11 ways to practice energy work on yourself.

Practicing energy work and spiritual healing on ourselves is an act of taking our feminine power back. Energy work is ultimately keeping our energy bodies moving, vibrant, and strong. Everything in this world is either energy or matter, and women are innately intuitive and wise, tapped into the unseen world. We have forgotten our power as healers, and more than that we’ve forgotten our power to heal ourselves.

Some energy work practices are more internal, and some are more active. Know that a combination of both in your life, keeping a balance between the two will create more momentum on your vitality.


#1 Energy work through visualization and intent.

Our imagination and visualization is a powerful way of practicing energy work on ourselves. Our minds are a potent bridge between body and spirit between the seen and unseen worlds, and between energy and matter. You can move energy within your body with your mind, intent, and attention. Tracking your body with your mind is a powerful practice.

Scan and track where your energy feels alive, and where it feels stagnant, dense, or contracted. When you come to density, pause, and breath into it until it comes to life. You will feel a vibrational shift.



 #2 Energy work through breathwork.

Breath is another powerful tool highlighting that our minds are a potent bridge between the body and spirit in between the seen and the unseen world. When you breathe imagine it traveling to certain parts of your body as you scan, imagine as though you are breathing life into these energy centers or parts within you. If you're feeling depressed, angry, or anxious imagine you are breathing into wherever you feel that sensation within and let the breath recalibrate the tension you are feeling.


Many indigenous lineages believe breath is spirit. You blow your breath into items to offer prayer. And you breathe into yourself as though you were bringing the divine into you for healing. Breath into your chakras, breath into your womb, your heart, and your third eye.

Kundalini energy is largely invoked by breath, and breathwork is a common practice to either calm yourself, or reach a trancelike state where you can get out of your head, into your primal self releasing inhibitions, or to access divine wisdom.

#3 Energy work through color.

Bring in color as you track your body and use your breath. You can see what arises or you can choose a color in your imagination to fill your body with. Imagine your body filling with rainbow opalescent light, with gold and yellow, with emerald green, indigo, or silver. Let these colors work through your being and trust the medicine that they each bring. 

Also, play with the color you surround yourself with, play with the color in your home, of your clothes, and all around you in your external environment. Create beauty. It will reverberate within.


 #4 Energy work through movement.

Play with what your body is craving and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. If you want to mix your energy up you have to mix up your movement.


Depending on what kind of energy you're needing you may want more structured movement in your life or more free flow. You may want more vigorous movement or more restorative.

Let your movement speak to you and through you. Let yourself move unrestrained and let the divine move through you to heal your body and spirit in the way that it needs

Dance is often used as a profound outlet for somatic healing, and I was taught that the breath and movement of yoga was a dance and an offering to spirit like a prayer. Many indigenous dance rituals are deeply intertwined with prayer and healing. Our bodies are the temples of our souls, let them communion with one another in this honor.


#5 Energy work through sound.

Sound can come in the form of listening to music, playing instruments, receiving sound healing (like singing bowls, or tuning forks), or singing.


Sound is vibration, and different frequencies of sound create and affect different energies. You can use music to accompany dancing and movement. You can imagine music moving through your body and shapeshifting your energy. Singing reverberates vibrational ripples throughout your physical body and this is part of mantras, kirtan, toning, and devotional singing. It takes us to a state of the divine out of our heads. You can also just listen to music and see how it affects your mood. 


Sometimes we want to listen to sad music because it helps us grieve but if you keep listening to it you'll get stuck in the story of grief and you won't be able to get out. Remember that when we want to shift our energy, we have to shift out of our comfort zone, and make sure to keep it moving and shapeshifting. Use music to raise your vibration, calm you down, or invigorate you. Use music to keep your energy moving.


 #6 Energy work invoked by prayer

You can pray to spirit and ask for support. You can place your hands on your body where you are wanting healing whether it's an energy center such as your heart or whether you have an injury and you need physical healing. You can pray and ask spirit for help and guidance, and you know that your own hands are a channel for divine energy to move through.

You can sit on the earth and pray for the earth to hold you, and for you to open to the wisdom of the cosmos, the stars, the sun the moon, and the sky. You can pray to be held by the North, the East, the South, and the West.

You can imagine you are breathing in energy up from the earth through your tailbone, up through your spine, and on the exhale that energy is moving out the top of your crown going up to the heavens. The next inhale, breath in from the heavens through your crown, down your spine, and out your tailbone into the earth as you exhale, continuing to go back and forth. Cleansing, opening, and awakening.




#7 Energy work through the elements.

The earth has always been known for grounding, the water has been known for cleansing and blessing, fire for transmutation, and air to connect with spirit.


