Flower Essences,
Women’s Circles,
& Feminine Magic
Welcome beautiful,
It’s time to free your feminine soul, summon your divine feminine energy, and invoke your feminine power. The world has been waiting for you.
A powerfully complex, fluid woman lives inside each of us, patiently waiting for us to realize we have been whole all along. The Goddess has many faces, our divine feminine psyche has many facets. Our freedom comes from our capacity to embrace all of her.

May the spirit of the flowers dance with yours
Each bottle is made to order with an abundance of love and reverence.
Shapeshifting The Goddess
A 9-month pilgrimage for women ready to unleash their feminine power, claim the shameless woman within, and live wildly from their place of truth by embodying the power of eight feminine archetypes.
The feminine shows herself in a vast array of embodiments. The Goddess shapeshifts every step of the way, and so does every aspect of our feminine energy as it alchemizes what we need moment by moment. This shapeshifting nature of Shakti within us serves as a divine ally, protecting and serving us in relativity to our life and energy body in this human experience. To be a woman is to be in a state of constant alchemy. We are ever-changing fluid beings of uncontainable magic.

Pussy Fire
Awaken your lust for Life & let the dark feminine rise.
A self-paced ceremonial journey lighting the pussy fire flames of your Goddess-given right.
There is a weaving of our sexuality, sensuality, love for our bodies, libido, and passion, AND our lust for LIFE, our joy, happiness, and vitality. All these aspects weave together, mirror one another, feed one another, and depend on one another.
The story of our sexuality and the story of our joy are intricately woven. Dismantling the web that is withholding our freedom requires us to traverse deep into our subconscious ways.
May we step into the pussy fire flames of the shameless woman that transmutes everything that has been holding us back into uninhibited freedom.

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