Shapeshifting the Goddess
A 9-month journey for women ready to unleash their feminine power, fall madly in love with themselves, and live wildly from their place of truth by embodying the power of eight feminine archetypes.
October 2024 - June 2025
Virtual & in-person options
Scroll down to join the waitlist for 2025/2026
The Goddess has many faces and the feminine psyche has many facets. Our freedom comes from our capacity to embrace ALL of her.
A 9-month journey of ceremony, somatics, shadow work, and pleasure for women ready to unleash their feminine power, fall madly in love with themselves, and live wildly from their place of truth.
The feminine shows herself in a vast array of embodiments. The Goddess shapeshifts every step of the way, and so does every aspect of our feminine energy as it alchemizes what we need moment by moment. This shapeshifting nature of Shakti within us serves as a divine ally, protecting and serving us in relativity to our life and energy body in this human experience. To be a woman is to be in a state of constant alchemy. We are ever-changing fluid beings of uncontainable magic.
For those who step into the flames, we will dance with the Maiden, Sovereign Woman, Virgin, Mother, Queen, Crone, Mystic, and Lover shapeshifting out of our stories, wounds, and everything keeping us small, into the wildly free woman we were always meant to be.
The more we can surrender to the raw truths that arise within us, and the more we utilize these archetypes as guides that are available but often unrealized — the more access we have to our freedom, wisdom, and joy. As we shapeshift through these different embodiments we unlock parts of ourselves we've never grasped and open up untapped facets of our psyche we haven’t met. We uncover wounds waiting to be healed and powers waiting to be claimed.
This container will be held over nine months for you to sit in both sacred space by yourself and as a group together. There will be the option to partake in an opening and closing retreat, and one in-person circle mid-way through our journey together, or you can solely participate virtually. Everyone will be guided to hold ceremony on their own or with one another throughout our time together. Everyone will receive weekly deep dives invoking you to drop in layer, after layer, archetype, by archetype, priming you to digest and integrate before communing together. When we are together, we will gather in ritual, open to the divine, share, and root into somatic wisdom and practices to instill the activation of each embodiment in its healed state. The virtual sessions will be time where Abby is teaching somatic practices and additional teaching regarding the archetypes, and time will also be allotted for Q &A, shares, and reflection. For those who are participating virtually, you will receive all of the same content in synch with those attending the in-person portions, and we will all gather together for monthly virtual sessions, you will simply be opting out of the opening and closing retreats, and mid-journey circle.
This is a pilgrimage to reclaim the vastness of our wildness that has been lost but has never left us.
This is a pilgrimage of re-membering. We are summoning every manifestation of our divine feminine energy so no parts of ourselves are left unclaimed. Prayers are being sung calling in the right women who this space will be of greatest service — for each individual and the group as a whole.
A living altar is simmering and it will be fed and tended for the duration of our time together for your healing and awakening. Spirit will be communing with you. The divine Goddess in her many forms will be working with you and through you. This container is a bridging of excavating our psyche and mental selves, working with our conscious and unconscious selves, as well as a journey of spiritual awakening and spiritual healing.
Each archetype is an essence of the Goddess — a divine being we can call upon for healing, protection, and guidance. Each archetype is also very much alive within us, waiting for us to awaken to the realization of our divinity. Through each archetype we will illuminate our shadows and stories holding us back, we will illuminate lost parts of ourselves that have turned off and shut down over time, and we will summon the healed states to reclaim every single ounce of ourselves.
As we shapeshift through these archetypes within, they will shapeshift the world around us, and shapeshift our lives to support our wildest truth.
Join the waitlist to be the first in the know for the next round.

