone and feel a resonance with them. Like we already know them or have known them forever. We resonate with them beyond words. We have an unspoken understanding of one another. We may have similar pasts, similar wounds, similar joys or passions, or something simply about our essence itself is similar.
As women especially, we often tend to let the compassion of our sacred waters for another override our pull to walk away.
There are certain people with who we will clash tremendously and it’s up to us to decide whether the clash is an opportunity of growth, reflective illumination, or whether it’s destructive.
Even though one’s energy may clash tremendously, even though it may be ungrounding and unsettling for us, our hearts may pull at us to stay involved with the hope harmony will happen. Sometimes this type of hope is delusional and sometimes this type of hope is true and exactly what you and the world needs.
There is no set of hard rules that can decipher where the line is crossed. This line is different for everyone and in every situation. It all depends on the core and foundational structure of our energy and sacred waters at their peak strength and only we can know what destabilizes that to a fault.
The only way to learn is through experience. Through trial and error, through relationships, through challenges, and rewarding opportunities that illuminate what’s worth it.
Remembering that we are water beings at heart can be a helpful ally when we feel ourselves getting rattled and need to decide. It can give us another perspective to tending our energy, and it can give us another perspective of where our boundaries and tolerance are. It comes down to whether we can deflect what’s destabilizing us with self-care and push through to find growth, or if it is beyond that and simply toxic.
Once we truly understand on a deeper level how our health and wellbeing are dependent on the energy we surround ourselves with, we can perfect the sacred vessel and nurture the boundaries that not only protect us but shape us into who we are. These vessels shape our quality of life, and they are dependent on us participating if we want any say in the outcome.
Our energy is housed in sacred water and it’s up to us to tend it.
We are made up primarily of water and water's molecular structure quite literally shapeshifts to the energy of our hearts, of our wounds, and the energy that is emanating around us.
Dense energy is a lack of movement, just like muscle tension. Tensing over and over until the tissue hardens and congeals, blocking blood flow. Creating pain, and restricting our mobility. Tension blocks fresh energy, feeling, and movement. The sacred waters within us, do just the same.
When our energy is dense. We struggle to feel, everything is bogged down. When our energy is frazzled and chaotic, we can’t think straight, we can’t ground and we can't navigate the world clearly.
High vibrational frequencies break up dense energy. And strong, steady, fluid energy can calm down chaotic frequencies. When the healing vibrations we are surrounded by are strong enough they overpower our imbalances, they bring us to homeostasis.
This is why regular self-care is so important. Our wellbeing is dependent on calming our mind and soothing our bodies to make sure we are energetically up keeping our vibrational state. Our vibrational state affects our whole state of existence. It affects how we experience the world. And this vibration state is housed in the sacred waters within us.
Honoring our waters as sacred is a powerful practice to tend and care for our being as a whole.
Just like you tend your body with exercise, diet, and bodywork, just like you tend your mind with meditation, journaling, or therapy, we have to tend our energy bodies and our sacred waters are a direct channel to this.
This is why flower essences are so powerful. Each flower emanates a different vibrational frequency. Just like crystal singing bowls or tuning forks have frequencies and they each target different chakras or energy centers. Flowers do just the same.
When it comes to flower essences, the vibrational imprint of the flower is infused into water and when we ingest that water, this vibrational imprint of healing ripples through us. They work to raise our vibrations and break of the densities that are old wounds, limiting beliefs, and imprints of past pains and trauma that are holding us back and keeping us small. And they help to ground, soothe our frayed nerves.
Just like we can use the sacred water of the flower essences as medicine, we can reclaim our relationship with all water, as medicine.
Tend the water you ingest, tend the water you immerse yourself in and tend the waters of our environment as all bridges to healing.
Intention is powerful and water is empathic to this. Just like women are sensitive to unseen energies and thrive when they honor their felt sense, water is sensitive to unseen energies and thrives when related to in this way. It shapeshifts with intentional energy.