You can lie down on the Earth and feel yourself ground into gravity. You can imagine roots growing out of your tailbone through the earth like a tree. You can bathe in the wind to cleanse you of your worries. You can be caressed by a gentle breeze of nurturing. You can get in a river or the ocean, and be reset to the vibrational frequency of the wild water, and if you don’t have access, take a bath with attention and intention. You can sit with fire and offer what no longer serves you to burn, and then imagine and act out scooping the fire into your belly to fill you with its vitality and strength.



Spirit works and mysterious ways and with imagination, visualization, and intent you can always call upon the spirit of the elements if you don’t have them literally with you.

#8 Energy work through plant medicine.

Never underestimate the power of the earth and plant medicine. They are the divine incarnated. You can use essential oils, flower essences, flower or herb baths, hydrosols, tea, cacao, or any sort of plant for topical or internal use to change or recalibrate your energy. Any sort of aromatherapy or plant medicine is vibrational therapy and will invoke spiritual self-healing and energy work upon you.

Each plant carries different vibrational frequencies, and this is something you can either read and learn about or simply follow your intuition regarding what you are craving.


**Always know the safety precautions when it comes to plants.*** Plants are powerful and are not to be taken lightly. I love flower essences for this reason, as they are very safe and gentle with no contraindications. Do your research or simply sit with a plant and take in its presence.



#9 Energy work through your physical body.

We are spiritual beings in a physical body. What are you eating, how are you exercising, and what are your stress levels? Our physical vitality supports energetic change to happen.


Physical movement and exercise get your blood flowing and your heart pumping which moves energy. Valuing your physical strength, endurance and health translate to more vitality which supports us to change our ways of thinking. 


When we are exhausted, optimism, willpower, and positivity plummet. Our physical health directly affects our mental health and vice versa. When we need to shift our mindset from hopelessness to gratitude and faith, or from scarcity to abundance our mind needs to be invigorated and vibrant and our physical health supports this greatly. 


When we are depressed the world looks grim When we are lacking sleep, struggling with lethargy, and our body is in pain, the world can feel bleak and we can feel trapped seeing no way out. All the things that wear us out, or take a toll on our physical and mental health are a detriment to not only our overall wellbeing but the stamina we need to make real change.

#10 Energy work through your hormones, pleasure, and play.

Balancing our hormones, as well as understanding our hormonal cyclical nature as women, gives us important knowledge to work with our energy, and leverage our healing process. We are cyclical creatures and if we don’t embrace our natural ebb and flow we will always be swimming against the current wondering what is wrong with us.


Our cyclical nature is meant to feed pleasure, and without honoring the full-wave like the four seasons, we won’t have the energy to thrive, and all seasons will feel flat. Rest when you need rest. And PLAY without purpose when you are inspired.

Feeding our hearts and brains with the feel-good hormones that pleasure invokes raises our life force energy, feeds our vitality, creativity, and overall chi. Play, play, play, and laugh making a deep relationship with the five senses of sound, sight, smell, taste, and touch. Pleasure is crucial to our well-being, our energy bodies, our healing, growth, and spirituality.

#11 Energy work through your mental and emotional health.

Our mental health directly impacts our energy body tremendously. We are what we think.

We have to constantly check in with our beliefs, our perspectives of the world, the stories that we are attached to and recognize where they are keeping us stuck and withholding our potential. 

Gratitude, abundance, optimism, and positivity are incredibly important for our wellbeing and we have to practice and put the effort in to change our neural pathways into seeing all that life has to offer and realizing how much power we have to create our circumstances. The only thing we have control over in life is our perspective of it and how we meet it. We can be pessimistic, and bitter, or we can always search for the silver lining and make it out of what we have. 

Our emotional health is equally impactful. Emotion is energy in emotions and when we withhold our emotions our energy bodies harden and become stagnant. We have to allow our emotions to move, and we allow ourselves to be swallowed by them.

When we start seeing depression, anxiety, scarcity, fear, insecurity, self-doubt, shame, guilt, and the martyr/hero-victim-villain triangle as simply dense, contorted, or ungrounded energy, (not the stories that go with them) we realize that we have more power than we think and that proactive action can be taken. It’s all just energy. And energy work takes practice like anything else.

Taking care of our energy bodies is taking care of our body, mind, and spirit. They are bound and woven deeply.

Going to a practitioner to receive reiki, or shamanic healing can be lovely and powerful, but we shouldn't depend on it. Just like we can't depend on a doctor to keep our physical health in shape - we have to be active in the process daily. Our spirits and energy are just the same.

Committing to self-care on every end of the spectrum is what brings us joy, vitality, good health, and happiness. Consider your practice of self-care now. Do you tend more to your body, mind, or spirit? Which one is lacking? Out of these 11 steps which have you not tried, or what calls out to you most. Our minds are powerful, our bodies are powerful, and spirit and energy are powerful. They all can orchestrate one another but we have to step into the seat of the power that is ours and start orchestrating.


With light and love beautiful soul, may you awaken to the magic and power that is right at your fingertips and claim it.



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