Anezka Drazil: Shapeshifting the Goddess 2022/2023
“ I have experienced too many significant shifts and revelations to name them all.
I’ve seen the archetypes come up in boundaries big time. I’ve seen a shift in friendships. I’m standing up and telling the truth — redefining them and the boundaries. I’m taking care of myself rather than giving all of me away like I’m not worth it. I'm taking responsibility for my relationship messes, and my contributions and cleaning them up. I'm allowing deep hidden wells of grief to release. I’m making space and time for my wounds to be honored and healed. I’m truthfully looking at relationships that are toxic and releasing them.
I’m dancing consciously in the ancient art of magic as it moves in me, by going into nature and listening to the call. I’m being silly, playing with my grandson, getting my kitchen witch on. Dressing up. Talking to my ancestors, lighting lots of candles, and filling the house with wild smells. Collecting sticks and carrying them home and into my home simply because I want to, etc. I’m saying yes when I want to and no when I want to. I’m opening my heart to myself first and then others. I’m being softer. When I catch myself judging another I stop and am consciously aware saying, that’s none of my business.
I'm more sovereign and grounded. I‘ve watched myself step into business roles dealing with money, and business decisions in ways that break old stories of I can’t, or I don’t know how. It is breaking down the shame of feeling ignorant and incapable with money, technology, and social situations. My confidence is coming back. I’m not afraid of conflict. I’m capable, very comfortable in my skin, and ready to stay standing. I’ll never squat down low and hide ever again.
I feel reborn in many ways.”

What would it feel like to spend the next nine months devoted to freeing yourself to live unrestrained, and in alignment with your uninhibited truth?
This pilgrimage is designed to unveil the shadows keeping us small and stuck, it’s designed to consecrate ourselves while falling madly in love with the woman we find inside, and it’s designed to shapeshift our lives to harmonize with the truths and dreams we discover.
What’s included —
For those partaking in person — there will be an opening and closing retreat on either end of the entirety of the content, plus one mid-way circle. These gatherings will be rooted in somatic practices and will be ceremonial in nature. We will drink cacao, come into deep contact with our bodies’ intelligence and wisdom, and we will drop deep into our hearts, and souls. We will journal, share, and commune with one another, and invoke the healed state of the many faces of the Goddess.
Everyone will receive rich weekly content (both written and an audible version if you prefer listening) that will invoke the multiple facets of each archetype. This writing will take you deep, and it will include journal prompts and inquiries to contemplate each week.
Everyone will have access to live monthly virtual sessions — these sessions will include space to share our experiences, but they will largely be space for Abby to teach allowing the consciousness of the current archetype to flow freely, and for her to facilitate the group through somatic practices to integrate sustainable embodied shifts. Times will be polled once the group is finalized to meet different availabilities and time zones, and if you cannot make it live, recordings will be available. If the group desires, Abby will also offer a thread via WhatsApp or Telegram for voice memo shares to process our unfolding, and revelations together.
You’ll all receive guidance to hold ceremony on your own. In the opening content, there will be a portion to support you in developing your own ritual to play with and deepen throughout the nine months.
The last piece of this offering is the flowers…
There are eight flower essence blends that were made to invoke the divinity of each archetype within you. Each blend has been intentionally crafted to invoke the different facets of each archetype and to unravel and activate what aspects you as an individual need most.
The flowers are divine beings of light and they work with your being as an individual. It’s the spirit of the flower meeting your spirit face to face, taking you where you need to go. The flowers are one more channel of energetic activation, one more channel of healing, and one more channel of spiritual awakening that adds a tremendous amount of power to this journey. To physically ingest these energies is a potent addition.
I cannot recommend the flower essences enough. They are optional but an integral piece if you are open to them. The weekly invocations work with the deep psyche, our ceremony time will support energetic clearings and activation, and the essences are energetic and spiritual healers shapeshifting the imprints of beliefs, stories, and wounds stuck in our bodies daily as we walk this path.

Participant from the first rendition of Shapeshifting The Goddess in 2020 —
“This course changed my life. I had many "ah ha" moments for each archetype and they continue to unravel and provide teachings long after the course has finished. I'm so grateful for this class. It awoke in me aspects of myself I had forgotten about. I truly felt like I was reclaiming lost pieces of my heart. Abby has many gifts- the ability to speak to flowers, communicate those messages in an honest, accessible way, and to hold safe space for women to absorb and integrate those messages into themselves.”