When we open our hearts to emanate gratitude or love water will embody this. When we make relationship with the water we so often take for granted as sacred, it is very powerful, just like when we make relationship with our intuition and embrace this world for more than meets the eye.
Reclaiming the sacred waters is reclaiming a channel to commune with the divine.
Open yourself to the idea of cherishing water as sacred when you drink it, when you bath in it, and when you wash your hands or water your garden with it. If water truly embodies the energy it’s surrounded by and immersed in, it can be a conduit to send whatever type of energy we want into the world.
What if each time you turned on the faucet or flushed the toilet you paused for half a second and felt gratitude knowing you could send that into the world? What if each time you took a shower you thought of the magnificence of the ocean or the amazon river? What if each time it rained, you thought about everywhere that rain has been in this world? What if every time you took a bath, you thought of every person, each droplet has come into contact with?
Becoming aware of our relationship with water is a way to become more aware of our true nature. It’s a way to connect more deeply with our roots that are of the earth, it’s a way to more deeply connect with our life force, with universal life force, and it’s a way to more deeply embody this life as a human being dependent on the great mother.
There is a reason that holy or sacred water is a part of every tradition and culture.
There is a reason that being bathed in it is a part of many rituals. The earth was honored like God in past times when our dependence was felt more viscerally. I would imagine there was a deeper level of respect because we saw the cause and effect of our dependence more literally. Life may have been more fleeting then, but are were we more deeply aware of how woven we are with the rest of life?
Honoring water is honoring life. May we have humble respect for the forces of nature knowing that we are not above them.
Water embodies the medicine of the great mother, the earth. Bodies of sacred water flow through the varying landscapes of the mountains, canyons, and circulate through the oceans around the world. The various bodies of sacred water, make a direct relationship with the animals, the plant life, and are bathed by the cosmos, sun and moon shining down upon them. Sacred water funnels through the depths of the earth in aquifers and springs, and channels through the weather systems of the sky.
Like trees carry an ancient knowing of the land they are rooted in, water travels through space and time, above and below, within and without.
The sacred waters are sacred because they gather the wisdom of all as they shape-shift between fluidity, vapor, and ice traveling the earth.
To bath ourselves in such medicine is holy. Our bodies acclimate and reset their frequencies to the state of the earth. By bathing in the ocean, or a river we can be engulfed by the beauty of life.
We now live in a time where our waters are poisoned. The water we drink and bathe in is often chemically treated, the water of the earth is contaminated with toxic runoff, pesticides, oil, and plastic. It is vibrationally infiltrated by the chaos of human nature as we deforest most of the earth.
We are running out of clean water and water is our life force. We are made up of it and depend on it to survive.
If we could reconnect to the earth as the great mother and cherish her, the world would be very different. If we could see the mountains as her breasts, and her life-giving sacred waters like the milk that nourishes a breastfeeding child, the world we live in would be different. We’ve disconnected from the earth in this way and we’ve disconnected from mothers in this way.
The great mother is emanating metaphorical wisdom on how to live in harmony with our surroundings, exemplifying the ripple of cause and effect depending on whether we live harmoniously or is dissonance.
The archetype of the Mother is also emanating metaphorical wisdom. The almighty God collectively worshipped, used to be the Mother. When Mother is not honored we forget where we came from and it’s up to us to embrace her. Both in ourselves, in one another, in our family lines, and collectively.
They say you can’t truly heal your womb until you heal your relationship with your mother.
It’s not just our biological mother, it’s the great mother. We can’t survive without her. We don’t exist without her. She is our sustenance. She is all giving, and we can choose to recognize this, or not.
Our wombs house the most sacred waters of all.
Our wombs are filled with holy blood which is mostly sacred water.
We are birthed from these sacred waters. We are created in these sacred waters. When we let this sacred vessel be the cauldron of our churning feminine spirit, it alchemizes all that is. It sheds what’s needs to die, and births new life.
