Attuning to the unseen world.

Our feminine power comes from many things — and attuning to the unseen world is the center point from which we must navigate everything. Activating our feminine power is profoundly nurtured by our relationship with the divine, great spirit, or whatever that force that is greater than us may be. Yes, a huge part of our power comes from our inner work — it comes from the Liberation of Shadow Work and the great work of shifting from Shame to Self-Love, but our power as women also comes from awakening our felt sense feminine intelligence that is bound with the divine.

Our feminine power comes from harmonizing with the unseen within and around us. It’s our relationship with the consciousness that is moving us, and moving through us. Our power is ignited when we physically, mentally, and emotionally harmonize with our own inner vastness and the divinity all around us.

We are cyclical beings. Our bodies, energy, and spirit are cyclical. The earth, the universe, and the cosmos are all cyclical. The moon pulls on the tides of the oceans, as well as our inner waters. All life is bound, tidal, and rippling in cause and effect as one inseparable living organism. There is a universal rhythm that is ebbing and flowing, stopping, starting, and shapeshifting in a way that is far from stagnant or predictable. This grand orchestra of life is the Divine. There is no algorithm. Our power comes from our ability to feel, and listen, and be led.  Our power comes from our ability to energetically dance, and be danced. 

Until we attune to the unseen, we will be swimming upstream, and scrambling blindly against forces that are carrying us elsewhere.

There is consciousness all around us — in the plants, soil, trees, flowers and mycelium. There is a consciousness in the elements, in the stars, in the sun, and in the moon. There’s even a consciousness in our DNA, bones, blood, and organs. There is life and intelligence all around us that we can communicate with, and that we can open ourselves to so it can move through us, speak to us, speak through us, heal us, guide us, and awaken us to the potential at our fingertips — if we would just listen.

Our power comes from surrendering the control we never had, it’s surrendering to the unknown, accepting that we’ll never really know the forces at play, while knowing we can trust them to lead us. It’s not about defining something we can’t, it’s not about surrendering to a force greater than us because it must know best either. It’s that there is a force greater than us that will cause much more suffering to work against than to work with.  

Defining spirit or the divine, what it is, or how it works doesn’t really matter. Learning to make peace with the undefinable forces we are bound to, and attuning ourselves to them is what does. We don’t have to always understand them. We just have to make peace with them. Once we learn to dance with the life flowing through us and around us — this is when magic starts to unfold, and synchronicities begin to ripple and gain momentum.

There is a miracular aspect to our existence, healing, and unfolding — but spirituality is not about wielding power it’s about awakening to the power of Life we are immersed in.

Our healing and awakening is not something we can just mentally or emotionally work through, there is an energetic aspect to it and it’s not something we can activate or initiate on command. And though it’s not something we can activate or initiate on command, doing our mental and emotional work, and having acute mental and emotional awareness does prep us to leverage the forces around us, and the healing potential within us. And the only way to do all of this is to create sacred space so that we can attune.

Ceremony, ritual, and stillness are all profoundly important when tending our feminine power. When it comes to what this looks like — it doesn’t really matter.

The bottom line is that we make sacred space for ourselves — which means making space to hear, and feel, and intuit what is present. This is how we attune. Your sacred space or spirituality cannot be prescribed by anybody else. Maybe it’s when you are dancing, or singing. Maybe it’s in the mountains, under the stars, in a candle-lit bath, drawing tarot cards at dawn, or maybe it’s in the church. It doesn’t matter. It’s not where or what it is — it’s the essence of the space you create. Sacred space, is space to be with the sacredness of your spirit, and your soul, and the great mystery of this life.

Our power is not about overpowering the forces around us to get what we think we want, it’s feeling the power around us and within us and being led where the wisdom of the unseen is coaxing us. 

There may not be a rhyme or reason for everything. And maybe there is. Maybe we never get the things we long for most, or our dreams never unfold — and maybe they do. No matter how much action we take, or how strong our will is, there are no guarantees.  And part of attuning to the unseen world is accepting this.

Communing with spirit is about listening more than anything. It’s about orienting and grounding. It’s about being able to improvise with what we are given and make beauty of it. It’s about healing our relationship with what is and claiming the power we do have to create the life we wish.

The more intimate we are with the unseen, spirit, or the divine, and the more aware we are of the unseen world and energies at play around us and within us, and the more aware and connected we are to that universal consciousness or force that is much larger than we are — the more we can ride the wave of universal momentum that is pulling us wherever it may be taking us.

Attuning to the unseen is about awakening to this universal momentum, communing with it, and being led by it.

Through the process of Shame to Self-Love our hearts soften, our spirits soften and we begin to set ourselves free from our own imprisonment. Through the Liberation of Shadow Work, our perspective shifts, our actions shift, and our focal points shift opening us to a whole new world of possibilities. But once we tune into the unseen within and around us, we are unleashed into the flow of divine synchronicities, divine timing, and divine unfolding. We genuinely find divine trust, and we unlock a well of unseen support and guidance. We tap into another dimension, and we all of a sudden find ourselves living in a world of magic, where wild things start happening, and our life begins to function in a state of ease.

Our life begins to function in a state of ease not because we evade all struggle and hardship, our life begins to function in a state of ease because we stop fighting and have learned to improvise and find beauty in all of it — because there really is beauty in all of it.

With love,

Abby and the Marigolds

5 Days Awakening
your Feminine Energy

Daily written content, journal prompts, and a guided-meditation invoking the Goddess

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    The wild woman and the sacredness of our bodies.


    The liberation of shadow work.