Dates —
October 2024-June 2025
In-person events held at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen, Washington
Opening Retreat - Friday, October 11th - 12th
6 pm Friday - Saturday evening
Mid-way Circle - Saturday, February 15th
Times TBA
Closing Retreat - Friday, June 27th - 28th
6 pm Friday - Saturday evening
Monthly Virtual Sessions
These will be roughly 2 hours to integrate at the end of each archetype. Times will be polled once the group is set.
Accommodation is not included. The retreats have been set up this way for many reasons but most importantly, it makes this experience more accessible and adaptable for more women. If you do not live locally or want to have your own space for this time Society Hotel is just a few blocks away and has many options from dormitory-style beds for those on a budget, to private suites with kitchens. There’s a saltwater hot tub, cedar sauna, and cold plunge pool, as well as a restaurant on-site as well.
You will receive all the opening content on October 1st to traverse on your own and orient yourself before the opening retreat on the 11th. The following Sunday, October, 20th the Maiden will be introduced, and you will receive weekly, Sunday emails from there on out traversing each archetype. There are four weeks of content for each archetype, and you will hold a ritual or ceremony at the end of each and have the meditation to listen to supporting integration. There will be a few weeks along the way offering what I call a Holy Pause, a week with no content to rest and digest to allow some spaciousness as well.
Weekly content will come out on Sundays at 5 am PST and all in-person events will be held at Moon Mountain Highway, in Bingen, Washington.
Plan to set aside 30 minutes to an hour each week depending on what your capacity is — knowing whatever that is, is perfect and plenty. 15 minutes a week may be more realistic, at least some weeks — and that’s just fine. It’s about deciding what your capacity is and making the commitment to that. It’s a practice of devotion, keeping your momentum, and sticking with the process. You can choose your own pace, style, and flow to receive what’s offered and you get to find what works best for you.
The structure and format slightly shapeshift year by year to accommodate the shapeshifting nature of the Goddess, life, and to better accommodate women near and far in geographical location and Abby’s evolution as a facilitator. Join the waitlist to be the first to know as details for 2025/2026 solidify.

Laura Jack: Speaker, Author, Compassion Coach
“ There was a time in my life when I didn’t allow many to hold space for me.
As an experienced facilitator, I sometimes found I couldn’t relax…And then I met Abby and attended her circles. I felt so safe, held, and seen. I felt I could truly relax into her leadership and actually enjoyed not having to be in charge because she held such a safe container.
Abby IS magic and attracts wonderful humans to her work. I am forever grateful for her, the circles she creates, and I will continue participating whenever possible!! ”

Pricing & Registration
The all-inclusive in-person experience is $2100, and the virtual experience which includes everything except the opening and closing retreat, and the mid-journey in-person day retreat is $1100.
Payment plans are available below — choose your preference and click the applicable image to register.
The all-inclusive experience is limited to 12 people.
If you’d like an alternative payment plan, reach out to Abby.
If you live in a low-income country where USD pricing is completely out of context for your reality, please reach out.
The virtual experience contains all the same content as those joining for the in-person aspects of this journey, and you’ll all be traversing this journey together in sync. Times will be polled for the live virtual sessions once registration closes and we begin, and recordings will be available if you cannot make it live.
Anyone who partakes can join again another year for half-off the full price.
This journey is infinite and you will get more out of it every single time. With the live calls you will be getting new, original teachings, and the written content will remain largely the same. Having said this, repeat participants have asked if the written content was completely different because they had such different takeaways going around again.
The intention is for this to be an annual event that takes us deeper each time round, and though the container, shape, and form may shapeshift, or the price may change, Abby will honor this in her best integrity. Please note, that this half-off offer is not on top of any other discounts or specials that may arise.
All participants are also eligible for free shipping if they get the Archetype Flower Essence Set whether they are located in or outside the US.

Lori Lishan: Producer of the Coffee & Chi Podcast
“ Abby has had a profound impact on my own spiritual healing journey.
A number of years ago after my mother passed away, I was really feeling called to nurture my spiritual side. A friend invited me to one of Abby’s women’s circles — and I had to keep coming back for more. After a few circles I decided to experience one of her private sessions which was very unique, and I later attended a weekend retreat that she put on with a number of other healers and it was absolutely magical.
I’m so grateful we crossed paths, and that she does the amazing work that she does. If you’re ever so blessed to be in her presence she’s an absolute joy and a gifted and wise healer.