As menstruating women, the sacred waters that are empathic, intuitive, and shapeshifting in our wombs, accumulate energetically what’s present for us. They gather what needs to be shed each cycle, or they seal as a sacred vessel to create new life.
In our luteal phase — after ovulation and before menstruation, our energetic veils become thin. Like autumn when the ancestors are honored, we have the ability to connect with the unseen world - whether that’s spiritually, or psychologically tapping into our subconscious. This is a time in our cycle when our intuition is rising, our sensitivity is rising, and we are feeling deeply.
With water being energetically empathic and influenced by subtle energy, this process we go through each month as menstruating women, is an opportunity to shed. It’s an opportunity to become deeply aware of psychic patterns, emotional patterns, and mental patterns. The power of the luteal phase is that it’s illuminating but if we aren’t paying attention and we aren’t aware, this phase can feel tremendously unsettling, painful, and chaotic.
Our opportunity here is to make space for this awareness. Our opportunity is to listen, and track what’s arising.
When our moon time comes and we begin to bleed, we can allow the sacred waters of our womb to extract the energetic imprint of all that we are ready to shed and release.
During our moon time, we are wide open channels of the divine and unseen energy, it’s a time of stillness, where we are no longer tracking, we are no longer processing, we are simply letting go and releasing. It is when we are giving our sacred waters back to the earth to transmute. Our healing becomes collective healing, as we all share the sacred waters we alchemize through.
During the luteal phase, we can either use it to shed what no longer serves us, or we call in life from the other realm. We can create a sacred nest within to become the holy mother ourselves. We can open ourselves to be the sacred vessel for life to take form. To take shape. To become. We can choose to be the channel for the divine to move through.
When life comes in from the other side it begins in a nest of sacred water. In peace, and comfort. These are the holy waters of the womb. The depths of the ocean carry the wisdom of the earth, just like the depths of our wombs, carry the wisdom of woman.
Our sacred waters are what give us access to dance with the divine.
Whether we conceive a child or a dream, our wombs carry this and birth it into the world. Whether we become pregnant and birth, or we miscarry, have a stillbirth, give a child up for adoption, or make the choice of termination, we are equally a channel of the divine and are birthing something profound into this word whether it makes sense to us or not.
Our wombs have an affinity with the moon. Our sacred waters are susceptible to the pull of the moon, just like the moon pulls the ocean tides. The moon is not the only force that is pulling at us. We are just as susceptible to the dance of the cosmos and the gravity of the earth. We are fluid creatures as women and we can either become aware of our ability to channel the divine and honor it, or we can resist it, deny it, or fight it and create suffering for ourselves.
Embracing the spirit flowing through our sacred waters can be like reading brail.
The unseen is traveling through the waters of the world, and reading the energy of the unseen moving through the waters of our body is a communion with the divine.
Our feminine power is letting our sacred waters be the tentacles to navigate all else. To decode the language of all that’s moving through us. Our sacred waters are our access to our intuition and our feminine wisdom.
Just like the sacred water of the earth needs the river banks, the glaciers, the wind, and the sun to create an ecosystem for the whole to thrive, we as women or as feminine creatures need the same. The balance between the elements is what keeps the feminine grounded and in her power.
Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath, and fire my spirit.
If we let our sacred waters take over we lose our logic, we lose our footing on solid ground, and we lose our fire to take action and pursuit. If we don’t have enough water we are walking around blinded with no clarity of truth of where we are going or being guided. It's like turning the satellite of a boat off in the middle of the ocean surrendering to the current to find land. Water is our wisdom, and it needs a sacred vessel.
We get to create what that looks like, what the balance is, and what is authentic for us. Womxn and the feminine come in many shapes in forms. None of them are the same elemental make-up, and none of them are meant to be. But our waters and sacred and should be cherished for that.
Embrace your truth and your feminine authenticity — whatever that looks like, and embrace other women for theirs. For this is reclaiming the wisdom of the sacred waters. This is reclaiming the divine feminine.
Until next time sweet one,