The Art of Facilitating Vulnerable & Empowering Women’s Circles.

Next Women’s Circle Facilitator Training — January 13th - March 20th 2025

Go from conspiring and dreaming about holding powerful space for women to doing it — with all the tools, insight, maps, support, and encouragement you need.

One often starts this work with women because they can feel the call simmering in their bones — but too often we are unsure of where or how to start and are stuck in our heads confused and doubting ourselves.

This container is held to midwife you into your power as a feminine leader with confidence, clarity, and embodiment.

Are you ready to answer the call —

This journey is a courageous claim of your power to pick up a torch and lead the way while coming into close contact with your worth and validity to do so.

This space is for those who feel the call to step up, to be supported and given the tools to hold a space that enables women to access truths within themselves they haven’t yet found, that beckons women to get vulnerable, and that fosters a profound sense of safety, intimacy, and humanity.

We all need webs woven close to home.

Having a history of trauma, violence, sexual abuse, eating disorders, discrimination, struggles with depression, anxiety, or addiction is not uncommon. Having loved ones or familial lines who struggle with these things is not uncommon. Death, grief, and heartache are part of the human experience just as much as joy and love are.

As facilitators, we are not holding space as mental health practitioners giving guidance and answers, we are holding space to witness and be witnessed and this is profoundly healing in itself.

We need courageous connection, and we need to see and be seen.

We need to be seen for the magnitude of our experiences that nobody else can know as deeply as we can. We need to lift the veils of our differences we have not been aware of before. And we also need to strip away the illusion that our experience of being human is completely unique. We are each a partial truth to the whole, and even though we have our differences, we are still wildly alike. When we strip away our stories, political beliefs, our opinions of the world, and our social and cultural identities, what rests below is a universal tenderness that we are all bound by. This type of connection is what helps us cope with the challenges of life, it's what helps us to embrace life and to embrace love.

We need one another.

The more we witness one another, we soften deeper into humanity, kindness, and compassion for ourselves and others. We grasp a greater understanding of the complexity of being human, we realize we aren’t that different, and this grants us a greater ability to cope, to learn, and live our lives as empowered beings who have been gifted Life.

We are all capable of holding this space. I can guarantee if you feel the call you are wildly capable.

What I have to offer are tools, skills, templates, perspectives, understandings, and formats that will spokenly, and unspokenly create a container for the people in your field to feel safe and show themselves, and for you to hold this space in integrity, confidence, and trust. How you hold space is going to dramatically impact at what depth the people you gather with show up, and I will share with you all I have learned over the past ten years working in groups of women how to hold vulnerable and empowering circles for yourself and those you sit with.

One participant last round said —

"I felt comfortable, and a sense of gratitude and fulfillment holding my first circles. I ended up holding three circles in our practice window and in each one there was at least one person where it was tangible that they REALLY needed the space and there was a huge release for them. I realized that I don't need to be perfect or do much other than making a place of safety for them to release. It was incredible to witness and made me realize how important it is to create these spaces. Witnessing someone else release and healing is powerful."

When it comes to circling with women and creating a profound space — how the container is held is everything.

The heart & essence —

You’ll be taught a foundational template that will be a container for you to harness your power as a feminine leader and master holding vulnerable and empowering space for women to do deep soul work. 

This foundational template will hold you as you find your way, and it’s also designed for you to make it your own and infuse it with your medicine, essence, and flavor. 

This template can hold on it’s own, and it can be integrated into retreats, workshops, collaborations with other facilitators, and it can be shapeshifted for special occasions such as maiden blessing, mother blessings, grief work, psychedelic integration, ceremony, and so much more. 

Abby has been holding circles for ten years, and the foundational work she will be teaching you is a part of everything she does. It touches how she sits with one-on-one clients, how she works with women in bodywork, how she relates with women in her life, and it infuses the essence of everything she offers in the way she understands, sees, relates, connects, and works with women. 