What should I know if I’m traveling from afar?
If you are flying, fly into Portland, Oregon (PDX) and The Gorge is an hour's drive east. You can take the CAT bus or train via Amtrack (Portland Union Station to Bingen, WA). Uber doesn’t run in Hood River, White Salmon, or Bingen, but you can catch one from Portland to the Gorge. Reach out to Abby and she is happy to walk you through options depending on your situation.
How will I receive all the content?
You will receive all the weekly content via email — no Facebook, or social media and lifetime access to the content you receive.
If I am participating virtually, will I receive content any differently?
You too will receive all the weekly content via email — no Facebook, or social media and lifetime access to the content you receive.
What if I get behind?
You are receiving everything via email so you can ultimately go at your own pace each month, but you need to take in the monthly content month by month to stay in sync with the group. It’s important to be devoted and make the space and time to not lose momentum — whatever that looks like for you. You are in charge of the rhythm and it’s up to you to honor your commitment and trust how that unfolds. If you feel like you are getting stuck, behind, or overwhelmed — life happens — I cannot encourage you enough to keep moving. Even if you feel like you could spend more time, don’t linger. The Goddess works in mysterious ways — trust her.
What if I miss the mid-way circle?
If you are traveling from afar, and the mid-way circle is too much, that is just fine. Trust spirit is carrying you and that you are receiving exactly what you need. Pricing will not be adjusted and refunds will not be made if the circle is missed but Abby will offer you an option to share with the group by either sending her a voice memo she can play or a letter/email she can read aloud, and you will be able to stay in touch with the other women if you wish to share your experiences on your own time. You will be energetically carried in the container, and if at all possible light a candle and be in solitude and stillness at the same time we are circled to be in the field with us. Again, have faith that you are getting what you need and trust the process.
Is accommodation included for the retreats?
No. You will have to arrange housing on your own. The retreats are set up this way for many reasons but most importantly, it makes this experience more accessible and adaptable to more women. As far as lodging Society Hotel is just a few blocks away and has many options from dormitory-style beds to private suites with kitchens. There’s a saltwater hot tub, cedar sauna, and cold plunge pool, and there is a restaurant on-site as well. You can walk to the studio where we will be gathering in minutes!
How much time do I need to spend?
You’ll receive content weekly. Plan to spend somewhere between 30 minutes to an hour each week reading what’s been offered and journaling around whatever comes up though 15 minutes a week may be more realistic — and that’s just fine. Preferably spend as much time as you need to feel complete, but know 30 minutes is a good commitment. Aside from this, attend the virtual calls or watch the recording to integrate and shift from one archetype to the next.
Will I have forever access?
Yes! All content is sent via email, so yes. You can save it and refer back at any time but please do not forward or share the content with anyone else.
Are the Flower Essences included?
The Flower Essence Set is sold separately and the course can be done without them. It’s a personal choice but highly recommended to include. The essences are the physical manifestation of this medicine. Each bottle emanates the medicine invoked and physically ingesting it is powerful.
The set includes 8 blends and is $150. If you choose to include them and are participating in person, Abby will bring them to the opening retreat so no shipping is necessary. If you participating virtually, free shipping is offered whether you are in or outside of the U.S. and you will receive a coupon code in the opening content. If you are including them, it’s ideal to have them from the beginning, but you are absolutely welcome to order them at any time, and individual refills are available if you run out of some before others.
What are flower essences and should anyone not take them?
Flower Essences are vibrational medicine in a tincture-like form you ingest orally that affects your subtle energy body, emotional body, and spirit. They are made with fresh spring water infused with the vibrational imprint of fresh blooms under the sun or moon. They are incredibly safe to take and gentle on the earth to make. There are no contraindications meaning they are safe during pregnancy and while breastfeeding and in combination with other medications. You take 1-7 single drops at a time in water or underneath your tongue. They’re typically preserved in brandy though vegetable glycerine is available upon request.
If you are considering including the essences, know that the journey-meditation portion during the in person circles, and the virtual ceremonies each month will serve as a healing, clearing, and activation to instill the healed state within us, and the essence blends take this a step further. They are like a spiritual healing session and divine guides in a bottle that will recalibrate your energetic being and support you in awakening to new facets of each archetype that best serve you.
What if I have another question?
If you have any remaining questions, email Abby at info@abbymchale.com.
With an abundance of love,
Abby & the Marigold Women