Falling in love with the heart of the Earth Mother.

Spirituality always started in the roots of the earth mother. She was once the almighty divinity. It doesn’t matter what crevasse or corner of the world we were born from, the roots of our existence are of mother earth. The essence of our ancestors are woven through her landscape, and future generations depend on the embrace of this connection. Over the years we’ve lost sight of her holiness as a collective and therefore we’ve lost a sense of honor that reminds us where we’ve come from, and the truth of our invincibility

The earth mother is calling. It’s time to come home.

In most, if not all cultures, there was an honoring of below and above and the four directions of north, east, south, and west. They are all honored somewhat different culture to culture but there are basic roots we all honored. Our surrounding. The life that is outside of us, and the life that sustains our own. The earth mother is a force that’d we’d be nothing without. As spiritual beings in a physical body, it’s time to open our eyes to the earth as a spiritual being in a physical form that is housing us through this precious life of existence.

The earth speaks. The flowers speak. The mountains, the sun, the moon, and stars all speak. It’s up to us to listen. Listening to their stories is our journey of falling involve with the heart of the earth mother.

The earth has been revered as the earth mother because she greatly symbolizes the Mother and our dependence upon her. She feeds us, bathes us, nourishes us and nature is our greatest source of nurture.  All creatures on this planet live in harmony with her cycles, her landscapes, and her seasons, and their ability to dance with her is their ability to thrive.

Humans have attempted misuse of power and abuse of the earth for their gain. Look at how we treat women and the embodiment of the feminine and look at how we treat the earth. It’s insightful. We can try to dominate the great mother all we want, but she can’t be.

Polarities of truth are always alive. Yes, evolution is happening, and maybe there is simply are too many humans to live in harmony with the earth and seasons anymore. We’ve lengthened life expectancy and expanded the comfort of living, but there is always a sacrifice. Nothings perfect. This is part of the journey. The cycle of birth and becoming, endings and death, and once again new life are endlessly flowing. We’ve crossed a threshold in this cycle of dare I say, no return. It’s our choice now to decide what’s important to us and what we want to do moving forward. 

Unlike the life cycle between us and our elders, the earth mother will live beyond us.

It doesn’t make any difference to the earth itself whether we believe in her magic or that she should be revered or not, she will live beyond us. We can destroy the waterways with plastic and toxins and it will kill us before her. We can shred the atmosphere and pollute the sky and it will kill us before her. We can destroy the amazon, deforest the globe, and turn our cheek on climate change and it will kill us before her. 

Tending a deep love and true love with the earth mother as the Great Mother, the Divine Mother, and our Soul Mother is for the sake of our own souls and consciousness that are aching for the remembrance of unity that is age-old wisdom in our bones.  I’d imagine she’d love this - our presence, our ears, and our eyes, but our souls need this more than hers. She is spirit, she is already awake to the things we will never grasp in one human lifetime. The opportunity and risk are ours to not chose a deep love with her.

It doesn’t matter our religion or faith, or lack of either. The earth mother is as at the heart of it all. The earth is our home and borders, passports, cultural differences, or beliefs do not separate us from our dependence upon her. She’s all of our mothers.

If we revered the great mother, the earth as our greatest teacher so much chaos would disintegrate. The fast-paced erratic rhythms we’ve been taught to believe as survival would lose their grip on us. Our resistance to change would be enveloped by the beauty of birth and death, and our judgments of one another would transform into a vision of wholeness. We’d be able to grasp that our difference and conflicts are what makes us one beautiful living, breathing, dynamic organism of infinite growth and expansion. 

Our mental health, our emotional health, and our spiritual health all come back to the earth. Making relationship with our environment is the direct portal to grounding and presence. Our root chakra is our root into the earth and our root chakra is our foundation and our stability for the entirety of our being. These are the roots that enable everything else to move and flourish through us and in us.

If we lose relationship to our roots - if we lose relationship to the earth mother, we lose relationship to our soul.

In old culture, songs were of the earth, medicine was directly from the source, ceremony cherished the elements, honored the constellations, called upon the star gods and people understood the moon pulled on their our souls like it did on the tides. Gratitude and right relationship with the earth were the heart of living. 

Death rates used to be higher, life expectancy shorter, but a richness was there I suspect we’ve lost in a dance with things we have gained. There are vast landscapes of wisdom and heartache between physical poverty and spiritual poverty that reveal themselves differently for each and every one of us. It’s different medicine through different lineages, ancestries, geography, and spans of history. We’ve all gained unique knowledge and compassion from our own eyes of life, and we’ll get to pass this on through the heart of the earth mother when our bodies alchemize back to dust. It will be there for those who chose to listen.

The earth is a bridge to the divine and we’ve been disconnected from her through technology, processed food we buy on shelves that are packaged in plastic and left sitting under fluorescent lights. We drink water that’s been chemically treated, take vitamins in a pill, and ignore the circadian rhythm of our beings aching to synch with the great mother’s energy.

Having said that, it doesn’t make the world any less beautiful. Nothing can take away her magic. We only lose sight of it. There are many things to have immense gratitude for in this grand evolution of humanity. May we grasp the beauty, love, and strength in our presences amidst the confusion that is part of the human experience, and may we remember that when our souls get heavy to return to the earth. 

When our souls get heavy, may we remember to submerse ourselves in the ocean, or climb atop a mountain. May we remember to nuzzle up in a field of wildflowers, and speak to the critters. May we remember to take our shoes off allowing our feet to be bare and dirty. May we remember to sleep amongst the forest or wish upon the stars. May we remember to soak in the beauty of this world, not just through our eyes.

Falling in love with the heart of the earth mother is hearing the birds at dawn sing the sun into showing itself each morning. It’s seeing the first signs of life budding upon bare trees or bursting through the soil come spring. It’s being able to hear the silence in the snow of winter.

Falling in love with the heart of the earth mother is seeing her waters as sacred and seeing the plants and flowers as the divine incarnated. It’s nourishing your body with reverence for the sustenance she offers you. It’s feeling the moon as the ancient grandmother, the sun as the holy father that tends the life of his sweet love, the earth mother, and the stars as the messengers of the cosmos. It’s seeing the mountains as breast and the snowmelt as the life-giving waters that breed life in the rich fertile soil of the earth mother’s belly. 

Falling in love with the heart of the earth mother is being humbled by the cycle of life dancing through the lives of all creatures - the two-legged, the four-legged, the many-legged, the finned, the furred, and the feathered. It’s feeling spirit in your breath, fire in your belly, the rivers and aquifers in your veins, and the old-growth forests in your bones.

Falling in love with the heart of the earth mother is falling in love with something divine. Someone unconditional, all compassionate, fierce, strong, and gentle.

She teaches us true, dependable, unshakable love. We can grieve on her belly, fall in love in her arms, tell her our secrets and she will drink our tears and share great wisdom. She will ground us, love us, and brings us back to center. She will bring us back to heart.

Falling in love with the heart of the earth mother invokes a love in the deepest depths of your own heart for yourself and life. She shows us infinite love that no other human, or accomplishment, or finite source can give us. She grants us the ability to fall in love with the heart of the earth mother, in her, in you, and in everything.

With love,


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