You will not only be learning the seen and outward steps of holding space for women, you will be tapping into the roots and heart of the vast experience of woman, the feminine, and sisterhood — all in their power and in their collective wounds, and shadows.

This journey is a courageous claim of your power to pick up a torch and lead the way while coming into close contact with your worth and validity to do so.

Structure & what's Included —

This experience will include four live calls via Zoom and a group chat where Abby will be active with the group through your time together walking each of you through this process answering questions, and giving guidance (this will be via Telegram — free to download and very user friendly). The first 3 calls will be spaced two weeks apart to support the processing, and embodiment that comes with this work. You will have 4 weeks after the 3rd call to hold your circle before we come back together to reflect.

These calls will be a mix of teachings rooted in strategy and implementation, as well as mindset, energetics, ethics, and boundaries. This is not just a logistical training, it’s rooted in feminine embodiment and nervous system regulation. This whole experience will be a deep process of connecting with yourself as a woman, your story as a woman, and getting clear in regards to what it means, looks like, and feels like for you to step into leadership as a woman in this way.

You will have various homework assignments and practices after each call, including holding a solo ceremony after the first two sessions, and after the third session, you will hold your first circle open to others. The first three sessions will be rooted in teaching and preparation, while the final session will be rooted in reflection. The last call will be for integration to share your experience, celebrate, ask questions you are left with, and support you in fine-tuning your facilitation and experience moving forward.

This offering is for women who want to gather. It doesn’t matter if you want to circle up with your best friends at home, or if you want to rent space, charge, and gather with clients or people you don’t know. It matters that you want to gather, and this experience will support you in making this your own in relationship to your desires and scope of practice.

Everything taught will be in direct relationship to the participants and what their visions are.

If you would like to read more about what Abby has said about this training in the past, and about the different facets of holding space, here is a series of emails she has sent out —

Who am I to lead?

Where the dark meets the light.

Claiming your magic.

Circles vs. Therapy

Why not do it yourself?

January 13th - March 20th, 2025

Dates, details, & registration.


We begin Monday, January 13th, 2025

Opening content & inquiries, initial introductions, & onboarding into the program & telegram group.

Call #1: Thursday, January 16th, 10:o0 am - 1:00 pm PST

Feminine Leadership: Holding the field & getting clear.

The energetics of holding space, self-regulation, finding your why, and understanding the collective wounds & power of woman, the feminine, and sisterhood. 

Call #2: Thursday, January 30th, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm PST

The Container: Finding your flow & medicine.

Structure, boundaries, & ethics. Handling conflict. Reclaiming the witch, claiming your magic, and finding your flavor.

Call #3: Thursday, February 13th, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm PST

Fruition: Embodying your power and putting it into action.

Organization, communication, marketing, money, implementation.​ Power and the shadow of the wounded healer.

Call # 4: Thursday, March 20th, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm PST

Integration Session: Reflection and questions.

Where you have been, and where you are going.

**Please note that the calls will vary in time, capping at 3 hours depending on live attendees, with questions and conversation. **

Don’t stress if you can’t make the live calls

This is why the telegram group is here — Abby will be available for all your questions and conversation and for you to digest, and implement the content. You can share text or voice memos — Abby will walk you through all of this.

If you are ready to answer the call — Abby cannot wait to welcome you.

Register here — limited to 7.

Pay in full or choose a payment plan.

Optional add-ons and additional notes —

— The Heart Flower Essence Blend, and the Womb Flower Essence Blend — Abby’s uses these in circle every time she holds space. ($22/bottle, inquire about whole sale if you want to include in your circles for participants).

— Abby offers one-on-one sessions for $125/hour if anyone ends up wanting a deeper dive of support and guidance for their process whether during or after the series.

— Teaching live with live attendees is really fun, but most importantly, Abby has chosen to teach live each time she offers this training because the experience is catered to the particular group, and their visions, and callings. The chat group is set up to keep everyone in close communion through this journey whether they can make the calls live or not.

If your heartstrings are stirring and you are unsure or have any questions, reach out to Abby. She’s more than happy to help you find clarity.